ummm i don't really think there's anything new or exciting that happened besides i know that JASON STILL LIKES ME!!!! he's my boyfriend just incase u didn't know!!!!!! soooooo anyway now i'm like blanking out and i've nothing in my head rite now. so i think i'll end this entry. buh-bye!!!! and see u tomorrow
So WhAt If YoU cAn SeE tHe DaRkEsT sIdE oF mE?
nO oNe WiLl EvEr ChAnGe ThIs AnImAl i HaVe BeCoMe
HeLp Me BeLiEvE iT’s NoT tHe ReAl Me
SoMeBoDy HeLp Me TaME ThIs AnImAl I hAvE bEcOmE
nO oNe WiLl EvEr ChAnGe ThIs AnImAl i HaVe BeCoMe
HeLp Me BeLiEvE iT’s NoT tHe ReAl Me
SoMeBoDy HeLp Me TaME ThIs AnImAl I hAvE bEcOmE