Well, that's what my mom suggested and that I should drink water...
I haven't drank water all week!
So guess Heigher did the right thing by forcing me to drink water, but now I don't think about it.
All I've drank this week was... Uh... Milk, soda, and a rockstar.
And yesterday night I was peeing blood!
No, it's not from anything that females do, because it stopped this morning (because my mom made me drink water) But I'm still in pain.
So please pray for me! I don't want kidney failier! It's painful now as it is!
But, I guess this is a lesson learned, but I'm not out of the box yet. I may still have something wrong with me, but for now, I just have to wait and see if I'm in trouble with my kidneys. XP
Here's some pics!
Yours truely:



Mikoto: (Before she cut her hair, and she has a tail and eras... O.o)

Kimiko: (I'm guessing is someone I once knew XD)

Nasiga: (Pirate!)

Shina: (I'll edit this picture and re-post it XD I just really like it)

Okay, that's all for now. I'll have to post he guys' pictures some other time. XD

Also! If I had the money, I would make my avatar like this for christmas!

Total Value: 104,664 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
GO Phones
GO Player
Berry Tavern Wench's Bustier
Radioactive Apocaripped Knit Gloves
White Drome Egg 2nd gen.
Green Holographic Eyepiece
Green Cat Collar
Elf Hat
Emerald Galaxy Jet Wings
Buttoned Down Feather Boots
Spirited 2k6 Gift Bag
Spirited 2k6 Corsage
Blush Clown Makeup (high)
Blood Gothic Bat Corset Dress
Green Stockings
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