Squirrel and I were discussing the trailers before Tron. I admitted I want to see the Hornet, as even though I hate Seth Rogan, they have correctly Identified hornet as Cato's sidekick and I want to see that play out. We both thought the Lantern movie was unappealing. I'm not the target audience for superhero movies and being outside the fandom, I only go to see ones that look interesting instead of going out of fan loyalty. I said I had no interest in a whiny, frat boy Lantern. I pointed out that if they'd done a Will Smith one instead, I'd likely have gone. Squirrel admitted he could really get behind a Will Smith Lantern, and he actually knew the names and characters of various Laternws over the years. I'm betting we aren't the only ones who'd go with more interesting casting/characterization. No way am I shelling out scarce cash for something so boring and bland looking.