Name: Miyu Aizawa
Age: 19
Race: Human
Powers: If she were to have any "powers", it would be her gift of song.
Bio: Miyu lived a normal, sheltered life up until her sixteenth year when she entered the public school system for the first time. Her parents, fearing for the safety of their only daughter, moved her away from their busy city life to live in the country. Seemingly, though, this did more harm than good as their child was truly introduced to the newest fashions. Yet, it was modern day history that intrigued her the most - almost as much as her passion for music.
When her friend received the invitation to travel to Chatteau Aodhart, it was only natural that she pass it along to Miyu. Graciously accepting the gift, she set out for the castle in search of a new adventure.
Weapons: Due to feeling that she needs no self protection from the world (as she has not witnessed its true horrors), she refuses to carry any kind of gun or sharp object on her person.
*Greatly under construction, this is intended for Chatteau Aodhart.*