Zoe: hello amanda
Me: so zoe, why are there cuts on your arms and y are y hanging urself? is this about that game elmo mentioned before he died?
Zoe: yes amanda it is
Me: well, may i ask what the prize is?
*zoe takes her last breath*
Zoe: a ... a.... a.... penny
*zoe dies*
Me: well, i guees i'll be the judge. zoe wins
*i toss a penny to her corpse*
***down in hell***
Elmo: dammit zoe y do u always win?
Zoe: cuz girls are better than boys
*devil walks up and takes ther by the ears*
Devil: lets go to ur punishments, u bad bad monsters
***up on earth***
*i yell to the graound*
sorry that one was lame, but i didn't really feel like writing today
So WhAt If YoU cAn SeE tHe DaRkEsT sIdE oF mE?
nO oNe WiLl EvEr ChAnGe ThIs AnImAl i HaVe BeCoMe
HeLp Me BeLiEvE iT’s NoT tHe ReAl Me
SoMeBoDy HeLp Me TaME ThIs AnImAl I hAvE bEcOmE
nO oNe WiLl EvEr ChAnGe ThIs AnImAl i HaVe BeCoMe
HeLp Me BeLiEvE iT’s NoT tHe ReAl Me
SoMeBoDy HeLp Me TaME ThIs AnImAl I hAvE bEcOmE