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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
A Night at the Opera
Every day or so I get at least one PM from a user asking "Things busy over at Gaia?" It's fair to say in the now 3 years that I've been here, that yes, it's busy. It's always busy rofl Now for the haps!

3 Bells!
I just had my 3rd Gaiaversary on the 5th. It's kind of a trip to think that I've been here for 3 years -- it's hard to remember life without Gaia in it, and I'm very thankful for all the great users here and all the awesome people I work with.

The first week I worked at Gaia was kind of a crazy one. I was running a pretty regular fever at that point, so the craziness of it all was pushing delirium. Our little office at the time was running out of room, so I was put into a cube that was used to store merchandise. I was surrounded by stacks of posters, hats, and t-shirts. My brain swirled as I tried to make sense of the code base and the site.

The first night I went home, my brain was flooded with Gaia. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing little avatars everywhere. I tried to go to sleep and just saw little avatars running around and forum posts pouring down a page like a waterfall. I wondered if maybe I shouldn't be working at a place that seems to have gotten under my skin so thoroughly.

Fortunately, the real fever broke and I caught Gaia Fever instead. The symptoms include senses of euphoria, insomnia, weight gain, weight loss, anxiety, fits of laughter, stress, delusions of grandeur, depression, headaches, fevers, delirium, and toxic levels of exposure to Anime.

Summer Event
As many of you know, ramoneguru has taken over Event development for the most part, with support from the entire Event team. They're in the middle of wrapping up the upcoming Summer Event. I can't tell you too much about it because it's no longer mine to give away juicy hints about. I can say that we've learned from past events, and I think we've come up with a much improved variation on an old theme.

Events are always a platform for us to experiment with something totally new, which from a product development standpoint is somewhat crazy. We don't know if it will work. We don't know if it will break the site. We don't know if it will be fun. We come up with a concept for something totally new and by a magic mix of instinct and experience we deliver an Event. We rarely have the chance to test an Event with more than a couple people at a time - so it's always a crapshoot whether or not it will work on a scale of 300,000 users rofl

Daily Chance Upgrades
Speaking of 3 years ago, I recently had an opportunity to rewrite the majority of the backend for Daily Chance (project name "Daily Candy", which is ridiculous in retrospect). It was my very first ground-up project when I started at Gaia, designed as a way to give users more items and give them something each day they logged in. Both Gaia itself and I were pretty green in terms of how we approached code for this huge site, and because of that the code for Daily Chance ended up pretty sloppy. It worked, it was robust, it had a pretty fancy testing suite (if I do say so myself) - but adding to it and modifying it was kind of a pain. Some stuff, it never did as well as it should.

So this most recent rewrite changed a lot of things, most of which (for now) will be transparent to users. Here's a rundown anyway! :

  • Daily Chance administration is much easier now, so adding/removing rewards is much easier, faster, less error-prone. We also now maintain backups of every past Daily Chance list, just in case.

  • Much more security. Before, if you were crafty enough, you could get all the Daily Chance sections by modifying a single URL, including ones that were disabled, backups, pending, flash-based, etc. This kind of stuff is no longer as possible.

  • Daily Chance had a predefined set of reward types (gold, random item, tokens, tickets, random fish, random ink, etc. etc.). Now adding new types is much, much easier. Some stuff that may be planned include: orbs, random ring, zomg ingredients, nothing (I can't believe we didn't have this before!), simple grant, limited items (e.g., there might only be 100 of a particular item available each day), crafting items (if we make an alchemy system), random aquarium fish, pms from NPCs, and quests. A usual but apparently necessary disclaimer: This is all speculative, and NONE of it is a "promise".

  • A number of performance improvements

I still have some enhancements to make (changing logging so it scales better as the site grows and so we can do more accurate reporting on all the data, and bringing more of the code up to current standards) but a massive amount has been done already.

For a software engineer like me, rebuilding one of your own old systems to a renewed state of elegance is one of the most gratifying things you can do. It's like taking any piece of art you've done in the past (a song, a drawing, a painting, a piece of writing) and then redoing it closer to your original vision with new skills you've developed. It may not achieve 100% of your original vision, but it's one step closer to being perfect. In a way, to be a little overblown, it's like coming one step closer to realizing your dreams.

More to come
I actually wrote a huge update, but I decided to cut it in half so I'd have something else to post soon, and give you more time to digest and comment on the stuff in here rofl More updates soon!

UPDATE 7/23/2009 9:41 AM PST: Regarding "Nothing" in the Daily Chance, I wasn't suggesting that this be a part of the main Daily Chances - but it's a useful option to have when we use it on implementations of the system, such as the Skittles Prize Wheel or the Sour Patch Kids candy truck.

User Comments: [31] [add]
iMadame Twinkle
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 08:32pm
User Image
( ´¯`௰´¯` ) ノ ♡

Happy belated Gaiaversary! >w<!

I think I have the Gaia Fever, and there's no cure. gonk heart

I can't wait for the Summer Event, yay! >w< -Foams at mouth.- scream heart

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 08:37pm
>For a software engineer like me, rebuilding one of your own old systems to a renewed state of elegance is one of the most gratifying things you can do.

One good thing about being an engineer is you can redo your art without destroying it; it's not like George Lucas redoing Starwars.

