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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
If you build it, they will groan
Woo, another post-event season. The party's basically over, lessons were learned, more lessons from the past were applied, and everyone got a bunch of free stuff out of it. Let's review!

An Event in the Making
I like to describe a lot of the work I do as "high-load, quick-turnaround projects". That is to say, with events and many sponsorships, we build things that will be used by a LOT of people at once, and need to be built very quickly.

A lot of people went into the building of this event. During any event, we always hear complaints about how we should just get it right the first time, or how we should schedule things better, or how we should be cast into the abyss for delivering an event that isn't 100% bug free. Events aren't the only thing Gaia does, and a lot of people went into the making of this event:

Event Credits (About 25 people!)

Some people also said we should have planned earlier, but if I'm not mistaken the planning for this began two months ago. A common complaint was about the Isle de Gambino manga being late. Honestly, each manga was supposed to come out weeks before the event started (one per week for 5 weeks) -- but our art team was simply stretched way too thin between the event, zOMG, item updates, Cash Shop updates, sponsorships, updates to old features, and new features.

All told, we came together very well in the end.

Running the Event
It used to be that when I launched an event, I would spend much of the morning sweating bullets, and then be so stressed out that I would go home early as soon as the event was stable. There were always major explosions, more than a few casualties, and the loss of about 2 years of my life.

Since X-Mas 2007, I think, we've kind of mastered the event launch. Unfortunately, we've also started doing things with events we've never done before (e.g., events that are much more Flash-heavy).

Many of us continued to work through the event. A number of the games were buggy and we fixed a lot of that, we tweaked the scoring a couple times to make it fairer, and artists continued to work on manga and downloads.

All told this was a fairly stable event! You can count on no-hands how many times the site went down.

There's always some controversy about scoring, so I'll clear that up here.

Scoring is adjusted to make the scoring as fair as possible. By taking average scores this year, we eliminate the issue that a particular team (e.g., Durem) has many more players than any other team.

But that alone isn't enough. There were a few other issues we had to address:

#1 - More players does mean you have a bigger workforce for cheating, which sadly, people try to do to get an edge.

#2 - As the event went on, the average score began to level out for each team. It was starting to look like every single team would end up with an event score of 5.55. Not particularly exciting!

We addressed both these issues by throwing away lower scores based on a threshold determined by day. So for example (and this isn't the exact mechanism), on day one we threw away scores below 1. On day two, we threw away scores below 1.5. On day three, we threw away scores below 2, etc.

What this ensured is:

1. Players who joined other teams just to bring down the average would not be counted unless they got a reasonable score for that team.

2. The range of counted scores became smaller, therefore the disparity in team scoring became greater. So instead of seeing scores like 5.55, 5.54, 5.54, 5.55 you see scores with a wider margin of difference.

The downside of this method, which I deemed acceptable, was that players who weren't that good didn't bring their team down -- which basically meant that it became a competition, really, between the best players on that team (or players who got better throughout the event).

This was based on the day of the event, though, so many users saw a switch at midnight. There was no conspiracy to make any particular team win -- in the end, we decided, this was the fairest way to score and give each team equal footing.

On Flash in Events
Now, the other big controversy in the event was making much of it Flash-based. I want to clear something up here as well.

My general philosophy on Flash is that except for mini-games, it's probably best to use it to enhance an HTML experience, not replace it. We did it last year with the Halloween event by having the Flash HUD at the top of each of the event forums. This year we also did it with the announcers on the Event page for Olympics.

Now, a lot of Gaians think "Flash == Crash", but that's simply not the case. The reason a lot of our Flash experiences in the past have been a problem for some users is because of the backend, not Flash itself. We have server software that is responsible for allowing people to interact with each other, chat with each other, etc. In the past, this aspect of our Flash experiences (all games, towns, and rally) have been very flaky. With Prom, again, all the inter-user communication overloaded our backend/network -- so that's where it failed.

Olympics is much more stable as a single-player experience with a competitive aspect around it (rather than with direct player-to-player communication/interaction in the games themselves). Therefore it's much more stable.

On top of all that, the Summer Event is definitely something we experiment with -- for bigger, more canonical events like Halloween, I'd definitely recommend the team shy away from Flash-based experiences.

The Good!
I've been very happy with the bigger events we've had since Summer Festival of last year: Summer Festival 07, Halloween 07, X-Mas 07, Prom 08, and Olympics 08. In my opinion, an event like this is valuable because:

  • It allows people to get more immersed in the Gaia world when they join a team
  • It adds a lot more fun when there's a competitive aspect to it that's not directly confrontational
  • It boosts discussion in the forums like crazy and generally makes Gaia is a great place to be
  • Unique to this event, there was new content every day.

