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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Eight: Call Me The Breeze
All's quiet on the Gaian front. Well, on your end anyway. No announcement yet this week, but that doesn't mean nothing's going on. Everything's all abuzz over here at Gaia HQ, so here we go...

No more nights in the Train Station for me!
There wasn't a major announcement for it, but a bunch of housing bugs were fixed just the other day, allowing me for the first time to place my meager home. All I have in it right now are a carpet, a TV, and an armchair -- but it sure beats spending nights sleeping outdoors in Gaia Towns. I mean, there's bugs and trash everywhere!

Ever wonder where all that trash comes from? I do. I think we need one of those "Give a Hoot / Don't Pollute" owls in Gaia towns. Except instead of spouting rhyming catchphrases, he should swoop down, carry away, and devour Gaians who litter.

Oh yeah, he also has to be 20 feet tall. Roc and roll!

I think I'm turning Japanese
(Yes, I know what the song title means. Don't even start.)

I'm not turning Japanese so much as turning into a Gaian. It started gradually...

At first I just logged in to check if I got any PMs. Then people started leaving profile comments.

Then I logged back in to check my PMs and profile comments, and people started leaving profile comments and journal comments.

Then came the GCD. Then came the feedback forum. Then came WWLA. Then I launched Daily Chance, and that kept me on my toes.

Now I can't sleep unless I log in to Gaia and make sure I've responded to all my PMs and comments. I don't sleep much nowadays sweatdrop

New Feature Update!!!


(No hints, remember?!)

The Gaia Paradox: I hate Gaia... I love Gaia?
The title is inspired by one of my favorite comics. You can check it out here.

Two threads came to my attention recently, and I think they're both pretty interesting. Give them a glance:

GAIA HATE scream

heart Gaia Love heart

After seeing people argue about it back and forth, it's hard to say what people agree is good about the site and what people agree is bad about the site.. Here's what it seemed to boil down to me:

The GOOD: Gaia breaks less, has more features, more items. and more stuff to do
The BAD: Gaia doesn't feel like a world anymore, the name Go-Gaia was better than GaiaOnline, the layout is still crap
User Image

THE BIG QUESTION: What are the top 3 ways Gaia can change to make it better?

Random Gaia Facts!
1. A new dev, edydawg, was a friend of mine before he joined Gaia. Welcome him!

2. For lunch on Tuesday, we had make-your-own-burrito day!

3. Jakobo seriously pwns at Ping Pong. (Ouch, my pride!)

4. We were laughing so hard at lunch today, even Kaia9 told us we were making too much noise!

5. Lanzer is made entirely out of chocolate and diamonds.

User Comments: [36] [add]
Cid High-Wind
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 08:07am
New Feature: "..." rofl

Lanzer is made entierly out of chocolate and diamonds! eek I...I...*sniff* I never thought I'd find another like me! crying

I guess Kaia likes to be loud. ninja

And you're not ugly! mad

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 08:09am
The question:
What are the top 3 ways Gaia can change to make it better?

One is to prevent hackings.
I am still terrified of being hacked.

*inflates her ego*

bad crushy *hits self for adversiting*

Crushed Dreams
Community Member
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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 08:14am

.:[I Came, I Polled, I Posted]:.

2 Months on Gaia and your addicted, im telling you its all the Caffeine and other addictive substances that Admins lace the site with. Its a conspiracy I tells yah ninja

edydawg.....The strange thing is that I have a friend at school whose name is eddy and he likes to refer to himself as "E-Dog" which is remarkably similar to edydawg.

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 08:42am
Challenge L0cke to an arm wrestling competition. He looked great while he lost at AX. XD

Lawl, your mention of Roc made me remember Legend of Zelda on the Gameboy and the various Roc items you could get, like Roc's Feather and Cape. *jumps around*

Oh, you'll cave into a clue. Just wait. ninja

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Slash Guitarist of GNR
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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 08:55am
Wow, does that mean we can eat Lanzer? o_o; sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 09:33am
5. Lanzer is made entirely out of chocolate and diamonds.

Oh dear. He doesn't look it.

Kathleen Starr
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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 10:20am
I snorted with laughter at the Ugly. xD

The 3 ways Gaia can be better? I want the admins to keep to their original plans, sometimes what the users really want isn't a good idea for the overall site, just keep working on making things better little by little and hopefully everything will fall into place, also more items. xD I am an item lover, make some pretty items. I'd also love to see the world map brought back into some sort of actual use. This was such a contradictory paragraph, do what the admins think is best, but then do this! That's what you get when it's 5:16am and I can't sleep. All the best to you in fixing the site to be even better.

