Chpter 4 of meh story... O.o
Well here it is:
Chapter Four
-My dear Princess-
-My dear Princess-
My eyes blinked open and I sat up quickly, feeling my head reel with questions and confusion. Where am I? How’d I get here? What’s going on?
“You should lie back down.” Said a soft voice from my left.
I looked and saw the school’s nurse, a young, tall, blonde headed woman. I then looked at myself, sitting in the white bed, under the white quilt, surrounded by the white walls of the infirmary. Why was I in here?
The nurse walked up to the bed’s side, “I called your parents, they should be on their way now to pick you up.”
I looked at her with wide eyes and shook my head, “no, I’m fine.” I began to get out of the bed, “tell them I’m fine.” But I didn’t know if I was or not, and either way I didn’t want my parents to come and get me.
The nurse grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back onto the bed, “no, you’re seriously ill, you need to lie back down.” She replied urgently.
I felt the vertigo come back and I let the nurse set me back down into the bed, “what happened?” I asked.
“You collapsed in the hallway.” The nurse replied, a relieved look on her face, “but thankfully, someone had caught you and carried you here.” She continued, “but if you didn’t hit the floor, then I wonder how you got those bumps on your head and how your wrist got a fracture...?”
“What bumps? My wrist?” I immediately reached up to touch my head with the hand that wasn’t wrapped up. About two inches from the center of my head, stood two bumps on the opposite sides of each other, about half an inch high, and four inches wide. I winced when I touched them, feeling the same throbbing as this morning. Then I looked at my wrapped wrist that was swollen, “but…?” All of this was too much to think about all at once.
“Do you want any aspirin?” The nurse asked.
I shook my head carefully, “ no, I’ll be fine.” I sighed, still completely confused.
“Oh Mayumi!” The door flew opened and my mother walked in with heavy heel clacks that could probably be heard a mile away.
“Are you-”
“I am Kikuchi Honami, Mayumi’s mother.” Kikuchi said cutting the nurse off and raced to my bed side, “I’m so relieved that you’re alright!”
Tobayashi walked in more slowly, “where’s the paper work?” He asked, looking directly at the confused nurse.
“Oh, over here.” She turned and walked into a small office.
“Of all days you had to get sick.” Kikuchi sighed and crossed her arms with frustration.
“You can stop your little façade now.” I muttered and began to get up.
“Shut up.” Kikuchi raised her hand, causing me to flinch back instinctively.
“Here’s the papers, then you can all go home.” She smiled then looked over at Kikuchi whose hand was still up.
Kikuchi quickly pressed it against my forehead, “oh my…” She whispered, staring into my eyes that glared at her.
Tobayashi took the paperwork and quickly signed it, “thank you for taking care of her.” He said bluntly.
“Oh, no problem.” The nurse smiled slightly while glancing at my mother and I. “Be sure that she doesn’t walk around too much, she could collapse again.”
“We’ll take care of her.” Kikuchi said looking up at the nurse, forcing a grateful looking smile.
After the papers were signed for my check-out, Kikuchi drove me home, while Tobayashi followed in my car. It seemed like a couple seconds before we were getting out of the cars and walking up to the door.
“Don’t forget to call your work, and tell them that you’ll be taking this evening off.” Kikuchi sighed as we walked inside.
“Yes.” I nodded and looked around the house, wondering if I would still have to do all my usual chores.
“You may rest for the day.” Tobayashi muttered, “it’s not like we have any guests coming over.” I heard him sigh.
I walked towards the stairs, “thank you.” I said quietly and began to walk up them slowly.
I called Kikyou and told her about my fever and how I would have to miss out on work. Then like any other nice person, she understood and told me that it was no problem since the store hasn’t been too busy lately.
Afterwards I had gone through my bag in search of any home work that I needed to finish or any essays to be written. I found one assignment that was due next week but I decided to do it now while I had the chance.
Kikuchi looked over at her husband from the couch and crossed her arms, “what are we going to do about dinner?” She asked while the T.V. played, “that girl is too sick to cook, and we can’t leave her here alone.”
“Let’s just go out and eat tonight.” Tobayashi suggested bluntly as he stared at a piece of paper on the table where he was sitting, “it’s the easiest solution.”