All told, I'm very happy with it, especially that we got so many great manga out of it, and soon, a bunch of new skins!

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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:21pm

edit: I am so happy to get the first post. Fleep, your journal is the best journal I've ever read on Gaia, and back in 2006 around the time you were giving away a Momo and 50k to whosoever identified the most pop-culture references throughout your journal, I think I really got to know you, and it gave me more reason to respect Gaia.

So anyways, my point is, when you finally write a journal entry and I get first comment... it's pretty awesome.

I like the way the mini-game experience for events has become so robust recently, but it seems almost a waste to make such an awesome display to only be usable for such a fleeting amount of time.
How much longer would it take to create something with the intention of it being an event game, but also be a permanent feature on the site after the events are over?

Gaia is reaching a strange sort of balance between sponsors, cash shop, MCs, Events, Storyline, Battle, etc... some users are understanding of the growing pains and others aren't.
What about you? I wondered if after Christmas you would start to get a little burned out, and I hope you're hanging in there, but how is Gaia from the insider's mind right now?

I love the additions of Skins, Hairs, Eyes, etc... so skin changing potions is a pretty exciting concept. While I would like Gaia to continue adding items that include modern styles, variety is the spice of life. Gaia has changed a lot from what it was in 2006. Thanks for any part you played in that. I mean that... I'm not just saying that because of the portugese sailor thing back in Manuary. burning_eyes

Glad to see you drop in Fleep. I know you're busy, but thanks for popping out of the trenches for your loyal fans. Keep yourself centered, enjoy your summer.

Any special plans to make use of item normalization directly in regards to the quest system?

edit #2: Cube B mentioned werewolves for Halloween... how about you guys do Lycantropes in general? Werewolves, weretigers, werebears, werecrows, werebadgers, wereraccoons, wereskunks, weredogs, were...
...where am I?

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:26pm
Well, as far as I'm concerned, this was your (I mean this is a collective sense) best event yet! :]

This is the first time that I have been to a Gaia event where there was actually a challenge in getting all the items. It used to be that you just had to "kiss" someone so many times, or find so many eggs--or whatever--and you would get your item. This time, you actually had to work for it. You couldn't just make a few clicks and be done with the whole thing. For the first time on Gaia, I actually got frustrated with an event. xd

I think you guys are doing fantastic, and I really look forward to seeing all the upcoming events. If the Gaia Olympics was this crazy, then I can only imagine what Halloween will be like! surprised

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Rampant Stupidity
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:31pm
Hello Fleep. I really enjoyed the event, so thanks to you and all the rest of the Gaia staffers who worked so hard on it.

I had a quick question...it seemed as though more staff members were taking part in this event than in the summer festival last year; is that true? And with a few exceptions, all of you joined Aekea; was that planned, or did everyone choose a team individually?

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:32pm
I think you guys did a really great job.I personally expected a few bugs here and there,and thought no biggy.I knew ya'all would fix things when you could.I also knew there would be whiners,always is.You cant please everyone no matter what.So yeah,kudos for all of you behind this huge undertaking!
Hopefully you got to play a little too,instead of all work! D=

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NHK Fugitive
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:33pm
Thanks for the inside info and for making such a great event!

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:40pm
Thanks for clearing everything up!! This event rocked!!

* It allows people to get more immersed in the Gaia world when they join a team
* It adds a lot more fun when there's a competitive aspect to it that's not directly confrontational
* It boosts discussion in the forums like crazy and generally makes Gaia is a great place to be
* Unique to this event, there was new content every day.

Very true!! It help shy people like who may not always know what to say come up with something!! I love catch the cats ! So far this was my favorite event. Even though I wasn't good at all the games I had fun!

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Cube B
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:46pm
This has been one of my favorite events so far. Seriously, you guys keep topping yourselves over and over.

Halloween is going to be epic. XD (At the brainstorming meeting, be sure to mention Werewolves. 3nodding )

The art problems were the only issue, but the manga and the skins made the wait worth it. Honestly, these were my favorite Manga so far. And I got a torch!

I still wish they made an NPC version of you though. I thought Bob might have been, cause he's bald and awesome. But Pepper was like, "No, that's not Fleep". They really need to make an NPC Fleep. XD

Can't wait to see the skins. I saw you making that topic. Sneaky. XD

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:50pm
The Gaia Olympics was definitely a great event. =)
Its one of my favorites.
Everyone did a great job on it and I'm looking forward to testing out the skins.