What I'd give to have make your own burrito day at work, all I get is too sweet ice tea and people who shop using the counter as their grocery cart. x.x

Does that make Lanzer the one true man to unite the world? Everyone loves chocolate and diamonds. heart

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 12:46pm
I would just like to acknowledge you for the daily chance feature, as it gives everyone a chance. I had very unfortunate luck with the trunk/box/pinklink system, and only got it about three times in two years.
And yes, I had everything set straight in my java settings.
But this way, I feel like I have a chance again!
Thank you.

Robert Harbour
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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 02:21pm
Then I must eat Lanzer's arm! surprised domokun GIMME! scream The new feature part made me giggle then snort.

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 03:47pm
The big question...

1) PERSONAL RELATIONS. While I realize we got new PR people not too long back, when are they REALLY gonna do their job? You're a dev and I think you've been doing more PR s**t than they are xd

2) Moderation. We need more mods (Yes I realize how overstated this is), but beyond new moderators, we need -good- ones picked in a good manner, not bias'd, not half assed, not anything but good.

But I think there needs to be more done for the morale of the existing moderation, seems we're still losing more than getting in the long run of things. I mean really, I realize how huge the site is and crap, but should it really be so bad that moderators leave cause the stress and annoyance gets so bad?

3) Work on existing stuff. Everytime we get news announcements and see you guys post, its always "New feature new feature!" But as in your journal, wow, housing stuff got fixed! eek ... but, when were we gonna hear (were we at all)?

We have so many features existing now which really have had so many people tossing out good suggestions for, which could be worked on.

Take the GGN as a major example. There are tons and tons of suggestions for GGN Improvements, many of them quite possible and very interesting, and very needed to really revive the GGN into something amazing again.

But why isn't anything being done with these suggestions? Because the powers that be wish for more things to be released, not improved upon, so everyone has to work on that stuff.

There really needs to be a team I think created of people who would want to, that would work specifically on fixing older system bugs in like stores, forums, GGN, and improving upon them with the good and possible suggestions of people.

The above I think would bring back old members who have gotten tired of the site with nothing really 'new'.

Why can't you guys add "New" things on by adding onto existing features?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 03:49pm
edy's nice! He commented my journal twice. He wanted a costume too. (btw....speaking of that...go read my journal... ninja ...please?) And I stole his first profile comment.

The way to make Gaia better? Clone you 3 times to make your feature come faster!
Kidding. blaugh

You'd better put Lanzer in something to keep him fresh. 0.o

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 06:15pm
Improvements: More Mods, Guild Houses (which were supposed to come last year stare ), and maybe a few new forums (coughcouughHISTORY/ANTHROPOLOGYcoughcough)

I want chocolate Lanzer domokun

Wrath of Ezekiel
Community Member
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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 07:01pm
It looks like I need to fix a max-height on my comments box in Firefox before I make comments on things needing fixed xd

Well the layering issues fixing were made public. Now that definitely I say was good, so many of them have needed fixed for so long o_o;

Problem is, with those fixes, now multiple other layering issues have come about sweatdrop

Home reservation fixes... I think that really was needed. And gift wrapping/exchange is still telling me its offline (as it has been for atleast a couple months now), how is it fixed? O_o;;

Daily chance don't count! >.> its too new, I said older things needing fixed, not brand new things having their bugs as expected <.<;

I used the GGN as a good example as really the only person that mostly works on it is Darknrgy (atleast publically, I realize some of you others have helped with it), but the GGN is really still I think easy to say, one of the most active systems in the site, but its really slowly dying out, people are just getting tired at what seems to be a lack of attention at it, which used to exist in the past majorly.

But I dunno, just from the public end it seems like there is more rush for new stuff than there is fixing old things sweatdrop

But I guess with all these fixes finally, I guess I really need to update my glitches list now don't I? xd

Sooooo... fleep, got some time? you can help me demmit with it, you fixer upper xd

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 07:08pm
Why, oh WHY are you teasing us?! gonk

eek Now that brings me to this question.... Does Lanzer taste good? ninja

Gaia Life, oh the excitement. xD

Thanks for the profile comment, by the way. 3nodding Much appreciated.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 08:08pm
Is it considered cannibalism if I eat lanzer? I mean, technically he's not human if he's made of chocolate and diamonds.

Oh he's something more...

As for how the site is. I feel Gaia is going along great. I would like to see more usage of the world map though. No, it doesn't need to be moved out of the navigation place it's at right now. But more needs to be going on there. Don't forget to place features in the map as well. For instance, where's word bump located in the world of Gaia? If it was in a building or shop on the map, we'd know.

Also more features that would encourage usage of the map would be nice. How about a rare event of sorts? Oh, I know a roaming shop keeper! He would appear as a sprite on the maps, just like the easter bunny, jack and all the other NPCs did. But he'd only appear randomly, like an event.

