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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Weeks 93 - 101... or something.
Hey guys!

Many of you noticed that I hadn't posted in a journal in roughly 3 bajillion weeks (give or take a few gazillion) and the main reason for this was that I was extremely, impossibly busy.

I'm less so now, but it's still crazy busy. 2008 will be an interesting year, that's for sure.

No Country For Young Orphans
It seems so long ago now, but I was really happy all-told with the X-Mas 2007 Event.

"But Fleep, don't you realize that you're a monster for making an event that involves sickly and abused orphans who you guys created?"

Yes, yes of course I'm a monster - but in the case of this event, we wanted to make something that was both really funny, and also a little heartwarming. That is the true spirit of the Holidays, after all.

The secret story behind the event is more complicated. See, we had originally planned a totally different event, and were ready to get started on it when Habbo Hotel announced practically the exact same event.

So at one Event Team meeting one week very near the event release date, we came up in a hurry with a totally different plan. I don't know if it was inspiration or dumb-luck, but we ended up with the orphan event with which many of us were extremely happy. Users seemed to like it in general, and it was something original.

(It later turned out that Habbo's event was pretty lame compared to what we had originally planned. Argh. C'est la vie!)

Yes, we're demented
So what goes into making an event like this? Well, it was a rush job, so you had:

1. The event team deciding how the game would work, what items would be in the shops, what exactly is "orphan food", "orphan toys", and "orphan medicine"
2. Artists making the event page graphics, orphans, and items art
3. User interface making the event page layout and some other art
4. Someone had to write the announcement / mini-story
5. Various people wrote the twisted dialog and came up with the names for the various orphans.
6. I had to code the thing and coordinate with all the other teams to bring everything together, and then oversee it on launch day
7. When it launched and when the servers got overloaded, systems administrators and some devs worked at stabilizing everything

It took over a dozen people to bring the event together, over a couple of weeks of work - and it was a small event. We had intentionally made it smaller than past events so that we didn't have to work over the Holidays and stress out around Christmas. December was such a crazy busy month for us though (with the event, Cash shop updates, 12 Days of Gaia, movie updates, the end of Wii the People, coding the New Years Gold Bonus, the Cary Brothers concert, etc.) that working late was unavoidable.

When we did the Halloween event, it took a lot more people and a lot more time. So much so, I think I actually got chewed out for making it too big rofl

Return of the Orphans?
Lots and lots of people have been asking to keep their orphans. I personally would like to see something like the orphans implemented as a pet system (but much more complex).

One of the really good things about Sponsorships is that they often give us the opportunity to create new content and develop different systems for Gaians while getting paid by a sponsor for it. The best example of this and how it's affected Gaia is Gaia Rally and the Scion Sponsorship.

As a result of the sponsorship we got Rally (which is pretty popular still), Autos, and an environment platform which is more robust than Towns. That enabled us to build the Virtual Hollywood area - which Towns as a platform wouldn't support right now (or at least, that's my understanding, I could easily be wrong).

Hopefully a sponsorship will come along that enables us to build a full pet system. Unless that happens, I'm not aware of any plans to make one this year. I could be wrong, of course. It's hard for any single person in Gaia to know everything that's going on (Just like how Lanzer said there were no Gaia-specific quests in production recently, which is simply not true. Can't blame him though - there's so much going on!)

Phisher's of Men
I was at my buddy's house the other day talking about some of the stuff on Gaia which is pretty crazy. Crazy good, I mean. I always used to talk to my friends about Gaia and didn't know what to say to them, but thanks to some of the things we did in 2007, it's a lot easier than it used to be. Some of my faves:

"We have this thing called 'Gaia Cinemas' where people can watch TV shows and movies online. Right now I think we're the only place where you can see the Matrix and Gattaca for free on the Web. And you can get together with your friends and watch stuff together in a little virtual movie theater, and you can throw popcorn and tomatoes and stuff. It's pretty crazy."

"Yeah, Gaia's really popular. On a regular day we have 100,000 people using it at the same time."

"You can even get cars and customize them and race them against other people. Right now we have a few custom cars and a Scion car - and you can do stuff like add wings, underglow, and stuff like that, and show it off to other people on the site."

