I had my friend over 'cause we haven't hung out since like Tuesday. She had left her bag at my house so she didn't have to lug it all the way home, right? Well she took somethings out of it before she left then I set it right down, didn't even look in it or take anything out, right?
I gave it to her teacher like I said I would.
We were having a good time, you know, just chillin' n shnizit.
Then she decided that just right then would be a good time to look for her little black notebook.
She couldn't find it so automatically it was my fault. stare
"Maybe someone stole it?" "Not possible." Uh... YEA! It is possible! stare "Well I know for a fact it's not here." "Well you're not looking." "BECAUSE IT'S NOT HERE."
She couldn't get it through her head.
Then she gets pissy at me for getting annoyed that she was being a brat. stare
So then she storms out of my house after knowing for a fact something that I already knew which was it was not there.
What a novel concept! IT WASN'T THERE TO BEGIN WITH!
So then I say, "Just because you're mad and stuff doesn't mean you can be a brat about this when it wasn't my fault." "I'm not mad, I have things to do." Then why the f*** come over my house if you've got things to do?!
She's been like this for like a few months now, storming out of my house and being a freaking little brat. It's driving me nuts. stare