What is your dream job and why?
When I grow older I want to be a high school English teacher. Prefferably grades eleven and twelve. I think that it would be nice to help shape the kids. I know that my eleventh grade English teacher majorly impacted my life. Although, I think a lot of it had to do with her being an old friend of my moms. Either way, I think it would be a nice job.
I have always enjoyed reading. So it would be nice to be able to have those days where I could read along side the kids. Every monday used to be a reading day. So, I think it would be nice.
Another reason that I think it would be great to be an English teacher is because I would have all of the same breaks as the students. I would have summer break, spring break, and weekends off. It would be nice to have that. I would get off at whatever time the school day is over and it would be great. It would also be nice for when I decide to have kids. I will always have the same breaks as they do and what not.
There is one problem that I have noticed with my thoughts of being an English teacher though. I always hated high school. I think that might've been because I didn't get along with the kids. But this way, it doesn't matter if I get along with them or not.