Guess now that the event is over you can focus on the other 10 billion projects you have. D; <3

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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:50pm
I gotta say, this event was really well done. Despite the few hiccups, it was very well done. The games, the art, oh man the art for the comics were fantastic! And all the neglected NPCs were in it!~ Josie, Meredith, finally some light shined on them. The addition of the other races was what Gaia needed! The games were fun, some over stayed their welcome (click in order games D: ) and the items were just plain amusing. And the two announcer NPCs were very amusing, their dialogs were made of win. I hope to see them again one day!

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:50pm
I'll say I liked the flash aspect a lot, however I understand the frustration of many users. Many of the games just did not work well on older computers. I know had I used my older laptop, I'd be lucky if I could even get the 2nd item for each day. Even though the games were fairly simple, flash doesn't work the best on some computers. And it crashed my IE 7 browser almost every time I closed the olympic games. rofl

I hope in the future there will be more of a combination of flash and forum type activities to get the items. The Halloween event last year was perfect.

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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:58pm
I'd have to say this had been one of my favorite events yet. I mean while the forum based events held history clicking little buttons under avatars... go boring. In fact doing anything for an event in the forums got boring fast. I usually would only do what I needed and went on my way.

But this event I tried. I would play the games over and over to get my average up. I would get excited and a little angry... just like when I play video games. It was fun! So I like the new flash direction. It makes the events more worthwhile and interesting. So awesome job to everyone involved.

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 09:58pm
I thought it was a great event, even if it did only include the flash games and no forum games.
It was well thought out and a lot of fun. Too bad people still have to cheat. >_<

Lady Rebellion
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:02pm
I'm sorry you guys can't ever win. I appreciate all your efforts :3 The games WERE SUPER DUPER AMAZINGLY FUN!!!!!!!!!!one11!!!!!


I was over the moon with these. To me, this was a perfect event - short and sweet games and a wide variety. I signed my mule up on one of the teams on the last day and still managed to get all the items. (And a sweet average score of 9.something for Aekea.) This is what I love.

Halloween last year was, in my opinion, the worse as it was very time consuming to get the final event items (which I ended up buying, even working with two computers) and it was repetitive and eventually boring.

I can't wait for the shop updates. Stop torturing me Gaia!! gonk

Edit: My only gripe was that the enter the code game required a "page up" button - which my laptop did not have. I would suggest if this game is going to be kept, to change it to the most basic keys which any keyboard should have.

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:03pm
I had fun. Flash environments can be a pain -- the games worked on my Firefox, but not my IE -- but overall they tend to be a lot less boring and frustrating than forum-based competitions.

The scrolling text beneath the newscasters was funny. I couldn't help but notice one message that said something like: 'Sheep spotted wandering Olympic Stadium. "They're with me," assures Gaia Developer.'

Chibigreen Tejinashi
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:07pm
This was my very first event. And I enjoyed it immensly! Thank you and all the Devs, artists and everyone else involved in making this. I cant wait til the next event!

Thanks for all your hard work guys!

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:12pm
Phew, I'm probably going to link this every time I see someone complain about an event now.

Seriously, I think all the work that was put into this event really showed and I had a lot of fun with it. I loved all the details - I mean, it must have taken forever to come up with those little messages like, "Santa on the Rejected Olymipcs: "Moo." " alone.

I hope you guys know that there are many users who really appreciate what you do and not just McSourfaces who aren't happy with anything.

Madame Mitternacht
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Chibi Halo
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:19pm
You guys did a great job. Now maybe I can get some normal hours of sleep. The only thing I didn't like about this event was the fact that it brought out the worst in some people. Yes people accused other people of cheating but I also saw people accuse members of other teams of hacking, scamming, phishing, etc. because they got their account stolen during the event. I also saw someone actually say their team should hack mule accounts but then decided against it because it would get them in trouble. I guess some people expected certain teams to win because they won last summer. When you get into an event like this one that is so individual the number of people on a team means diddly squat when it comes to how well people play games.

Anyhow, I loved that ticker at the bottom especially the line: "Zzzzzz *snort*", says Fleep. I saw that the day after the thread in the GCD where the subject of average hours of sleep had this month came up and had a feeling that might have inspired that. The ticker and the back and forth from Bruce and Ricky were the best part of the event. I sure hope we can see more Bruce and Ricky with Cindy at Gaia 9. They deserve to be around more. Thanks for the great event.