Those are actual, mostly-accurate quotes that I told my friend over the weekend. I got an e-mail from her yesterday saying something along the lines of "You inspired me! I signed up for an account on Gaia... but I got a white screen after I registered."

Damnit! Well, at least I convinced her wink She e-mailed me again this morning saying she ended up getting through the 2nd time she tried and is now another quality Gaian blaugh

What lies beneath
So what secrets do I have in store for you?! Well, my team and I are working on a ton of things right now, not all of which I can tell you about. I'll say the following though:

1. A non-sponsored quest and some minor upgrades to the quest system (freelz)
2. Backend projects to make developing events and sponsorships much easier/faster
3. A project to improve the flow of existing quest templates and to make them more stable
4. An event
5. SECRETS! (Lots of these)

None of your busy-ness
So I'm swamped a lot nowadays, and as predicted my journal updates will be decreasingly frequent. Still no plans to stop, though! So keep checking that subscription, and I'll do my best to keep you apprised!

User Comments: [47] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 07:43pm
Happy 100+ Weeks of journal writing. =)

I really do hope that the orphans return. <3
It was definitely one of my favorite events.
(And I'm not just saying that. Its true. : DD )

Glad to know that when you aren't working on Gaia, you're still thinking about it.
And trying to get people to join. x DD

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 07:55pm
Opps... accidentally stole the 2nd and 3rd comment

The Christmas event was a great success, a lot of people really got into the whole orphan thing, I know I did. I want my Sunako back btw....

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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 08:00pm

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 08:04pm
OW my throat hurts from reading that out loud to my brother XD YAY SECRETS I think o.o Fleep, you must be good at your job to be able to pull all this off. BTW, I loved the Halloween 2k7 event, tell the others to suck it up! xp

Tai Naito
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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 08:05pm
who0t! Great to see a "rare here of late" Fleep post! And on my day off too..wow..whatsda odds?? hehe Anyways,you and your fellow cohorts aka coworkers have done a kickin job,I dont think I had any major issues,lil lag but that was expected,in December.
I thought the orphan thing was funny and cute.And of course I wanted to keep a waif er 2.I bonded so well with my lil brats..erm orphans.So yeah,really great job on an event put together on such short notice.Ya'all keep me comin' back..and spending money,so ya'all are doin somethin right! wink
Dont work yaself too hard,I know,wth am I smokin right...lol! Have a awesome week Fleep! Til next post..xx

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 08:08pm
I greatly enjoyed the event and thought the orphans were cute.

But my suggestion of something to do to bring the orphans back was that os setting up a actual donation deal with an organization that actually helps real life orphans and part of the money goes to that.

I have no clue what Habbo Hotel was going to do, I've never been there, but Gaia's are always better.

Glad to see you alive!

Akasha Heartilly
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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 08:14pm
rofl @ movie references

Everyone at Gaia deserves a glomp orgy for their hard work. Especially those specifically tied into Gaia events. The work that goes into it is amazing. It demonstrates the synergy that exists between the various groups that make up the Gaia staff. biggrin You guys should now all pat yourself on your back and remember that pat on the back was a Sheshie petting you all on the back! Wooo! (Oh and a special head rub for you, Fleep! @w@ )

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 08:18pm
Thanks Fleep!

I was beginning to wonder where your wonderful entries had gone.

Cid High-Wind
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The anti-social cookie
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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 08:56pm
omg fleep im so sorry you have been so busy. but it all sounds so cool

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 09:04pm
I wonder who'd sponsor something for Orphan adoption..?

What happened to the spare wiis?

Christmas bonuses?

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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 09:04pm
wow what work you put in to this site i cant wait to see whats planed for this year

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 09:16pm
Hot DAMN, Fleep! Excellent entry. Thanks for this, it was great to read!


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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 10:30pm
Whoo! Excited about what'll happen next fer sure! Miss you in Towns, so tell them workin' on that to hurreh! lols...demands from the ungrateful spawn that we are.

Look forward to your next update, it's always fun to hear what went on behind the scenes.

((ty for answering my PMs even though you were really busy. Means a lot that you guys take time out for us))

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 10:33pm
You should've tried using the invite system to get her to join!

Kathleen Starr
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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 10:42pm
Fleep's alive!
Rejoice. Or panic!

Aw man, y'all got ripped off by Habbo?
There's a spy in your ranks, methinks!
I'd be suspicious of that guy constantly saying "bobba", personally.