“I’ll go get ready.” Kikuchi said with a big smile and jumped to her feet “I’ll tell Mayumi along the way.” She then walked towards the stairs and trotted up them quickly while Tobayashi watched.
“Please don’t take an hour to just get dressed this time…” He sighed and pulled a cigar from his jacket pocket, “like that’s gonna happen.” He muttered as he lit the cigar and inhaled slowly.
I finished my essay by late afternoon, and now I lie on my bed with closed eyes, waiting for sleep to take me away from reality and into my strange dreams of a woman named Ledeen.
“Mayumi, get changed, we’re going out.” Kikuchi’s voice interrupted the peacefulness that I was enjoying.
My eyes snapped open, “okay…” I grunted and sat up. This was rare though. It was rare for them to take me out with them to other places, with other people to witness us there… Together. Together as a seemingly happy family. It was all just weird now that I thought about it. Would they expect me to have proper adequate? Did they expect me to dress up all fancy, or casually? And thanks to those unanswered questions, it took me a while to make up my mind.
I walked out of my room, eyes half closed, and my face felt hot and red. I wore a plain black tank top and jeans, my usual lace up boots with a white jacket that I left unzipped.
Kikuchi was putting on an earring as she walked up to me, examining my plain clothing and how my jacket hung unzipped.
“At least zip it up a little, and go brush your hair, you look like a poor person.” She narrowed her eyes as she spoke then walked off while slipping into a small black jacket.
I sighed and slowly zipped up my jacket as I walked across the hall and into the bathroom. “Nag, nag, nag…” I whispered and began to brush my hair slowly, “I look like a poor person? Was that supposed to be bad?”
“Stop bickering and hurry up.” Tobayashi was tightening a black tie around his neck as he passed the bathroom door.
I didn’t reply, instead I turned off the light after putting the brush down and followed him down the stairs, hoping that I would fall and get knocked out so I wouldn’t have to go with them.
“Let’s go.” Kikuchi opened the door and stepped outside where the sky looked dark gray from the clouds; the air was thick with humidity.
Tobayashi locked the door after we all stepped out. “We can take the Mercedes.” He said as we walked towards the driveway where it sat beside my Mazda. It was also black, it made my car look even crappier than it already was.
I just kept my gaze down as I got into the car, keeping my face blank despite the pain that pounded at my head; like it was being cut open where the bumps were. I wanted to reach up and feel them, but I kept my hands in my lap and watched as the car backed out of the driveway and onto the street, then sped off down the road towards town.
On our short trip to town, I made a quick call to Maki, telling her what had happened before asking if there was any homework for today. Afterwards, I returned my stare out the window as we drove into the parking lot of a restaurant that I have never been before.
“If you need anything else, let me know.” Our waiter walked away from our table and Kikuchi looked at me.
“I have to admit.” She spoke in a soft tone, “you do look paler than usual.”
I stared at her, not knowing how to reply to her comment.
Tobayashi looked at Kikuchi with a cocked eyebrow, “must we talk about this?” He asked, seeming to be in a bad mood. Like always.
“What?” Kikuchi looked at him, “I’m trying to make conversation with our daughter.” She then looked back at me and forced a smile, “unless you prefer to just sit there.”
I blinked, “there’s not much to talk about.” I replied bluntly then looked across the room at all the other costumers who were chatting and eating comfortably.
“Hmm… Then how about I tell you something that happened to me today.” I could tell the was trying to act nice, but Tobayashi was just staring at a list of deserts.
I looked back at my mother then shrugged, “fire away.” I might as well play along so I don’t cause any strained tension at the table.
“Well, it was funny.” Kikuchi was smiling for real now and she looked at Tobayashi, “you know my dear friend Miss Kura?”
I then looked past her and at the person speaking to an employee at the front desk. And as the person, who was a man, turned around, my eyes widened.
Kikuchi saw my shocked expression and lifted a brow, “what is it?” She asked and turned to look at what I was staring at. “Oh.” She looked back at me, “is he a student?” She asked.
I kept my eyes on Mr. Osamaru as his met mine and he lifted his hand into a wave. “N-No.” I stammered.
“Then what is he?” Kikuchi stared at me, a small grin on her face, “he is quite a looker.”
Tobayashi looked at her as she said that.