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:26pm
Great work, guys. Keep it up. :D

mad caddies
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:36pm
Um, hello, hi! *first time responding*

Seriously, I'm shocked. People complained?!
I was so awed by this event! Not only by the games themselves and the whole competion concept, but also by the great amount of Gaia-canon (the towns and a lot of minor, but beloved NPCs) you included.
With a lot of things I got the feeling you really listened to the suggestions and complaints a lot of Gaians uttered in the past. Especially since you consider this a smaller or less important event... to me it really felt Gaian nonetheless.

I just wanted to let you know that your incredibly hard work is much appreciated.
I guess the complaints are always a bit louder than the praise, but half a million participants can't be so wrong, I guess.


commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:39pm
My general philosophy on Flash is that except for mini-games, it's probably best to use it to enhance an HTML experience, not replace it.
Yesssss. gonk More people need to think this way!

While the presentation and everything for this event might've been an improvement on last year's, I still enjoyed last year's a lot more. I just dislike that the past few events have been based on skill rather than effort. Personally I could shrug it off if I was only losing personally (the prom game), but with a team competition it becomes more complicated. With something simple like pumping the user is not limited due to having a crappy computer or little skill at flash games. I pretty much gave up after all of the days' items were out, because I'm not going to magically get better at flash games all of a sudden. I'm not awful, but I'm not awesome either. It's like getting a big shiny present and not being able to actually use what's inside to the extent that you'd want to. Or something. xd ; Making the games easier (than was already done with the scoring changing, I mean) wouldn't change my mind... I guess I just like the idea of everyone being on equal ground for events like this. *shrug*

I'm looking forward to seeing what approaches Gaia will take to events in the future... hopefully not tons more flash! Haha.

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Chocobo Princess
Global Moderator
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 10:46pm
News from the land of Fleep! whee Squee!

I really enjoyed the Olympics, although some of the games demand skills I don't have. Mostly the gun ones, but also the one where the shapes move so fast they are blurry. crying Those exhaust me! Some of the other games are just made of win, though. I particularly enjoyed the Dust Bunnies, choose good or evil (all iterations), Wash Mochi, Connect the Dots, Catch the Cats, Connect while avoiding Virii, and for some reason Escape the Fan Girl.

I won't be able to get all the prizes for this event, but I know that's just how it's gonna be from now on on Gaia. I had a lot of fun chatting in the Team Guild, though, and cheering for players better than myself.

And a note of compassion for the poor overworked art team: Possibly consider having fewer than 12 Evolving Items available at one time?! It's too many for us to handle, and it may be too many for your team, as well. Don't forget to sleep and eat and breathe and all that good stuff. mrgreen

Thanks again for creating and sustaining this amazing event! I'd give you a Domo, but we're not supposed to use him anymore, so here's a grunny ninja instead. User Image

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 11:28pm
Fleep, you guys did an awesome job on this event. biggrin heart

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Lazarus Larkin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 11:52pm
Can I assume this mean that Barton actually won?

...and if so, how come we don't have an official announcement yet? ^_^*

I actually really liked this event overall. I think it was a huge improvement over last year's, which were so mean-spirited they ended up being no fun at all for a lot of people.

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 11:59pm
As much as the work you do is appreciated
I must admit, I'm tired of the spoon fed events
It used to take me forever to get the items
and I had fun doing it
I was soo happy with the Halloween event
because the vampire was hard to get
but then you guys went and made that a link
I realize not everyone can be on the whole event
so I'd really appreciate it if you could give us a good mix of hard and easy to achieve items
I honestly have stopped looking forward to events
I can get all the items in 2 hours
and it's boring
The lack of forum games in this event also upset me
It forces interaction
and gets the lurkers out
most people will call me elitist for wanting hard to get items
but I wont to work hard for something
and show that I worked hard
even with this event
you guys lowered the required score to get a second item
I'm very disappointed
as for the removing of low scores
I disapprove
if it was cheating you worried about
I could just as easily make a mule
have it join my team
get a ten 1 day
and have a whole bunch of tens
the low scores evened it out
and why shouldn't low scores count
just because someone is disadvantaged in game skills doesnt mean they don't count
It's like killing someone in a wheel chair
crippled people count too
I was also kinda ticked that aekea got the bum end of the deal
zombies, angels, demons, vampires, and dark elves?
and we get stuck with Orcs and the least popular event characters the zurg
Aekea is team Sexy
we should get the sexy mascots
not the green freaks
I suppose my rant doesnt matter
and you stopped readng after the first few sentences
but maybe it'll change enough peoples minds and get them to say somthing too
Thanks for the hard work on the event
it was well done
but far too easy and individual

Ted D Ber
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Lady Cres
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 12:06am
It was a good event. biggrin
I didn't know all of that goes into planning one though... o.O

I feel bad for you guys when people b***h and moan because something wasn't up to their liking. They should just be happy with what they have.

