Fire's Jaw


Age: 18
Birthday: June 8
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: About 190 lbs.
Race: Fire demon
Parents: Two fire demons
Weapons: A single thin sword
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Cold, rough, annoys easily. She won't let someone pass by if one of her two other crew members got hurt.
Powers: Able to controle fire and light
Skills: Swordsmanship, very quick
She was born in China in a poor family. She had always stuck by them and had usualy kept a good eye on her year younger sister, Ren. They had lead a bad life and just barly dodging death before her younger sister was struck with an ailment at the age of ten. Yu had stayed by her sister's side and as soon as she got better, Yu left in the night, leaving a note for her younger sister and had traveled to a remote seeming area. She had then been without food for a long time and fell on the ground. A passing mechent and his body guard came across her. The mercent wanted to leave her to die in the remote area. The guard took Yu up and acctualy renamed her that. Her name before was Rune. He took her along and nursed ehr back to help on the journey. He taught her how to use a sword, and realized that she was a fire demon after a long time. He had kept her along with him until about two years ago. During that time, he reailized that she was amazingly fast and had a good swordfighting skill. On her sixteenth birthday, she gave the swordsman a hug and said that he was lik a father to him. Even if she was cold most of the time.
From then she left and took on a journey through China to realize that she wasn't the only one with talent. The first one she ever ran into was Setsuna Pure and her brother, Zero. From there, she had challanged Setsuna in a fight. Setsuna agreed and beat Yu with ease, even if she had no weapon and she had a single sword. She fell on the ground unconsiouse on the ground and they took her into the village for about three days. It took that long for Yu to dicied to create a fire demon band and asked Setsuna to join. After she refused, Yu set off to go get a few others before she cam back to get Setsuna.

Age: 16
Birthday: January 14
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Race: Fire demon
Parents: Two fire demons
Weapons: A fire resistaint staff made of wood, brass knuckles
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Bubbly, happy, outgoing, brave, a little head strong at times. She won't back down to a fight.
Powers: Fire
Skills: Fist fighting, has abnormal strenght
She is from a welthy family from the past. She was then like royalty to most and celabrated like a goddess. She wore golds and reds like an emperess and was given many goods since she was a child. She had grown bored of this when she was about seven and asked her father for a teacher. One that could fight.
After her eighth birthday, she recived three teachers. One was the fist fighting arts, while another one was staff, and the last was to help her with her fire powers. It was reconized early on that she was to become a powerful fighter, even if her movements were a bit slower than most great fighter's. Her power made up for it and was amazing. At the age of fourteen she had recived a staff and two weights that helped her controle her strenght a little better to hold her down. This slows her down a bit, but not by much.
Soon after that, she had come face to face with a fourtune teller and she told Lau that she was supposed to be part of a group of wo other fire demons and was supposed to be the strenght. The fourtuneteller had a magician and froze Lau in a caplit of time and hid her away.
After a long time, the caplit was found by Yu and she was taken out of it. Yu asked her to show her talent with staffs, and fire. After she had showcased her talents along with her strenghts with a fight, Lau fell on her knees to the ground as Yu challanged her. Lau stood back up and took off her weights, then creating holes in the ground below and Lau challanged Yu again. She once again was defeated. Yu held out her hand and asked her to be a part of her group that she was creating. Lau accepted the invatation, even though she forgot about the fourtune teller's telling to her.

Age: 17
Birthday: September 7
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Race: Fire demon
Parents: Two fire demons
Weapons: Spear with a ribbon attatched to the end of it
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Easy-going, calm, sly at times
Powers: Controling smoe, and flame
Skills: Very flexable, good with a whip(Uses the ribbon as one) and spear.
Unlike the other two, Cai;fiau was never really part of a family. She was alone for the first few years of her life. She had been rejected by most and was turned away. One day sh had come across a spear that was laying around the house of some guy when she was five. She broke into his house and took the spear and easily slinked out of it. That was the first time she stole something. She started to practice with it outside of the eyes of everyone and usualy practiced with the ribbon. It was so heavy for her, but after a long time of training, it became light and easy to use. She soon begain to steal from local markets on the top of buildings with the ribbon like a whip, except it just snagged and didn't harm. After about five years, at the age of ten, she was offered a position at the theif's guild and took up the offer.
anout six years later, she saw two fire demons come into town. They seemed to be traveling together and this caught her interest. She jumped down from the wall infrount of them and snapped the ribbon at them to take some of their valubels, but Yu held up the sheth of her sword and it snagged onto that. Lau grabbed the sheth and jerked it away from her and sent Cai;fiau through the air at the side of a uilding. Cai;fiau quickly twisted herself in mid air and landed on the side of the building with her feet and grinned. Yu suddenly challanged her to a dule. Cai;fiau accpeted.
Later that day, they met outside the city and did a face off. Sword against spear. The crimson light shining down from the sky as it turned to twilight in the sky. They faced off at an extreamly fast speed, suddenly fire came from both of them, Yu and Cai;fiau. This lasted about ten mintues before Cai;fiau was finnaly sticken down with a swift movement of Yu's sword and sent her down onto the ground.
After she woke up, Yu and Lau had their hands out. Asking her to join them. Cai;fiau smiled and took their hands, accepting their offer and quiting the theif guild. She was their final edition and now they are after one more, Setsuna.