So yeah, I've been missing in action for a while there, at least from journal updates. Not without good reason of course - things have been super busy around here. As our teams grow, we have to tighten up processes, and between that and working on this event, I'm swamped like all-get-out.
Someone pointed out to me this morning though that I hadn't written a journal in a long time, so I figured I owed it to everyone to tell 'em what's-what.
The World of Fleep
So some of you know and some of you don't, but I'm currently leading the PHP team for events and sponsorships. I'm working now with a small team of great developers with the goal of making events and sponsorships faster to develop, more fun for the users, less glitchy overall, and effective at their respective goals.
The main reason I ended up in this role is because since the start of this year, the Event/Sponsorship PHP Team had one member: Fleep. There were several problems with this set-up:
It was dangerous to have just one person know how to do this stuff, because what if he got sick or went on vacation?
The team was overwhelmed with work
The team occasionally worked weekends
The demands for each project grew beyond the team's ability, and the number of projects did too
100% of the team was certifiably insane
So now we have several great developers on the PHP team, and with this, we're able to:
Spend more time on planning
Clean up older code and use newer design patterns
Improve our internal processes
Train a stronger team of event/sponsorship developers
Dedicate more time to visual impressiveness
Deal with leak issues
Create tools for common event tasks
Have more fun while creating them!
All in all, I'm super happy with the arrangement.
We spent a long time deciding what to do with Halloween this year, and I've finally started working full-blow on it. I can't reveal too much about it, but one thing I can say is that it will be less game-heavy than Summer Festival, but MUCH MUCH more story-heavy.
It'll be something different from what we've done before -- but you can still expect Trick-Or-Treating on top of the new stuff smile
I've gotta run -- work to do! It's 7:15 PM, already dark out, I'm hungry, and I'm not done for the day I'll try to keep you guys posted over these next couple of weeks, but I can't make any promises! The workload's going to be hectic, but I should still find time to post in the Sheep Thread and respond to your PMs.
Community Member
You used the same picture twice!
For shame! D:<
Its the Vacaction and Insane linked picture.
The Bat Country one. ;O
Andand, hurrah for having the Sheep thread linked. : DDD
But booo for you working loads and not having eaten yet.
-orders pizza for Fleep-
And the whole ROFLCAT picture explosion totally reminded me of what the Sheep thread was like up until 2k pages. x DDD