Sorta 'grown up'
Well, I'm 18 now, living with my best friend (previously mentioned in old entries), graduated, with a boyfriend who i currently plan on dumping since i love him but only as a friend. I still have the same plan, but i'm not going to do the whole suicide thing, i'm fairly certain the fates will kill me before i get too old (hopefully before 35 or so), instead of a regular old house cat i'm going to have a Serval, the most kick a** cat ever. I'm going to have my own personal library, I've already started it, over two hundred so far, not including the ones in storage. I was a stoner for the few years that i wasn't on here, same amount of friends, just better ones, i quit smoking since i want a job and i know that the job i want requires a drug test. I'm about as mature as i was two years ago though. Fart jokes are still funny, i ride in the back of a truck in a banana chair for fun, and i have the occasional drinking parties with my younger brother. But life is good enough, at least. Buh-bye