Scarlet Soul_part 3
Far away from Cruxiaren and Aeriaveil, was the Etheris. There in a city lived a girl named Sairene Silverhart, from the noble family of Silverhart who was well-renowned because of their talented minds and body. Ever since she was little, her father trained her and her grumpy older brother and older sister with super human abilities, and some spells that can be learnt through scrolls which the humans accumulated through wars. She was very skilled and very intelligent and she surpassed her siblings, even her father. Although she grew up with a very strict and arrogant family, her smiles and determination made her strong and optimistic. She never lost hope on everything and, she managed to get away with problems easily. Her fire-spirited determination and agile thinking made her all the way to being a great lady. Despite of those, she was still a very graceful, well-mannered, polite, humble and smiling lady. She was incredibly beautiful and with that she had a lot of suitors, not only in her school but also from their neighbors. And she never entertained anyone. Now that she’s sixteen, she was able to get free of herself from the clutches of her father. In the human tradition, every human child who reached sixteen years of age must be allowed to decide on their own journeys, wants and needs, or else the family will suffer. She’s very lucky.
Her father didn’t really care about her, neither her siblings as well. And she didn’t care too. She’s free and now she could decide different kinds, and she decided to explore the wilderness. Upon sunrise, she woke up early, packed up and accumulated all her savings which she hid under her bed from her nasty siblings. And at the set of the first sound of the rooster, she left the house.
She managed to exit the gates of Etheris with no difficulty. With her flexibility, sharp mind and sly tactics, nobody could really outsmart her. She gasped in amusement at the great wonders of the wilderness: Wide, clear, fresh air, peaceful and free. She danced at the center of the field, along with the swaying sapphira blossoms that were blown by the soft, cool breeze. She played with the white rabbits and the birds, got fruits from disowned trees, and rested at its shade. After that, she was well-determined to go farther. As she walked, she saw a dark forest, and as fire-spirited she was, she was thrilled to know what was there. Full of curiosity, she went there.
The forest was rather dark, creepy and hollow. She suddenly remembered what her father told her about this forest. Whoever got in here never escaped and all of them died. The forest was called the Dark Enigmatic Forest. She just laughed inwardly and thought how stupid her father could get. There was nothing to be afraid off, and the forest was totally empty. Well, only creepy and dark, but nothing. Such worthless tales. She continued to walk, only to find that she was returning to the place where she came from.
“Was this some kind of a joke?” She muttered aloud to herself as she went on, walking and walking until she found out that she was just circling the forest. She got angry and she even used her scrolls to use magic to destroy trees. But it was useless. “I don’t believe it! These trees were simply magical!” She exclaimed. Now, she completely understood the story of her father.
She got exhausted and her eyes were prompting to put her to sleep. Her muscles couldn’t keep up another round of walking and circling and his sharp mind turned out dull. In addition, she was thirsty and hungry and sleepy, and if she didn’t find any place to sleep, she’ll be toasted.
As she walked straight ahead, she saw a very big palace, with matching thunderbolts and lightning strikes for the background. The place was incredibly gothic, dark and…weird. Just imagine that palace was dark but there were statues of angels engraved on the pillars. Silly architect.
Due to extreme exhaustion, she couldn’t criticize anymore and just left those issues behind. She knocked thrice and she opened the door. Amazed, she dropped her bag to the ground and all of her exhaustion was lost at just seeing the wonderful, rich structure of the palace. She clasped her mouth with her hands, trying to contain those excited laughs and all. The insides of the palace were amazing. She was like in a medieval era and she felt like really a princess. The walls were perfectly painted with maroon and white. The windows were big, arch-like with many divisions and were slightly covered with red, silky curtains that hanged long down to the floor and tied in a gold curtain ribbon. The sofas and tables were wide and looked comfy. The floor and stairs were made of light brown marble and the ceiling was like the skies. There were also big chandeliers that lighted the palace beautifully. And the flowers were arranged in a much desired perfection. Right, the perfect word was PERFECTION. She couldn’t contain herself anymore and so, she slept on the couch and got some sleep.