All the while, my heart fluttered as I saw Mr. Osamaru walking our way in slow and graceful strides. “He’s a new teacher.” I looked at Kikuchi, trying to compose myself instead of gawking at the man who was at our table within seconds.
“Why hello there Miss Honami.” He looked down at me with a kind smile, “is it just me, or does it seem coincidental that we keep meeting like this?”
I smiled a little, “I think it’s just a coincidence.” I reply, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
Mr. Osamaru then looked at my parents and dipped his head, “hi, I am Tokito Osamaru, Mayumi’s new math teacher, it is a pleasure to meet you.” From the looks of it, his stunning smile was already charming my mother, but Tobayashi looked jealous.
“Oh, the pleasure is all mine.” Kikuchi held out her hand and Mr. Osamaru shook it quickly.
Wearing gloves still.
“Though I haven’t really been in the school for too long, I can tell the Mayumi is a great student.” Mr. Osamaru looked at my parents, still smiling.
“For a teacher, you sure look young.” Tobayashi spoke in a low tone of voice.
Yup, he was jealous, ‘very’ jealous.
“Well, I graduated from high school at a young age, then went on to collage, and now I still do take some classes.” Mr. Osamaru explained, “I’m nineteen, about to become twenty here soon.”
“Well then, you must be very talented.” Kikuchi nodded, “say, are you here alone?”
“I was here visiting a friend, actually.” He replied, “but I can join you if you want.”
“That would be splendid.” Kikuchi’s smile widened and Tobayashi just grunted.
I, on the other hand, suddenly lost my appetite at the thought of having dinner with a teacher and my family. How much more awkward could it get?
Mr. Osamaru didn’t order, since he insisted that we didn’t need to pay for him, and that he had already eaten. But the conversation was normal with the casual talk of work, school, and other things which I had missed out on due to spacing out.
It was all going well, and I thought: Oh, one little meeting won’t hurt… But once my mother asked one question, I wondered if anyone saw the: “No, no, no, no, no! Most definitely not!” in my eyes.
“Would you like to come visit our home sometime?” Kikuchi asked as we all rose from our seats, “I know that Mayumi has a hard time with math, so maybe you can tutor her sometime.”
I could also see the same reaction in Tobayashi’s eyes, but he only looked more angrier than shocked at my mother’s boldness.
Mr. Osamaru smiled at her, “I could work that out.” He then looked at me, “if it’s fine with you.”
The smile made me forget about the topic completely, and my mouth remained pursed; heart accelerating.
“I’m sure she would love it.” Kikuchi nodded, “won’t you dear?”
I slowly nodded, “um… Yeah, sure.” That’s when I realized that I shouldn’t have done that.
“Good.” Kikuchi nodded, “you can come over any time you wish, maybe even tonight.” She offered, “since I’m sure that there’s some work that is needed to be done.”
“Actually, I’m done with my-” I was cut off.
“Because I don’t want our bundle of joy to fail high school.”
I looked up at Kikuchi and narrowed my eyes.
“Alright, I’ll be honored.” Mr. Osamaru nodded, “but for now, I need to return home.”
“Well then, it was nice talking to you.” Tobayashi spoke now, like he was in a rush to leave.
“Very nice talking to you.” Kikuchi added.
“I’ll see you soon.” Mr. Osamaru dipped his head again then looked down at me, “and I shall see you tomorrow.”
I nodded shyly and smiled a little, “okay.” Was all that I could say.
“Have a safe night.” He smiled as he said the word: ‘Safe’.
“Thank you.” Tobayashi pulled his wife out of the restaurant and I followed, refusing to look back.
“Oh my, what a charming man.” Kikuchi said as we approached the car.
I remained silent, not wanting to make the moment any worse than it already is… Or creepy, either one, it’ll work.
“Mayumi, you should show him over tomorrow.” Kikuchi suggested, ignoring Tobayashi’s glare.
“Um…” I shrugged, “if you want me to…?” I didn’t know whose side I should be on in that topic.
“No, I say tutoring stays at school.” Tobayashi spoke up as we all got into the car.
“Oh c’mon, he’s just a teacher tutoring, what’s the harm in that?” Kikuchi complained while giving him a look.
