Legend states that a demon of great power used to rule over the forests. For the villages that had been settled amongst the trees, this caused a problem. They feared the forests and would cut into them, bringing calamity upon themselves. In order to protect themselves, temples were built in the depths of the forest. The many villages would leave gifts and offerings to the unknown demon deity in hopes of being granted safe passage and maybe blessings.
On this occasion, a girl was chosen from out of all the villages to stand in the place of an offering. This ritual was carried out every 10 years and it was that time again. This year's girl was named Kira. She had beautiful ebony hair and her emerald eyes were clear as a perfect stone. She had been selected out of a random lottery out of the young females of the village.
Kira fought against the rope that bound her wrists behind her as the escort prepared to leave. If she could, she would have run, but they already had her upon a horse that would be carrying her to her final destination. The thing about the girl was she had no family, so there was no one to bid her farewell or cry over her being gone. "Well, this is it. Bring us a good harvest and safe passage this year." That was the last thing she heard before something sharp pricked her wrist and she slumped forward in the saddle, being caught and adjusted by the man that climbed on with her.
It took two days to get from the village to the temple. They let her wake up to feed once before knocking her back out. It was always best for the sacrifice not to struggle on the way there, plus, it would disorient them from coming back and putting a curse on the land. "Think this one will be good enough? I heard the bodies of the last few had been found near the villages they came from. Obviously they hadn't been to the 'lord's' liking." "It's not our business to know. Let's just get back so we don't wind up being an bonus."
The two men kicked their horses and disappeared through the trees, leaving the girl dressed in red laying on a stone slab. Her hands had been untied and then rebound so she would remain in that spot. The fall leaves drifted down from the trees as her eyes fluttered open slowly a few hours later. The sun was setting and the shadows were deepening around the temple. "H-hello? Her voice was slightly sluggish and she was barely able to lift her head since the drugs still had a strong hold on her.