"Dear Mother" by, Aijin-moon
I hope you die a horrible death.
I hope your eyes pop out of your head;
And your lungs fill with poison.
I hope you see the truth in your acts.
I hope you hurt as much as the devil laughs;
At people’s saddest mistakes.
I hope you aren’t loved in the near future.
I hope the warmth of whatever you had
Leaves you, and I hope the cold abandons you.
I hope you’re the emptiest thing
This earth has seen.
Yeah: this is my wish
"Contrast and Compare" by, Aijin-moon
Contrast and compare.
Between the busy ones,
And ones that won’t care.
You’ll see between all the
Contrasting and comparing,
You know no one.
And you’ll see you’re the only one
Who you can trust yourself with.
Even if we cry for help,
Or ask for forgiveness.
You’ll see no one can trust
And everyone’s to blame.
You’ll figure out how hard it is
To trust again after all that went down.
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Your lips red with whine and desire
By the time you swear you're his,
and he vows his passion is
Lady, make a note of this
of you is