“Well, I don’t really need tutoring…” I said cautiously and looked at them from the back seat.
They both looked back at me then Tobayashi started the car, “if we wanted you to say something, we would’ve asked you to.” He muttered.
“Why’d you take his side?” Kikuchi said and turned to the front.
“I’m the student… So I just thought--” I was cut off.
“This was a discussion between your mother and I.” I could tell that he was straining to keep his voice calm. “So, like I’ve already said… If we wanted you to speak, we would’ve asked you to.”
I bit my lip and looked out the window as the car began to move.
* * *
I walked into the house first and darted towards the stairs as my parents came in murmuring to each other.
“I think we need to have a ‘talk’ with her again.” Kikuchi grinned, watching me trot up the stairs quickly.
“I agree.” Tobayashi nodded, “Mayumi!” He called loudly, stopping me in my tracks, right when my hand was almost touching the knob of my door.
“We need to have a talk.” Kikuchi said more softly.
I backed away from my door, heart racing as I began to remember our last ‘talk’. I was in this situation again and this time, they’ve learned the easiest ways to open me up and tear me apart.
I didn’t want this. The last time I was lucky enough to pass it off at school by lying, but it always seemed to get worse and worse each time… Hopefully it will just be talking, no pain, just talk.
They both waited for me before Tobayashi spoke: “So explain this.” He spoke with pure amusement despite the scared look across my face that I failed to hide. “Why don’t you listen?” Hi eyes narrowed at his words.
“Oh dear, she’s ill, we should wait until she can actually think straight.” Kikuchi chuckled softly under her breath as she looked at her nails.
“No.” Tobayashi glanced at his wife then looked back at me. “I want an answer now.”
I let my eyes drop to my feet as I struggled for an answer, feeling my head become hotter as my body grew anxious for the upcoming pain that is was expecting, waiting for it to come and go like always.
But I couldn’t find a plausible answer in my swirling thoughts, wondering if I’d be able to go to bed without bleeding tonight.
“Well?” He stood about two feet from me, lighting a cigar and lifted it to his mouth. “Hmm… Maybe this question will be easier.” He inhaled then blew out the fumes, “why do you never smile?”
I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from screaming at him. But, I thought that they wouldn’t notice, or even care about if I smiled or not.
“Why aren’t you ever a happy looking kid, huh?” He continued after seeing that I didn’t answer, “is it because you think that you’re a poor little orphan?” He smiled widely when he saw me flinch at the word: ‘Orphan’. “Huh? Orphan.”
I couldn’t hold it back anymore. The three words that have been dancing behind my lips all this time. I couldn’t hold them back, and they slipped out.” I hate you.” I muttered, my fists clenched at my sides, and my head still down.
“What was that?” Kikuchi asked mockingly, “speak up.”
I closed my eyes after haring her voice, my father’s inhaling and exhaling of those disgusting fumes, and their tormenting stares drilling into me. I could feel the anger boiling in my stomach, drowning out the messages my head was trying to tell me: No! Don’t say it! Don’t say it! “I…” I could also feel the anxiety speed up my heart as the memories of the pain came back, but my anger continued to push me forward into doing what I knew I would regret.
“Well, we don’t have all the time in the world, orphan-”
“I hate you!” I heard myself yell loudly, cutting him off before he said that word.
Oh the hysterical laughter that I could just laugh right now.
I could feel my head begin to throb as the headaches returned, but then I found myself on the floor, lying there holding my wounded wrist, feeling my left cheek burn hot and tears pour over my face as I stared wide-eyed at nothing but blurred images.
“You should know better than to yell at me.” His voice was outraged. And at that moment I knew that I would have to feel that pain again. The pain over my healing bruises from last time, then being sick only made it worse.
I gasped, wondering if I was coughing up blood yet as I tried to curl in a ball, waiting for him to kick me again in the gut or the back. Just waiting for more of the pain that my body had been waiting for this whole time.
I felt his hand grab my messed up hair, forcing me up to my knees, “must I bring out an old friend?” On his face was a wicked smile of pure sadistic satisfaction.
I managed a few words through the lump in my throat, but they were so weak I wouldn’t even hear them myself.
He dropped me, letting my body fall onto the floor again, but this time I held myself up with one arm, the other against my chest. “I guess you do then.” He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a switchblade. “Say hello.”
