Tushiko awoke very much confused,"What was that all about?"she clutched her head and started coighing out blood again.Then, she heard a noise and a sinister figure stepped towards her.She closed her eyes and moved away."Go Away!"she screamed, this then started a mess of flashbacks involving Zanzura and all of the time she had spent with him.This left her very confused.When Tushiko had opened her eyes, she saw a girl that looked like a shinigami, but wore a coat, cape-scarf like acessory around her neck.The girl looked at Tushiko carefully with her blood-red eyes and smiled,"It seems like you must be very scared.My name's Xion, abo't you?"Tushiko remained quite and left Xion feelind discouraged."Oh...Umm...You know, you're friends have come to rescue you"Xion said politely.Tushiko looked at Xion for a moment and then smiled."Xion...What exactly are you?"Xion returned a smiled and cheerfully replied,"Well, I'm a Shinigami-Quincy half-breed."
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