Spriteless Girl
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commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 08:44pm
I can't wait for the summer event to come out. And Happy Belated Gaia-versary! xd

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 08:44pm

Can you believe that it's been three years Fleep?
Not only three years since you joined.
But three years working at Gaia.
And three years of me ( ; DD )

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 08:56pm
Happy belated Gaiaversary..Can't wait for the updates ^_^

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 08:58pm
Glad it wasn't a "full" update your great at writing lots! hehe

Not much to say to all of it but, for me anyway your very first part wont stop me from asking wa-ha-ha.

Aren't you glad you went gaia? ><

Sparkling Anon
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 09:14pm
Thanks for the update. Always appreciated!

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 09:40pm
@QueenFey: Most definitely. I had the choice between here and Yahoo. Don't get me started on how right my decision was rofl

Community Member
Kunai Jones
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 09:54pm
Fantastic entry, really interesting stuff with the DC. Can't wait for the next update, and for the summer event.

And happy third anniversary with the company!

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 10:00pm
Weee xp

Saucy Brigand
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commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 10:48pm
I'm sure that if Gaians learned that they might have a chance of earning nothing at the daily chance, the Site Feedback would flood with whines about the same topic over and over again. neutral

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 11:51pm
woo! Gaiaversaries are fun! if I'd've known, I would've donated some gold to you as a gift crying

wow... I didn't know all of that about daily chance... I'll have to read that a time or two more just to understand it eek

Tsukabu Nosoratori
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Tai Naito
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commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 01:06am
I started to forget who "Fleep" was! Glad to know he's still around wink

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 01:37am
Wow. i guess alot goes on at "the office." i'm actually kinda glad i don't work there. lol biggrin mrgreen rofl wahmbulance dramallama cheese_whine redface
(just trying the amotiacons out!! sry.)

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 01:44am
Queen ftw.

Also: I'm enjoying reading this biggrin

Looking good!

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 01:55am
Happy late gaiaversary!

Don't we all have gaia fever? It sounds like my first week was similar to yours, a kind of instant obsession.

I would LOVE for the DC to give out random NPC messages/pics. Please!

Community Member
Cautionary Tale
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 01:56am
Fortunately, the real fever broke and I caught Gaia Fever instead. The symptoms include senses of euphoria, insomnia, weight gain, weight loss, anxiety, fits of laughter, stress, delusions of grandeur, depression, headaches, fevers, delirium, and toxic levels of exposure to Anime.


*gigglesnort* !! We love ya Fleep!

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 02:00am
Yay, news from Fleep~! whee It's been a while; I was starting to wonder whether one of our sponsors ate you. eek Glad you're ok.

Good work on the DC update; it does seem to work better now, but it still sometimes hangs on the Games page.

Keep up the great work~! And keep telling us about it in your journal. 3nodding

CAPTCHA: energy's gingham
I think this may be a response to the stars and rainbows items released in yesterday's RIG. xd

Chocobo Princess
Global Moderator
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commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 05:04am
I've always liked the ideas of PMs from NPCs. Of course I was thinking of it in a Gaiaversary or birthday way.

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 07:02am
Squee! Fleep LIVES! heart blaugh heart

WoWs..I had no idea peeps could have cheated the DC system..never even occurred to me that such a thing was possible.Funny what I learn after said learning cant be used..teehee!

Oh,you really dont HAVE TO add the "nothing" option. Really.

Happy 3rd Gaiaversary..lil late,but I'm always late for everything.Many more to you Fleepieeee!!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 08:17am
Congratulations to your Gaiaversary heart
I'm really looking forward to the mentioned changes in the Daily Chance, whether they come soon or in a year or two. they sound great.
But the thought of getting "nothing" from the Daily Chance makes me a little sad emo
ah, but nevermind that, great job, lot's of love to you, cheers :3

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 01:47pm
Wooo! Ecstatic to hear that the summer event is in production! Can't wait to see how it's like. >w< I'm kind of irked about the Daily Chance possibly giving out nothing, although it is a good concept. Hope all goes well at work! Keep it up!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 03:34pm
Thanks Fleep, Your journal means a lot to me.

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 04:51pm
@Fleep Indeed, and yahoo isn't nearly as fun! Gaia needs Fleep.

Sparkling Anon
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commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 05:17pm
Happy Anniversary number 3!!

And that's exciting!! I can't wait to see the new summer event... and changes for the DAILY CHANCE!! xd

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 06:01pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
I am very curious about this summer event ideas you guys are implementing hehehe.

"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent."
~Walt Kelly

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.[ No, you can't use my tribal images. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jul 24, 2009 @ 01:24am
Happy Gaiaversary!

And I'm all excited that you'll be mixing things up a little in daily chance! It's more fun when there's a chance to get items I haven't already gotten tons of times. 4laugh

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 24, 2009 @ 01:45am
biggrin Thanks for the update

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Thanks 4 All the Fish
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jul 24, 2009 @ 02:24am
I got excited when I read the title of the journal, thinking it referred to the Queen album "A Night At The Opera". Curses!

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 24, 2009 @ 12:48pm
Congratulations on your third gaiaversary Fleep *throws confetti and toots horn* As always your updates are so interesting. Thanks *hug*

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jul 25, 2009 @ 10:31am
HAPPY GAIAVERSARY!! Incidentaly, its the same day of my wedding anniversary. rofl

I cant wait for the Summer Event to see what Ramoneguru and Team have come up with. That and some other things you mentioned IF your guys do them.

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