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Dream Adventure Journal
I love to dream. This book is about all the different dreams. Ya never know who will show up.
Adventure in the Land of Monsters Part 10&11
Part 10

"Let's move Kitko. We got to get the head master's help in this case." Chikaru said running towards the Human City.
"I feel really bad leaving Sandina. She's our friend." Kitko said running beside Chikaru.
"I do too, but we're more help to her if we don't get caught too. They won't be able to go far, not while the wind is shifting the clouds. Each time the sun shows they have to hide. Even the strongest vamp can't stand the sun. They maybe able to handle it under the protection of something else, but there's no way they can without help."
"Chikaru, what are they planning to do with Sandina anyway?"
"Apparently the lightning Sandina weilds is what they're after. Since those are the only gloves ever made like that and its in Sandina's blood, I'm sure they're going to use her as the power source for their machine."
"Sandina won't help them. No matter what they do. She wouldn't jepordize the entire human race to save herself."
The head master waited outside the city gates for the girls to return. "Where did those foolish girls go?" He asked himself as he paced back anf forth.
"Headmaster!" Kitko shouted.
"There you girls are. Where have you been?! You had the entire board worried."
Chikaru took a deep breath. "Three boys dared us into going out and getting a cave flower, and we did. We didn't know it was going to be a trap. The boys gave up the location of us to save their own skins and then Sandina and I got captured by vampires and we did a huge battle. We got away thanks to Kitko and then flew on a pheonix all the way to the canyon. Then We battle trolls, but when we thought we were home free the vampires came and attacked us and they got Sandina cause they wanted to use her powers to power up some weird machine and Count Diago is in on this too cause he sent his kids after us and we barly got away and we want to know what the heck is going on!"
The Headmaster stood quietly and shook his head in disappointment. "I should've known that those three boys of mine were cowards." he sighed. "Sandina was forbidden to go outside of the city for a reason."
"What do you mean sir?" Kitko asked.
"Sandina has lightning abilities whether or not she wears those gloves. When we first found out about them we told her after she got them off that she wasn't to ever put them on again. That was until we found out because she was so young that it had embraced her DNA. Lightning had formed into her blood and so we ran some tests. We found out she could use the lightning powers if her anger got out of control. Apparently extreme emotion activates the lightning within her. Sadly we restricted her from going outside of the city. But it doesn't matter now. If the vampires got ahold of her, who knows what kind of things they'll try to ge ther to do. We must move quickly. You girls go home. you've done enough. Leave it to us pros." The Headmaster dashed into the city to gather a team together to retreive Sandina.
"No way I'm letting the Headmaster and those pros get all the fun. I'm going to gather up more gear and follow them when they go after Sandina." Chikaru said.
"I agree. I'll go get my weapon pouch and fill it with my new inventions. I also got some stuff to fix your sword so meet me in my room." Chikaru and Kitko raced off to Kitko's home to get prepared to get Sandina back.
Keto and Candy were having trouble holding onto Sandina as she squirmed to get free. "Put me down you stupid vamps!" Sandina shouted as she thrashed about.
"The sun is about to come out. Get to cover now." Nukaya said. They dove down among the dark forest trees and pinned Sandina down. Sandina's body shot out sparks of lightning. "Watch it, she's sparking."
"It doesnt' matter." Keto said crushing Sandina's ribs with his foot. "Her power is too weak now to hurt us."
"The stupid sun. We shouldn't have to constantly duck away from it." Candy hissed.
"It doesn't matter right now. As long as we got our prize," Keto said stomping on Sandina back. "there's nothing we can't handle."
"You might not want to damage the power supply too badly or it won't work the way we want." Nukaya said.
"Its too much fun toturing a human. I do not know why you have to spoil it." Keto went to kick Sandina's side when she rolled and tripped him. "You little witch."
Sandina sprung to her feet and her hands were engulfed in lightning. "Lets see you try and handle me now you psycho suckers." Nukaya, Candy and Keto stood beside each other. "I may not have a ton of power in me right now, but I should be able to stretch it long enough to beat them." Sandina thought.
"Grab her before she get's away." Candy hissed.
"Bring it on." Sandina said with a smirk. Nukaya, Candy and Keto dove for Sandina, but she dodged and kicked them together. The three stood up and lunged for Sandina, but she jumped into the air and shot them down with a blast of lightning. Keto, Candy and Nukaya soared around Sandina in the air and Sandina grabbed a tree branch and flipped around it. "This is getting interesting."
"How does she have so much energy left?" Nukaya asked.
"Never doubt what human can do." Sandina said.
"Little wretch!" Keto screeched as he dove for Sandina. Sandina grabbed the branch and pulled it back. Keto went to grab Sandina and she let go of the branch. It knocked Keto to the ground and he was out.
"One down, two to go." Sandina chuckled. Nukaya attacked Sandina while Candy vanished into the shadows. Sandina dodged every attack Nukaya could throw at her. "I didn't think vamps were this slow. You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn."
"We'll see about that."
"No we won't." Sandina jumped into the air and slam kicked Nukaya to the ground. Nukaya got up and then fell to teh ground. "Two down... one to...? Where... where's that other one?"
"Human eyes are so slow." Candy said as she soared aorund Sandina. Sandina looked around, but she could only get a few glimpses of Candy around her. "What's wrong little human. Maybe if you give up now I'll go easy on you."
"Ya right." Sandina said as she turned about trying to find Candy.

