Dear Gaia Forum Mods:
Where the hell are you?
Hundreds of posts every week are put in the wrong forums when there are appropriate sub-forums, or are just spam in general. And very few of them make it to the recycle bin.
So when I report them, then pop back into the thread to say "You've been reported. Have a nice day!", don't get mad and accuse me of trolling. Do you even know what trolling is? Have a look sometime, because I'm not doing it. And I'm not the only one apparently committing faux trolling; many others in the forums do the report-and-comment thing on misplaced/spam posts.
It's not because we're trolling. It's because the mod presence in forums such as Writers and Books is so transparent, regular users have to step up to the plate and say "This is wrong and we're taking action against it."
There's also the fact that you deleted my comments, one of them just pointing the person to the correct sub-forum for posting. I'm --- I hate when anyone deletes comments; they are destroying an accurate picture of the situation in any post.
. . .
Just blowing off steam here. I've never had problems with the mods until now; it kinda makes me angry that they are wasting their time with me instead of dealing with the bajillion misplaced original fiction/Twilight/etc. posts all around the forum.
The Seventh L, out