So, once again, Easter has come and gone, and after two full weeks of hunting obssessively for Diedrichs throughout the Forum and Flash Space, I'm left feeling slightly aimless.
What better time to write up my Event entry. wink
It seems that Gaia has settled into a bit of a theme when it comes to Forum Events, and the theme would be best decribed as...
LIke Halloween and St. Patrick's Day, the Easter Event wasn't really about anything more than spamming the living daylights out of the Forum.
The premise was essentially that we were collecting Diedrichs, either by finding heads on the pages we opened, or by quoting the Easter Bunny, and it was the latter that made the Forum nothing more than one quote thread upon another.
And another.
Now, I admit that it's late, and I'm tired, (which translates quite literally into "crabby" wink , but I've got to say that I really preferred it when Events were structured in such a way as to actually promote the special Topics that a lot of Gaians would create whenever a Forum Event occurred.
I remember some previous Events where I came across more interesting Topics than I could possibly partake of, but the last few have seemed to be nothing more than a vast torrent of spam.
The one or two Topics that I did see this year, where the OP's had tried to do something special, were really poorly received, and I'm positive it's because they simply never got seen.
That being said, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. rolleyes
One really excellent thing this year, was that Gaia ran the zOMG! Event during the Forum Event, which gave me a chance to salvage some of last year's z!Easter Topic and run it in the Main Forum as we had intended last year.
With the help of Memory Haunts You, a reduction in my OCD meds, (I kid), and a Bump Contest, we were able to keep the z!Easter Topic on the front page of the Event Forum for a pretty good amount of time, and I have to say that I think it was a pretty decent success.
While there's no question it wasn't what we had envisioned when we started our Guild and created the original Topic last year, our goal at the time was to introduce zOMG! to the huge audience that the Easter Forum garners, and I think we may have been able to do that to some extent this year.
With a huge amount of bumping by Mem and myself, coupled with a pretty nice list of prizes (about 1.5 million gold, all in I think) our Topic got just over 1000 pages of responses. And while I can't deny that 99.9% of those responses were simply EB quotes for bunnies, the fact that the Bump Contest was right at the bottom of the front page of our Topic, makes me hopeful that some of those bumpers may have actually read some of our zOMG! material on their way to the Prize List. wink
We did get close to 50 people answer the Poll option saying that they might just give zOMG! a try, so that has to be worth something. smile
And man did I collect bunnies! rofl
I remember thinking at the start of the Event, that it was going to be a nigh impossible task to collect the 860 Bunnies of assorted colours that would be required in order to get all 8 of the Event Items.
In hindsight, and looking at my spreadsheet which shows well over 3000 ( eek ) bunnies collected, I guess it was pretty doable after all. wink
And it wasn't all mindless EB quoting.
There was a little bit of tomfoolery to be had in the form of Event Inspired poetry, so without further ado, I bring you, Easter 2k12 in verse...
Some Bunny That I Used to Know
(with sincerest apologies to Gotye)
Now and then I think of every other Easter
And how the Easter Bunny and Diedrich would fight.
Though he was kinda mean and quite grumpy
I always sided with Easter Bunny
It was all fun, and they’re Events I still remember.
You can only take so much of Diedrich’s kind of madness
Before you beg for it to end, please let it end.
He’s always talking but he makes no sense
So it’s natural you’d take offence
But what you have in mind to do, is going too far
You didn’t have to cut them up!
Puree tiny baby bunnies as if they were nothing
And I don’t need your Items, though
I’ve worked for you before, but now I’ve had enough
No, you didn’t have to stoop so low
As to throw those babies into your homogenizer
And I don’t need your Items, so
Now you’re just some bunny that I used to know
Now you’re just some bunny that I used to know
Now you’re just some bunny that I used to know
Every year at Easter, Diedrich always screwed me over
And made believe that it was always something that I’d done
Well I’ve had enough of that!
Toss those babies in the vat!
Get rid of them before they grow
And next Easter, Diedrich will be just some grunny that you used to know!
You didn’t have to cut them up!
Puree tiny baby bunnies as if they were nothing
And I don’t need your Items, though
I’ve worked for you before, but now I’ve had enough
No, you didn’t have to stoop so low
As to throw those babies into your homogenizer
And I don’t need your Items, so
Now you’re just some bunny that I used to know
(Some bunny! That I used to know)
Now you’re just some bunny that I used to know
(Some bunny! That I used to know)
Now you’re just some bunny that I used to know
You've Got a Problem
(I'm Just Your Problem - Marceline/Adventure Time)
This was for a contest being run in the only Topic I found where people seemed to be trying to do something other than bump for Diedrichs. I misunderstood the concept at first, and submitted this.
It wasn't until I had read the contest description a second time that I realized this wasn't what they were looking for, but I still thought it was fun. smile
I’m gonna cut you out of that can
I’m gonna cut you out, little man
I’m gonna pry you out of your shiny steel suit,
I’m gonna..
WideEyed, please don’t be so hostile!
What? You’ve got a problem with that?
Or are you just sucking up to EB?!?!
Sorry I won’t take your crap in silence
Even though I’m expected to
There’s no way that I’m “polishing you armour”
Like so many in the Easter Forum do
Sorry I’m not meek and quiet,
And I’m not sucking up to you.
But all of this Red, Green and Yellow
Has frankly, made me really sick and tired of you.
And, you’ve got a problem
You’ve got a problem
You just enjoy screwing me over
Don’t you?
You’ve got a problem.
Well I, shouldn’t have to quote your Posts for days
I should be playing zOMG!, collecting eggs.
Too bad, that Easter’s not just you
But I’ve got other things that I want to do
And I’ll be damned if I apologize to you, so
Why do I Bump you?
I’d rather thump you!
And, strip you out of that suit,
And make you eat eggs until you puke
Item Whore (the Easter Edition)
Buried in Bunnies, clear up to my neck.
Quoting so quickly, no time to reflect
On why, or on wherefore, just hunt and collect
The Item Whore once more, sells off self-respect.
For colourful pixels, while never once doubting
The value and worth of her obssessive outing.
The Forums and Flash Space resound with her shouting.
"Get out of my Room Noobs! That's my Diedrich sprouting!
I sit and I watch her, as if in a dream
And shudder just slightly when seeing the gleam
Of unbridled lust in her, once child-like, eyes
Her smile little more than a cruel disguise.
And all on their own, my sore fingers click madly
I cringe as I watch her behaving so badly.
There's no sense in fighting, you can't close the door
Naught left but to placate my mad Item Whore.
And finally, a quick observsation re: Event behaviour....
The room is spinning, and I'm not winning
The thrill I felt at the beginning
That had me grinning, is quickly thinning
And still it's only the third inning
My mind is bleary, my red eyes, teary
My spouse is anything but cheery
And though my weary outlook's dreary
I can't quit now! Least that's the theory.
So there you have it.
Two weeks of obssessive behaviour that would certainly serve well as a clinical illustration of the condition, condensed into one, admittedly wordy, Journal entry.
Hope you enjoyed it.
(You talkin to me? You must be talkin to me, cuz there ain't nobody else here! wink )