It creeps along the iron bars looking cross the room. It spy's it's captor, she's sitting there in full bloom. She smiles at the caged animal, reminding it of it's doom. So the animal turns around, shutting out it's thoughts of gloom.
Morning breaks it sits up waiting to be fed. Yet all it's captor does is pat it upon the head. It's captor turns as if that is all there is to be said. The animal's hunger claws at it, soon it shall be dead.
It's hopes have vanished, no longer escaping it's fate. All it's got left is to sit upon it's iron floor and wait. It's cage door opens slowly it's heart picks up it's rate. Too bad all there can be is love that comes a little too late.
The beast is already reeling, too scorned, too ashamed. So much for being weakened, the captor is the one it blamed. Savage is the hungry beast, no longer is it tamed. And through her wicked crimes came a punishment she claimed.
So the caged beast, who's captor was no more. Sat upon her wicked throne after settling the score. It's hunger was sedated, it devoured her evil core. The beast, who claimed it's rightful place, let out it's mighty roar.