I heard the blade sheath over Kikuchi’s laughter before I screamed in pain. My blood was coating the back of my left shoulder and my clothes. I wanted it all to be over with now, for it to stop before he struck me again and again until he was finished with his little sick game. The game where he could take out all his anger and frustration on me.
That’s when I heard it. The noise that told me it was over, that the knife was out of his hands… But, it was different. The knife’s thud on the ground rung in my ears and I braved a look at why it had fallen out of his hand.
There he was, staring at me as Tobayashi’s body fell to the floor beside Kikuchi’s lifeless body. His skin was milky white and spotted with blood. His black hair hugged around his neck and curled up at his shoulders while his bangs hung straight over his glowing, blood red eyes.
I was too shocked to scream.
My body was burning with pain.
And now I found myself standing.
He continued to stare at me, eyes full of anger and pain.
I gave no thought to his clothes, only the fact that he had just killed my foster parents, and now he was standing there, probably waiting to kill me next.
“Hime…” His voice was silky smooth but I ignored its melody and turned, nearly tripping over my foot as I ran towards the kitchen, not really knowing what I was going to do. “Please, just listen to me.”
“Stay back!” I said loudly, a broom in my hand, holding it in front of my like a sword. Only, it wasn’t as lethal looking as a sword would originally.
Now only pain showed on his beautiful face, “please…” Once again, his voice rung delicately in my ears.
Then I noticed, as he spoke, two long, sharp fangs that poked out from under his upper lip.
What was he? A… Vampire?!
A sharp pain on the top of my head stopped my thoughts, then another painful sting at my tailbone. “Stay… Back.” I managed to say again but my knees began to buckle as every ounce of energy began to drain from my limbs. I was loosing more blood. It was coming down over the sides of my face, and more blood was streaming down my leg from what I could feel.
The man was behind me in an instant as I fell. Catching me in his arms before cradling me carefully in them as my head fell back and my whole body went limp. He held me close to his cold body, humming a soft melody before closing his eyes. “I will keep you from any type of danger, my dear Hime... My dear Princess…” He whispered in a singing voice before he and I disappeared from the lurid scene.
Ledeen’s eyes widened and she looked around frantically, “Sh- Shizuka! H-Hio!” She left the stove and ran through the house, “Shizuka, where are you?” Her feet led her to the girls’ room upstairs.
“I forgot kitty.” Shizuka had a gray stuffed cat in her small hands and held it up to her mother, “see?”
Hio was standing beside her sister, looking at her mother with a small smile.
Ledeen sighed with relief, “next time tell me okay?” She knelt down in front of them and patted their heads softly.
“Yes.” Shizuka nodded then hugged the stuffed animal, “breakfast ready?” She asked cocking her head to the side.
“Oh!” Ledeen looked down the stairs, “not just yet.” She had forgotten about the food when she saw that her daughters were gone, “c’mon.” She held her hands out to her daughters.
Shizuka took one hand, Hio the other and walked down the stairs with her mother, “what’s for breakfast?” Hio asked while looking up at her.
Ledeen smiled down at Hio, “it’s a surprise.” She replied then let go of their hands when they reached the first floor, “I’ll let you know when it’s done.”
Shizuka had a wide smile on her face, same as Hio. “Okay!” They looked excited again then ran off towards the table where they had left their stuffed animals at.
Ledeen walked into the kitchen quickly and flipped the bacon, feeling her muscles begin to relax. “Nothing to worry about right now.” She whispered to herself, “just relax.” She refused to think about when Kei would come to take her daughters, and she refused to imagine her clan being killed one by one because of one single decision she would make.
* * *
Ledeen was driving her daughters to the store, mind reeling about money and bills. The typical thoughts of an everyday parent. Since it was Christmas after all, and she needed to buy the last gifts she would ever give to her daughters. But she didn’t think of it that way.
“So Shizuka, Hio, what do you want for Christmas?” Ledeen was now walking them through the store, hand in hand.
Shizuka looked up at her with wide eyes and a smile on her face, “kitty!” She said happily.
“Yeah, kitty!” Hio repeated.
Ledeen smiled at them, “another?”