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 12:12am
I personally think y'all should alternate between skill based and effort based events. Like you wouldn't force someone artsy to play football when they fear teh bruises from tackling, nor force a jock to work in clay for fear he'd leave bubbles in and the sculpture would explode and damage everything else in the oven. It takes all kinds!

So, for doing something new with an event, I say, thank you, that's another kind of player who can enjoy it. Maybe for easter next year you can reuse some code from a forum event and throw brightly colored eggs at Santa and Jack, and the Easter Bunny can finally have revenge. Again. He seems kinda frustrated. Boy needs therapy.

Spriteless Girl
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 12:35am
Skins for my birthday! Woo!


Seriously, it's ma birthday today, I'm 18.

I loved the event, some of the games were a bit iffy, but overall it was fantastic!

Thanks a bunch to all of you! CELEBRATORY PIZZA FOR ALL!

Dude, mad video.

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 12:44am
I had a lot of fun with this event, Fleep. It ran much smoother than they used to back in 2004 where a launch would cause the entire site to crash for days. And the items weren't that half bad either.

Tsukabu Nosoratori
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 01:41am
I've got nothin' but love for you guys right now.

This event was completely, absolutely, fun. whee

Thanks for all the hard work. heart

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 01:46am
I've been on gaia for 4 years and I liked this event a lot more than previous events I've played. I don't like forum based events where you have to post a lot to get the prizes (ex. grombie event @_@). I really liked this event because you played flash games instead of having to bump a lot. And it was fun to have team spirit and stuff. I didn't have computer access last summer so I didn't play the water balloon game so I don't know if this was better or not, but I know it was really fun. Thanks!

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Bunnyfish Mel-Mel
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 01:50am
I thought the event was great! It's been a while since I had this much fun with an event (It was hard to stop playing the games sometimes...) and I appreciate all the hard work put into it.

I think that the way it was set up (Players play the games by themselves, but as a team...um...does that description work?) as opposed the the way last year's water war was set up was part of why there was less negativity between teams and that helped make it a lot more fun. :3

So I wanna say congratulations on/thank you for a great event! :3

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 02:13am
This was a great event! I really enjoyed it. I liked being able to earn two new items a day! It was fun!

Thank you so much for the work involved. Please pass that along to all involved.


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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 02:17am
How dare you devs make such an awesome event for us?!
What did we ever do to deserve this s**t! 14 items! WTF Gaia, these items rock!

And that flash header with Bruce and Ricky. :X That was the damnedest thing I ever saw on the internet. I could stare at that thing for hours, they seem almost alive.

Seriously, I had a good time, and I'm sure i'll find uses for all these items in the future. The whole experience was awesome and I look forward to more events like it.

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 02:20am
<3 I loved this event. I loved all the events really.

They keep getting better and I appreciate all the hard work you do for us Gaia players <3

Can't wait til next summer O:

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 02:55am
I want to say that I'm really impressed with this year's summer event. I was a Barton this year, and I was a Barton last year. One thing I'm soooo happy that was changed was the way scoring worked. Last year, the amount of team members definitely affected the score (Barton, being the smallest team, still got 3rd though <3 ) this year I felt like my team actually had a chance, and we ended up winning ^w^ I think it was a good way to throw out low scores so that cheating was taken care of. The games were a little glitchy, but overall, I had soooo much fun with this event! Thanks Fleep :3

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 04:11am
Thanks so much for this event Fleep. Be sure to thank the staff for me. It was a really fun event. I'm psyched to see what the rest of the skins look like.

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vix diesel
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 04:31am
I thoroughly enjoyed the event. I had a blast doing it.

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 04:34am
My hat off to you and the team, Fleep. The Olympics were just fantastic. I'm happy that there wasn't that many technical issues this time around for you all, since I'm sure they cause you all tons and tons of stress with all the freak outs on the forums. The events really seem to run smoother and smoother each time. 3nodding

And the content! Games AND manga AND items AND good ol' fashion competition that definately was not as brutual as everyone made the water balloon fight. (Gods, I think there still might be some bruised egos from that round! xd ) I love the team aspect of it all, and I find that continuing with the concept of the towns really does add something to the depth of the event.

