So last week on Thursday and Friday, I've been noticing that my ex has been watching me. And this has made me realise I have a new pet peeve: people staring at and watching me, and then never speaking to me. My ex and I haven't spoken since we broke up last year in March. It wasn't a bad break-up or anything, we just haven't been bothered to talk to each other.
The first instance, on Thursday, I was getting a pass to the library from my US History teacher. While she's signing it, I look around the class and notice my ex staring at me. He was facing away from me, looking at his friend's iPod, and then his head was turned over his shoulder to look at me. I was a little surprised, so I just look back at the teacher who hands me my pass. I turn around towards my ex to see if he's still watching, and he is. So while I'm walking out the door, I glare him down.
On Friday, I had gotten my lunch and was heading over to my usual spot. Normally, my friends that I sit with are already there. And we've been sitting there every day since school's started. So this being the usual, I was kind of in a lazy daze heading over to my spot, which is at the end of the table. I sit down, not paying attention due to habit, pick up my sandwich, bite it, and look around. The guy next to me is my class' spirit commissioner, a really nice guy who's also pretty hilarious. He was telling a funny story about seeing the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Sitting across the table from him is my ex. I'm already at the end of the table, so there's really no one to look at and talk to except for the guy next to me who's already talking about his story, or my ex whom I haven't spoken to since last year, who's listening to the guy next to me, and whom I death-glared at just the day before. I didn't want to be a biitch and get up in a huff and stomp off. So I'm just awkwardly looking down at my food or out the window just next to me, eating. Lucky for me, my friend came by and said "Heeeeyy, we're sitting at the other end of the table for today!" So I get up and ditch my ex and his friend. He knows that is where my friends and I sit. I know he does. And he wasn't with his girlfriend, oddly enough. When I got up, I looked around and saw his girlfriend sitting at the table behind me. Weird. So I go to the other end, sit down, and start finishing my sandwich. I look over, and I catch my ex just watching me while I eat. That is another pet peeve of mine, but not a new one: people (in general) watching me eat. It makes me choke up, literally, and I lose my appetite. I didn't choke, fortunately, but I definitely lost my appetite, so I just gave the rest of my lunch away. His watching me is very reminiscent of how he had stared at me right before he asked me out.
I find out at the end of the day that he broke up with his girlfriend. And she was just bawling her eyes out in class, according to my friends who have class with her. I feel a little sorry for her, she's a generally nice girl towards me.
This week, my school's been called off for snow days, so I haven't seen my ex since Friday. I'm a little scared to see him again; I don't want to catch him watching me again.
One thing for sure, I am not going to date him again. He found something wrong with me the first time, he'll probably find it again the second time.
No need to waste anyone's time.