“Yeah!” Shizuka smiled then looked around, “you want something for Christmas?” She said before looking back at her mother.
Ledeen shook her head, “nah, there’s nothing that I really want.” She was walking them through the toy isle, “anything in here you want?” She asked.
Shizuka shook her head then looked around, “shiny?” She looked up at her mother again.
Hio looked at Shizuka and they smiled at each other.
Ledeen smiled then nodded, “yeah.” She walked her out of the isle and towards the jewelry section, “you want a shiny?” She asked.
Shizuka nodded and her face looked concentrated as she looked into the glass cases filled with necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and other accessories.
Hio mimicked her sisters concentrated expression and she pressed herself against the glass as well.
“May I help you?” A pale blonde haired woman walked up in front of the two.
“We’re looking.” Ledeen replied and looked at the woman with a smile, “but I’m thinking about buying as well.”
“Okay then, just ring the bell when you’re ready.” She turned and walked off to help another costumer at another counter.
Shizuka tapped the glass with her finger, “that one!” She was smiling again.
Ledeen looked and saw that Shizuka was pointing to an oval shaped, sliver locket with a small heart made with half a sapphire piece and a ruby placed in the middle of it. “You want that one?” She asked.
Shizuka and Hio both nodded, “yeah.”
Ledeen rung the bell and waited for the blonde woman to come again, “I’d like the silver locket.” She said once the woman returned.
“Oh, that’s a great choice.” She knelt down behind the case and opened it, “it’s our only one.” She said standing up.
Ledeen held her hand out for it and examined it, “really?” She asked, seeing the small details surrounding the small heart before turning it over, it said: “Forever and Ever”
“Yes, it’s a one of a kind.” The woman nodded and watched as Shizuka reached up for it, “it came from France and it’s not like any other locket.”
Ledeen let Shizuka hold it with Hio beside her examining it then looked at the woman with a pained smile on her face, “that’s nice, so how much will it be?”
She was born in France, and that’s where she met her daughters’ father. A very intelligent man, but soon they went their separate ways and that’s when Ledeen moved here where the two girls were born.
“Well, it’s half price for the holidays, so you got lucky.” The blonde smiled and handed Ledeen a little black case to put the necklace in.
“That’s good.” She took the case then dug in her pocket for her credit card and handed it to the woman. That was a good thing about being a hunter, you never were poor. Just in case if you needed to move immediately because of vampires, then you had the money.
“Have a great Christmas.” The blonde waved as she handed the card back after printing out a receipt.
“You too.” Ledeen looked at Shizuka as she carefully put the necklace in its case then clutched it tightly in her hand, “you want to put it on?” She asked.
Shizuka shook her head then looked up at her mother, “kitty?”
“Kitty!” Hio chimed.
“Yes, yes of course.” Ledeen began to walk towards the toy section again and let them wonder around to look for the toys they wanted. She stopped following her as her phone began to ring. “Hello?” She flipped it open.
“Merry Christmas Ledeen, how are you doing today?” A woman’s voice was on the other side of the line.
“Oh, hello Yori, I’m doing fine.” She looked around and didn’t see her daughters so she began to walk down the isles to find them.
“Sorry to spoil your holiday, but we have a newborn on the loose, and we think he’s hunting now.” Yori said in an apologetic voice.
Ledeen sighed while she continued to look down the isles for her daughters, “in broad daylight?” She asked, “and in public?”
“It’s cloudy outside so he wont attract any attention, but he’s a newborn, what do you expect.”
“Let me guess, he’s in my territory huh?” She stopped and looked around again, starting to feel worried.
“Yeah, good luck.” Yori said, “but it’s should be an easy kill for you.”
“Okay, well, see you soon.” Ledeen didn’t want to mention anything about what Kei told her since she didn’t want to risk her closest friend’s life.
“Bye-bye.” The line went dead and Ledeen put her phone back in her back pocket. “Hio? Shizuka?” She called loudly.
Shizuka and Hio were looking at the stuffed animals, scanning each and everyone. The fur color, eye color, shape, and fluffiness.
“Excuse me, but you looked alone.” A man’s voice sounded from behind them.
Shizuka and Hio turned and looked up. The man was extremely pale, and he wore all black, but his hair was a dark brown. They both tilted their heads, and Hio then looked at the stuffed animals again.
