*elmo laughs and we point the camera at him while i stand below him w/the microphone*
now elmo y r u doing this?
Elmo: well zoe and i are playing a game
Me: and wat game is that?
Elmo:whoever has the worst death wins
*camera centers on me*
well, isn't that interesting? every child rite now is crying and every teenager is yelling for him to jump
*a teenager walks up to elmo and pushes him off*
Teenager: gosh it's about time, his laugh is annoying
*i look over the side of the bridge and watch elmo fall and die*
Me: wow who knew he would go down so slow? Well i'll wrap this up, over all this day has been great. tomorrow we'll go check on zoe and see how she plans to kill herself.
and come read tomorrow's report of: the triple Q's
hahaha sorry i already had my friend brittany kill barney, i decided it was elmo's turn to die
well see u ppl tomorrow, peace-out
So WhAt If YoU cAn SeE tHe DaRkEsT sIdE oF mE?
nO oNe WiLl EvEr ChAnGe ThIs AnImAl i HaVe BeCoMe
HeLp Me BeLiEvE iT’s NoT tHe ReAl Me
SoMeBoDy HeLp Me TaME ThIs AnImAl I hAvE bEcOmE
nO oNe WiLl EvEr ChAnGe ThIs AnImAl i HaVe BeCoMe
HeLp Me BeLiEvE iT’s NoT tHe ReAl Me
SoMeBoDy HeLp Me TaME ThIs AnImAl I hAvE bEcOmE