Anyways, enough blabbing on my part. Once more, Thank you!

The Lady of Moof
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 05:02am
Thanks for the great event! This is one of my all-time favorite events (along with the Cow Tipping/Zurg Zapping/Human Probing Halloween and Orphan Xmas events). The minigames were fun and made me laugh.

The only issues I encountered were that the games made my Firefox crash (so I ended up playing on Safari), and sometimes I would get to the end result page and it would ask me to log in and therefore lose my score.

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 05:51am
This event was really great this year. Thank you to everyone who made it fun with all the prizes and cute minigames. heart
I also appreciate the explanations on how everything worked. It is always great.

Pandy OMG
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Ryuu Hime
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 07:29am
You guys did a really great job with the event. I had a lot of fun playing the games every day.

My only complaint is that the games didn't give out any gold. gonk

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 01:36pm
Thank you, Fleep, for all your work on an amazing, fantastic event. One of the best in a while, in my opinion. Thank the whole team for me, but especially you, for putting up with all of the flack and giving us answers even when we were acting like whiney little babies.

Thank you thank you thank you. You're a saint, and a fantastic programmer.

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Lady Kayura
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 02:26pm
The Olympics was a wonderful event. The use of different games each day made it something to look forward to. What new games would be be able to play? Using a compilation of the games from the previous days, for the last day was fun too. Compared to some of the events of the past, this was by far, the smoothest. Oh, and the items.. The items were just wonderful. The manga was wonderful and very much worth the wait.

The skins. I just want to say thank you for letting the grombies use the skin too without completely removing it. I'm tickled to death about it. It's like having my birthday and Christmas and fireworks all at once that I can use the skins and not lose my grombieness. <3 Fleep, I really appreciate the work you did on the potions and appreciate it that you worked on it so grombies could enjoy it too.

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 07:42pm
Thank you Fleep! I'm so happy for all of the hard work you all put into this event. In my nearly 4 years here on Gaia, this has been my favorite! I know you all worked your asses off and must have dealt with many complaints and McSourfaces, but hey--this is Gaia. xd

I was a little frustrated with some of the games that had glitches and gave me 2's when I pressed buttons on the keyboard as fast as usual (when I normally get a 9 or 10) and would get a 2, but hey. It's a glitch. You can't get 'em all.

Overall, this was a very, very good event. Thank you! heart

[ Rose ]
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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 08:09pm
this has been one of my favorite events ever
thank you so much for all the hard work

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 29, 2008 @ 11:49pm
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Thanks, Fleep. I think the event went well, all things considered. Personally, I had a hard time with it. The games behaved inconsistently, and I lost the sense that I was doing anything to help my team. but I salute all the hard work you guys put into it. biggrin

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commentCommented on: Wed Jul 30, 2008 @ 01:04am
I just wanted to thank you for being a part of the team that made in what my opinion was the best Gaia event ever. :3 The unique content every day was what really won it for me. I also really enjoyed the fact that you had to do well to get all the event items, not just do a certain action over and over again.

I'm really going to miss the Olympics when they go away!

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 30, 2008 @ 03:51am
why wont u tell us about the whole domo thingy? we all miss him, and there are alot of rumors floating around about why hes gone. could you please clarify? and, YAY! NO CRASH! xd although, i was disappointed that i couldnt participate in the rejected olympics because i couldnt download the flash upgrade. could you guys try to make the upcoming events more accesable to people without flash?

Thank you's to all the gaia team! 4laugh

Darling Vortexus
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commentCommented on: Wed Jul 30, 2008 @ 07:37pm
I loved the event! Especially because there was new content every day.

My only request is that the items be harder to get for us hardcore users (you know, the ones who live, eat, sleep, and breathe GAIA). It would be great if it was more of a challenge as well as having some "easy" to get items for those that can't devote the time.

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 31, 2008 @ 05:41am
I really enjoyed the event, it was pretty amusing. But also extrememly frustrating. I have to use an old laptop two bad things combined in one. alot of the games would freeze after i had used the computer for more than a few minutes.. and i had to use my laptop mouse. Not the touch kind either, the little red rubber button in the middle of the keyboard. But under ideal circumstances i'd have to say this event would have been pretty ******** awesome. But good job, even with my computer problems i still had tons of fun. I especially enjoyed the storyline, the scrolling at the bottom of the screen, and the bickering between the anouncers.

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