The man chuckled, “I’m a stranger to you, huh?” He asked then knelt down beside them, “where’s your mother?”
Shizuka stared at him then shrugged nervously while gripping the necklace case tighter, “do you know mother?” She asked.
“I’ll go find her.” Hio said smiling a little then ran off before the guy could say anything.
The man smiled, his white teeth were whiter than his own skin, “yes, I do in fact.” He touched Shizuka’s cheek with his cold hand, “I can help you find her too.”
Shizuka blinked then grabbed a black stuffed cat with her free hand, “your teeth.” She murmured, seeing that some were sharper than normal. She tucked the case into her coat pocket and reached for his mouth, eyes slightly wide.
The man took her wrist carefully and let her fingers touch his fangs, “very sharp, I know.” He grinned wider.
Shizuka began to pull away but the man pulled her hand to his mouth. “Hn…” Shizuka tried to pull away more but failed, “let go.” She said as her face twisted with fear.
The man placed his tongue on the palm of her hand then licked her arm until he reached her wrist where his tongue was replaced with his two fangs, letting them pierce through her skin.
“Shizuka!” Ledeen wailed while running towards them.
Hio was peeking from behind one of the shelves, tears running down her face. She looked down at her arm and lifted it, seeing that her sweater was getting wet with blood so she pulled the sleeve back to find two holes on her wrist.
The man quickly stood, Shizuka in his arms, licking the blood from the two, deep holes in her wrist. “Oh, is she yours?” He asked, still grinning. Red eyes gleaming.
Ledeen narrowed her eyes, “let her go, and you won’t die.” She nearly yelled.
The man chuckled, “but she’s so delicious.” He petted Shizuka’s head softly though she was trembling with tears streaming down her face. “She’s a whole lot better than my latest kills.”
Ledeen backed up and placed her hand on a nearby wall, “you don’t know how stupid of a move you’re making.” She pressed her hand on a fire alarm and pushed the handle up, setting the screeching alarm off.
“Hmm… I think I’m having a great idea.” He whispered while tucking half his face into Shizuka’s hair, “she would make a great Christmas dessert.”
Ledeen pulled a dagger out of her front pocket, “it’s my job to kill monsters like you.” She said darkly, “and you’re on my list.” She longed at him, wishing that her daughter wasn’t there to see what she would do to him, but the truth will have to be revealed someday.
The man moved to the side and watched her stop in front of him, “uh-oh, you don’t want to hurt your daughter, do you?” He asked.
Ledeen paused and looked at Shizuka who was crying more louder, “put her down and let’s settle this.” She said knowing that he wouldn’t give up his prey so easily.
“Ah ha, you think I’m that stupid?” He chuckled, “well think again!”
“Drunken off the smell of blood leaves you oblivious though.”
The man’s eyes widened and his grip on Shizuka loosened. His knees buckled and he began to fall while Shizuka slipped through his arms.
Ledeen scooped up her daughter from the floor and backed away, “I thought I would have to do this alone.” She sighed with relief while holding Shizuka close to her body.
“Pft… I would never miss out on killing a newborn.” A man stood over the dying vampire and pulled his cane out of his back, “this one was probably just a couple days old too.”
“Thank you, Ryu.” Ledeen smiled at the young man. He had light brown hair and green eyes.
“No problem.” He scratched the back of his head, “I should go destroy the tapes.”
“Good idea.” Ledeen then took Shizuka’s bitten hand and looked at it, “I’m glad she’s alright.”
“Yeah.” Ryu walked up to them and patted Shizuka’s head, “I’m sure she’ll make a great hunter one day, same with Hio, but for now I have to get those tapes, I’ll see you later.” He lifted his hand and turned to walk off.
“Ryu.” Ledeen bit her lip.
He stopped and turned his head, “yeah?”
“If I were ever to die, and Shizuka and Hio were still young… Can you find them a good family to go to?” She asked and looked down where Hio had clung to her leg, still crying.
Ryu blinked then nodded, “of course, but, you shouldn’t worry about such things.” He lifted his hand in a backwards wave, “we’re all still young, so don’t be so negative.”
Ledeen watched him go then Shizuka let go of her mother’s neck and began to rub her eyes.