All for the best, though. I thought the orphan event was a riot.

Just out of curiosity; what WAS the Habbo event/the one you guys originally had planned?

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 10:56pm
Hey there, thanks for the updates and all of the information. Continue working hard and have a great 08' 3nodding

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Dref Dur
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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 11:11pm
Thanks for the update Fleep! heart

It's good to hear there's still time for you to breathe these days. sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 11:32pm
Fleep, I love you, do you love me back? 4laugh

On the other hand, what was Habbo's event? I don't really keep up with that site ever since I made an account like, two years ago, and found out to really do anything fun, you had to fork over cash cash cash (at least that was my impression of it).

Seraphim Call
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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 11:55pm
Fleep, darling, I have NEVER been able to sign into Cinemas and actually watch something since the Matrix Update. I could before. I have Vista, IE, Cable and all the latest updates, bells and whistles.

I have posted this in the Bug zone. I really really want to watch Gattaca and Forever Knight.

But thanks for an updated post. mrgreen

And BTW, calling orphans "pets" will totally piss people off even more than their racial makeup did. SO DO IT NAO! kthxbai.

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 11:58pm
So talking about Gaia is how you pick up chicks? eek heart pirate

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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 12:35am
Perhaps a sponsorship with orphans to actually benefit real life under priveledged children?

Y'know... that doesn't sound too shabby. That might actually get Gaia a lot of positive recognition as well.

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 12:56am
Yay! Fleep Journal!
I'm sort of sad about AtA now. Lanzer tries his best, but with Lanzer, Sporky, and FTF being the only people there, it's hard to get questions answered. The teams should send like, representatives or something. And I knew Lanzer was wrong about the quest thing because DJ Helsing announced it at a con. And Con stuff is compiled from all the teams, so it's more accurate than ATA in many ways. XD.

Cube B
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Manchester I Darkfield
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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 02:34am
Cant wait. whee

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 03:54am
Interesting, how you came up with the orphan event, and finishing it under a few weeks (and other items/sponsers). Orphans helping out the pet feature, eh? Sounds like the feature isn't really that far away. ^_^

Congrats on having your friend interested in Gaia. I hope that she doesn't expect too much from the site. xD

I do hope that there are more people on your team to help with the workload. D:

Yen Quest
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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 05:44am
-Have you seen the movie No Country for Old Men? I heard it was really good, what's your thoughts?
-I do applaud you for the Christmas Event. It went smoothly in my mind.
-If anything, you could always use the orphans for future quests. Maybe some still need a bit more help.
-You could always ask some big pet company for a pet system. Petsmart? Petco?
-Thnaks for everything Fleep. :B

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 09:05am
Hooray, hooray! New news from Fleepland today! blaugh (If I had a confetti emote, I'd throw it in here.)

The Christmas event was a lot of fun. I'm pretty shocked to hear it was a last-minute sort of deal. eek I felt it was just the right size, as we do all have family and friends to be with during the holidays as well as our beloved Gaia. whee

With what did you have to bribe the artists to add 12 Days of Gaia to their already-packed schedule? We had 24 new items just for Christmas! xp Those artists are so amazing, as are all the devs, of course. 3nodding

We do still believe you about the Gaia-specific quest. . . mrgreen

See you around.

Chocobo Princess
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Angel Spirit Girl
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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 02:02pm
Sweet! Go Fleepster! >w<

Thank you for the update.

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 04:41pm
Glad to finally see a journal entry. Glad to hear that you are so busy........Or are U? Mwaahhhaahahaha......Just kidding, I know it can be pretty hectic being part of a project of this undertaking.....So Hats off to ya! Enjoy your week ahead, well the rest of it anyways.............

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BitchSlap Barbie
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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 05:06pm
Thanks for the update xd I've missed them

To be honest I'll have to thank Habbo because the orphan event was the sweetest event I've ever experience whee

I hope you'll have a great 08' and time for some more updates 3nodding

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 05:41pm
Oh I love secrets!

Inti Castro
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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 05:47pm
A non-sponsored event? Sweet! The sponsor quests are cool, too, but it's always awesome to have something that's strictly Gaia-related 3nodding

Speaking of awesome, the orphan event rocked. ^.^

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 06:18pm
Thanks Fleep. I feel like a heroine addict that waited in line at the methadone clinic for 2 months, and it was worth it!