When you clicked on him. A screen would open up with his store, he'd have a set of items you could only get while seeing him. They would all cost something though. So it wouldn't be like a free rare event. It'd be something that would require effort. But to stop people from buying everything all at once. You'd only be allowed to select one item at a time. Then, he'd disappear. Only to reappear on one of the maps randomly.

He wouldn't be as rare as say the rare events now. Appearing on the maps wise. But he wouldn't be something every user would see often.

Now that would rock. CODEITNOW.

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 09:48pm
D: Rotten school. I wasn't able to snag one of the first few posts.

Anyways, didn't I warn you to get enough sleep? No wonder you're sick all the time! mad -pulls out tranquilizer gun, aims, shoots- SLEEP!

And you are not ugly, mister. Your avatar is practically the only male one that can pull off that hairstyle.

So...where's you house in towns? ninja

Haha, I already knew edydawg was new, but didn't know he was your friend. Darnit. I'll never get a job at Gaia at this rate. D:

Lanzer's made of diamonds and chocolate. How did you find out? =O

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 10:45pm
Ah, it makes sense now. Go-Gaia.com was the old domain. I came across it, um, somewhere, and I did a whois and saw that Lanzer owned it, but I couldn't do anything else with it.

I just thought of an idea. Gaia skins! Add skins for to make Gaia look like it did before at other times in its history.

I know you told me not to start about you turning Japanese, but please don't forget to make time to work on Gaia, too.

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 11:46pm
Lanzer is like toy candy at a gas station.

You get the candy and eat it; then there's a surprise inside.

Lanzer Candie's surprise is Diamonds.

The funny thing is, Diamonds suck because there are actually too many of them.
There are about three companies that own the worlds amount of Diamonds.
They release them in limited supplies, making them expensive.


Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 06:28am
I thought lanzer was made up of coco puffs ;____;
that sounds yum btw P:
you just gave me another reason to stalk Lanzer surprised

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 06:30am
3 ways to make Gaia better.

1. Release the damn battle system.
2. Bring the anime back.
3. Simple down the layout; it's too ACTON and TEEN AWESOME.

I command Fleep not to respond to this.


Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 08:27am
i like gaia now and i like gaia when i first joined yes there been a few changes but changes always happen everywhere ow and fleep i love the daily change feature i made in two weeks 1K gold extra with the daily change

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 08:31am

Why were you laughing in the first place at lunch?

Random Question, Did anyone happen to fart from those burritos?
just kidding.

To make your job easier, you dont have to respond to this journal comment.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
m o d o <3

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 09:30am
3 top ways Gaia can change for the better:

-Attend and respond to issues that users report in the glitch/bug subforums of Q&A. Otherwise, what's the point of having those subforums?

-Fix site and game glitches and clothes layering problems that users report: ie. many users are unable to get into Towns or any games at all, some clothes layering is glitched and does not flow well or work correctly, certain items are missing from stores, marketplace has been glitched for over 3 months that items which names contain words with less than 4 letters cannot be searched, gift-giving has been down for a while, etc.

-Clarify and focus the goals of the site. There has been an encouragement for users to use homes and housing items by the frequent housing item updates and the DC housing prizes, yet the Housing Arena has been down for several months, and the "/loc" feature in Towns to locate houses of friends is broken.

And Fleep, you aren't ugly. wink

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 09:35am
If you're not sleeping properly you're definitely a Gaian. xp

Also what're we going to do if/when Lanzer melts? Do any of the staff have the skills to re-build? gonk

~Vampire Louis~
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 07:55am
I got all excited, I actually thought you'd give a hint at your feature. D:

You're one busy Gaian with checking all those PMs and comments and such.

What was up with Gaia Houses anyways, messed up coding or something?


And as a side note, I'm jealous of make-your-own burrito day.

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 10:36am
No sleep?
Why, if that makes you japanese, then I've been one for many a years. Though, I tend to wage wars with insomnia...><

As for suggestions, I don't think it's so much what the ADMINS can do, but what the USERS can do. A lot of users cause issues, more problems for other Gaians. Users who demand a "Take-back" feature, for when they over bid, are often times met with users who respect the confirmation screen. Users who demand a different layout, fail to see Gaia's OVERALL perspective.
Users who hack, scam, and generally cause mayhem are dicks.

The thing is, Gaia is on a smooth road. Users will clamour for hundreds of things, but even if you give it to them, they'll never be satisfied. Why, even now, users demand that newbies shouldn't get anything, simply because THEY didn't get anything when they started. It's a shame, really, to see that users can't even have compassion enough to allow the new users so much as CLOTHES.
The Administration, Moderation, and Developers can't do much about the issues Gaians are having, unless they are techincal ones. (Such as the housing one, which I'm elated is finally fixed, in fact) All other issues are ones that the users must work out amonst themselves.