“C’mon, let’s go home.” Ledeen crooned to her and began to walk out of the isle and towards the exit. She looked down at Hio who was holding her wrist and she stopped.
It started when they were one year old. When one of them got hurt, the other would too. If one would have a scratch on her arm, so would the other.
“It’ll be okay, I’ll clean it up when we get home.” She assured her, relieved that it wasn’t a pureblood attack.
“I love you mommy.” Shizuka whispered and had a sad smile on her face, “forever and ever.”
“Forever and ever.” Hio repeated, still clinging to Ledeen’s leg as they began to walk again.
“Forever and ever.” Ledeen repeated, kneeling down to hug her daughters close once more.
A cold hand repeatedly caressed my cheek and I could hear a soft humming above me. A song that was soft and beautiful, like the man I was staring at with half closed eyes.
The humming stopped when my eyes opened and a smile formed across his face, “good morning my dear princess.” He kept his hand on my cheek.
It was the same man that killed my foster parents… But he didn’t look mad or pained, he had a caring and worried gaze locked with my confused stare.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly.
My eyes suddenly widened and I saw that my head was in his lap while my body was lying on a soft bed. I sat up quickly and looked around before getting off the bed. “Where am I?”
It was dim inside the room with white walls, white baseboards, black drapes over a large window, a black sheeted bed with white pillows, white double doors on one side of the room, a single door on the neighboring wall, and a dark wooden nightstand beside the bed with a small back lamp that was the only thing lighting up the large room.
“You are safe.” He replied while getting off the bed as well, “safe from any harm.”
“Stay away from me!” I clenched my fists and winced at a burning sensation on my shoulder but ignored it.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice was low, “I would never hurt you, princess.”
“Who are you? Where am I? Why are you calling me princess? Why… Why’d you kill them!” All the questions blurted out before I had time to even notice the difference in my eyesight and the way my hair was styled.
“Wow, she’s a very wary girl.” Another voice sighed from behind.
My torso turned, feet remaining where they were just in case I would have to defend myself.
There was a woman in her early thirties. She had short white hair that curled in towards her face and her bangs were parted over to the right and were tucked behind her ear, keeping her light brown eyes visible even in the weak light. “Just like Ledeen.” She murmured softly.
“What’s going on?” I demanded, not giving any thought to how that name sounded familiar, looking at the two strangers in the room. One who was beautiful, the other was normal, but would still be an attractive woman, but would look worse beside the man.
“If you can remember,” The guy said suddenly appearing in front of me. “I saved you from your poor excuse of foster parents and brought you here.” He stared into my eyes, “you passed out from a high fever and loss of blood.”
I held his gaze for a moment before looking away, “you killed them.” I whispered, remembering the short moments of the lurid scene with their bodies on the floor. Dead.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t want me to.” He sighed, “it’s too late to turn back now.”
“Kuroran,” The woman said. “Shouldn’t you show her something?”
The man-Kuroran, looked over at her and nodded, “I need you to follow me.” He said carefully placing his hand on my shoulder.
I looked up at him and pulled away from his touch, “where?” I asked.
“You need to see something.” He replied calmly, “you’ve changed.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked, not trusting either of them to take me anywhere until I was sure that they weren’t going to kill me.
“I’ll show you.” He assured me with a tender voice.
I watched as he began to walk towards the double doors so I followed, curiosity controlling my movements and soon I was inside the double doors, wincing as a bright light flickered on.
“Look at yourself.” He said from the center of the bathroom.
I walked over so I was beside him then looked at my reflection.
“Please don’t scream.” He whispered from my side.
I had forgotten about what he had said to me. My mind went blank as I looked at what he had been talking about change, then the other little details that scared me even more. I found it impossible to scream, since I did not only fear it, I had become shocked into the world of supernatural possibilities.
I had been sucked into a supernatural world.
Well, I hope everyone enjoyed that!
Oh and I want everyone to kn ow these two people:
Shamikel & jazza-b
They're my two friends from my high school!
So anywho, I'll post CHP. 5 later. Okay, byez!!!
Here's my character from my friend: Jazza-b
It's from her story and this is what my character looks like: (She's a fox demon)

Hee hee, her name is Nika, it means trouble maker.
Alright, now I'll go!