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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 11:13pm
Lots and lots of people have been asking to keep their orphans. I personally would like to see something like the orphans implemented as a pet system (but much more complex).
cant wait.. mrgreen

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 12:17pm
Glad to see an entry from you! 3nodding I laughed out loud when you wrote about your friend signing up and getting a white screen. What's her name? Thanks for the updates. I hope to keep seeing them. They are rather exciting ^_^

Lady Kayura
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Lady Nanoha
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commentCommented on: Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 01:00pm
Glad your still doing your journal its been awhile.

release backwings quest k?

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 01:16pm
Fleep! Dahling!

I'm so glad you updated. I was afraid the Gaian Cabal had you chained in a dark dungeon coding away never to see the light of day again!

I luved the Christmas event and am looking forward to whatever righteous goodness you all can deliver for us!

I missed you. ::sniffle::

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commentCommented on: Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 05:24pm
Oh I can't wait heart .I love the Orphans (well some of them) I wonder what the secrets is.

User Image
commentCommented on: Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 04:12am

-annenta twitch-

I love how sponsorships work and give us nice new features!
-not to mention all those nice items- :3

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Spriteless Girl
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commentCommented on: Fri Jan 18, 2008 @ 11:08pm
Is the secret new quest this? I hope it's that and more for many aspects of the site! mrgreen

commentCommented on: Mon Jan 21, 2008 @ 03:31pm
Huzzah! A journal entry from Fleep! blaugh I was starting to really worry about what had happened to you gonk And new quests coming? Awesome! By the way, whatever happened to the Waterhorse quest? There's a thing about it in the announcements forum but it never showed up in the announcements bubble and it never worked as a quest though it had all the trappings for one sad
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Aiko Afriel
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Jiang Ryudo
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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 23, 2008 @ 03:40pm
I believe your plan at the bottom needs a little work;

1. A non-sponsored quest and some minor upgrades to the quest system (freelz)
2. Backend projects to make developing events and sponsorships much easier/faster
3. A project to improve the flow of existing quest templates and to make them more stable
3.a. ????
4. An event
5. SECRETS! (Lots of these)

3nodding it makes sense now.

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 10:30pm
I really liked the Christmas event. I like events where people can kind of choose whether to be involved in the forums or not. Thanks for all your work. And I'm kind of excited about the new stuff you hinted at. Oh, also, I checked out Habbo since you mentioned it. It looks lame, especially in comparison to Gaia.

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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 02:14am
The orphan event was officially awesome. I loved it! Haven't had such a funny and adorable event since the labtechs left, and that was 2004. heart I can't believe it was Plan B. Though it does prove that sometimes less (planning) is more. ^_^

I do miss the pic-links you used to illustrate your journal with... I would have liked to see one for "true spirit of the Holidays". And maybe one for "quality Gaian". whee

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 03:56am
I cannot wait for the events!! I'm now VERY excited to find out what they are!!

Thanks for posting an entry! I've been wanting to see what's been going on!!

*Class of 2006 Gaia Vet!
*Team Durem! / Team S.I.N!
*I log in VERY sporadically, but I love this site like it's a second home still!
*You can message me anyway! I'm as friendly as ever!

I Sinistro I
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commentCommented on: Fri Feb 01, 2008 @ 12:58am
Lookit, it's my everyday hero. wink

Hang in there, fleep. I checked in to see if you ever did repost your posts from the 'mtv is taking over gaia' thread, but there's been nothing so I guess you're not doing it. xd That's fine- it might cause your comment section to overflow. domokun

commentCommented on: Wed Feb 13, 2008 @ 03:18pm
I'd love to see growing orphans in the pet system. maybe they could be a month-by-month thing =D

Esabelle Ryngin
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commentCommented on: Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 05:56pm
eek Wow, that orphan event was done in a week? You guys are awesome! I loved the event! biggrin

And hey, you could always do the event you'd originally planned this year. xp

The 12 days of Gaia thing was brilliant, too. It made perfect sense to do that for Christmas. And who (on Gaia, anyway) doesn't love free items! It really made me want to log in every day, even though I normally don't over Christmas break (my mom only has dial-up stressed ).

And congrats on getting one of your friends to join! wink

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