Though...you could always pitch my halloween idea...><
Sorry, you left me no choice, the journal just BEGGED me to, honest!! gonk

Burr Durr
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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 07:42pm
I think what you can do is make the world map a lil more important... I think I'm one of the few left who go out of their way to use the map fer everthin'...
idea I think you should make it feel like your actually IN the stores! Like what we had before, but to more of an extreme! Like when you change shelves, the shelves are shaped differently, if you get it... sweatdrop

A graphic heavy gaia is heaven. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 28, 2006 @ 06:45pm
3 ways to make gaia better:
1. *points to NIPS sig*
2. give us a way to use flowers without having to spend gold, like we can do with bugs and trash. i've got 80 hojillion flowers in my inventory, but i'm not even going to bother making boring old grey bouquets with them because i don't want to waste the gold. non-bouquet flower crafts would be fantabulous also. to be more general, give us a way to get rid of rinky-dink items that aren't worth enough to bother selling them in the MP or the store - a dumpster, basically.
3. no more donation items that can turn into AAAAAANYTHIIIIIIING!! does the dark halo really NEED to turn into anklets? and no more donation items that turn into complementary items, like the veil. crying

diet otaku
Community Member
~Vampire Louis~
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Aug 28, 2006 @ 11:08pm
Diet Otaku - 1. Not everyone agrees with NIPS, I don't. I haven't seen anyone come up with a reason good enough for starter packs being scrapped. You won't make newbies work harder for their items and stop begging by taking them away.
2. Fleep has said they're thinking about doing more with flowers.
3. Some people, including me, like that the admins are giving us so much choice and so many positions with the donation items.


To be honest I don't think the admins should listen to every little thing we complain about, some people just seem to like complaining, even about Gaia generally, but they're still here at the end of the day.

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 28, 2006 @ 11:39pm
Thanks for the links to those threads. They were interesting reads. :+)

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Seal of the Scorpion
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 29, 2006 @ 01:28am
Tell Kaia 9 I said "VORTEX OF DOOM" hopefully he will remember that Towns bug xD... but probaly not since everyone there has so much on their plate.... especially with Make your own Burrito day 4laugh

Ummm... good luck on continuing work on the new feature, and don't get TOO addicted to Gaia where you mistakingly call Bunnies Grunnies, and confuse people with NPC's, trust me it is not fun... actually it is sometimes whee

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 29, 2006 @ 06:10am
There should be slightly more moderation on Slots/Fishing/Cards and as well as Towns.

I've caught a few people cybering, and others just planning to do it on PM. OF course, none of them believes or cares about the rules. Then again, I'm not surprised.

Just this weekend I ran into someone under eighteen who was selling naked photographs of her. Her defense? They were art. They were special photogtaphs. That her account was banned for no reason, and earning gold was hard. (She claimed to have an Halo. But she went from being thirteen, to sixteen, and then seventeen in less then an hour. =O Aging, much?)

Burrito Day? Better then my school. They raised the pricies, took away the cookies, and it's the same damned food. 'Cept we now have some healthy 50% juice machine in the lunch room.

Take care.

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diet otaku
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 29, 2006 @ 02:29pm
~Vampire Louis~, those are my opinions on 3 things that would make gaia better. truth be told, that's all i can really think of, and it was difficult even thinking of those three. i'm not really one to tell the admins how to run their site. the only thing i REALLY want changed is the battle system, because i think battling and weapons are retarded, but i know i'm in the extreme minority on that so there's no use in me harping on it.

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 31, 2006 @ 10:46pm
1. I would really love it if the fishing glitches were looked at a bit more. I know there is a developer working on it, but sometimes it seems like those of us that spend our time fishing get the short end of the stick. Daily Chance: great feature and I love it and cannot wait for midnight to roll around. However, the scoreboard is still down. I'd refer you to Gaidin's thread in SF, but I don't have it right now.

2. I'd love to see more items become unisex, specifically the G-LOL items and the Nitemare Bustier/Angelic Camisole. Ok, I admit that I just want them unisex so I can wear them on my male avis, but come on, the females have all the good items! gonk

3. Some more mods would be nice to keep things neat and tidy. I know those mods that we have are doing their jobs and all, but I just think that it would be benifical to have more.

Thanks for listening to my 2 cents. ^_^

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 09, 2006 @ 01:53pm
5. Lanzer is made entirely out of chocolate and diamonds.

... At the next convention, someone's going to try to eat Lanzer.
I can feel it. Dx

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 28, 2006 @ 01:43am
dude, that's carob and rinestones! pwned!

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