Sad Summer
This summer isn't going to be to good of a summer. I'm going to miss all of my friends. Plus I don't even have a friend anymore that I can call and talk to when I am feeling down. I am kind of tired of all this crap so ya, I can't wait to get away from it all. I asked my mom if I could bring one of my friends with me to Utah when I go there, but she said no. She pisses me off sometimes, like tomarrow is my best friends birthday party and she won't let me spend the night, cause I have to go to church on sunday. mad . She makes me mad. Oh and I can't even have one friend just one come with to Utah. she is to strict. Ya, so it's going to be a kind of sad, lonely summer. I can't wait to go out in the field and just think all my problems away, no one notices me out there anyway.