Part 11

"Maybe you should try and relax. Why not allow me to turn you into a vampire? It will get rid of all the pain that you hold." Candy said gently touching Sandina's shoulder blades.
Sandina swung her arm around, but it missed Candy. "What's the use of living when you can't feel anything?"
Candy laughed softly. "You forget. We're not living." Candy replied.
"Come out and fight." Sandina said rasing her fists.
"now why would I do that? Its obvious you're running out of power. The lightning around your fists are slowly dying out. Soon it will just be your pathetic human self."
"Even if my lightning dies down I can still whip ya."
"Are all humans this ignorant to their own defeat or are you just a special case?"
"You must've been pigging out on poultry caus eI sense a little chiken blood in ya." Sandina said.
"Ow, now that hurt. How could you say somehting so mean?" Candy said sarcastically.
"Note to self. think of better banter." Sandina thought. The wistling wind through the trees suddenly grew still. "She stopped moving. But where is she?" Sandina wondered. Each minute seems as an eternity had passed. Candy watched from the trees and SAndina stood perfectly still, waiting for Candy's attack.
"you know, that pretty little neck of yours could use a good bite." Candy's voice echoed around Sandina.
"Go hack up a blood clotte."
"You look tired. how are you feeling?"
"Depends... how does it feel when you bite your own tongue?"
"oh... that bad huh? I can end the pain.. It will only hurt for a second."
"how would it feel to have your coffin nailed shut.... perminatly."
"You would do that to me little human? Do you think you would have the guts to try?"
"you haven't attacked in a while, are you choking on your own blood lust?"
"On the contrary. you're almost comepltely worn out. I can take out down any second. It just more fun to play with my food." Sandina sat on the ground and crossed her legs. "Have you given up?"
"Nope. I'm just going to chill out. Its obvious you're too scared to attack me now so I'm going to wait until you do. While you're waiting, I'm getting stronger. You'll never take me down."
"I won't have to take you down."
"And why's that?"
"Because my father is almost here and he will be more than a match for you."
"Please... not even the count himself would be able to handle me." Sandina said.
Count Diago landed behind Sandina. "I beg to differ human." Sandina jumped to her feet and whipped aorund. "I see you're still alive even after I told my children to put you alseep."
"I've been waiting for you count Diago. You won't be able to beat me." Sandina said charging up her fists.
"Do you intend to resist?" Count Diago asked with an evil grin.
"Of course I intend to resist. I never go without a fight."
"Suite yourself." Count diago said as he vanished.
"That was fast." Sandina thought.
"You're going to die now human." Candy laughed.
"Says the vampire hiding in the trees." Sandina said. Count Diago kicked Sandina against a tree so fast Sandina was shocked. When she turned around he wasn't there. "That was freaky."
Sandina caught a glimpse of the count and she attacked. She punched and kicked at him, but missed every time. "Is that the best you can do?" Count Diago asked as he stopped her fist with one finger. "Maybe you're not as strong as those brats of mine said you were."
Sandina created lightning knives and threw them everywhere. Not a single one hit the count or Candy. "You can't keep this up forever." Candy said.
"I hate to admit it, but she's right. I can't take them both down with the little energy I have. I have to get out of here. Chikaru always said to get out if I can't make it. So I think I'm going to take her word on it." Sandina jumped high into the air and hopped through the tree tops. The Count and Candy flew below her in the dark. "The sun won't be out much longer. Another few minutes and the storm cloud are going to block it out. I have to kick this up a notch." Nukaya flew up into the sky and knocked Sandina back into the darkness. "No way! You aren't suppose to be concious yet!"
"You may have been able to knock Keto for a whirl, but I'm not as weak as you think I am." Nukaya said pinning Sandina on her back. Nukaya unleashed a fury of punches and kick and Sandina barly dodged half of them. Nukaya got her ahnds around Sandina and was choking the life out of her. Sandina tried to fight Nukaya off, but she was loosing conciousness.
"Well done nukaya. I see you're not as useless as I thought you were. Unlike Keto." Count Diago said. Sandina made one last attempt to strike nukaya and her fist nailed her across the face. Sandina sat up coughing as the air rushed back into her lungs. Count Diago grabbed Sandina's jacket and threw her against the ground. "Now you are mine." Sandina clenched onto Count Diago's wrist, but her strength was gone. Count Diago stared into Sandina's eye and she fell deep into his hypnotic transe. "Sleep child. Sleeeeep." Sandina fought all she could but his power was too strong for her and she fell asleep in his grasp.

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