Name needed

Age: 1974 (Looks 17)
Birthday: May 5
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Race: Vampire
Parents: Humans
Weapons: None
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Cold, quiet
Powers: Flying, growing wings
Skills: Spells
He was a teenager over a mulenium ago. He was always cold and was sent into a haunted house, where he had to stay for one night. During the night his parents begain to worry. He hadn't come home yet, they were so worried that they went out to the exact house where he was going to spend the night. His parents were killed that night by the vampires that lived it that house.
He went into a state of depression. He never showed his parents how much he loved them and appriciated them. He never felt them to be obstickles in his life, even though he acted like they were. He knew they knew, but he always acted cold.
After a day of his parent's death, the vampires offered him a new life, one with a new begaining, and a ticket never to see the light again, never to feel the warm sun bath his flesh again. Even though he had lived with thouse things all of his life, he beleived their life eternal, and accepted their offer, only to escape the house as soon as the newyears for the year 2007. The house was coming down and soon the light would sine though the roof. He is now a wanderer who finds shelter from the light every night, and attacks folish mortals in the night to feed, and not die.