My grandmother thinks I'm starving myself
She never said she thinks I'm starving myself,but I know she's thinking it.I don't eat lunch at school(don't even ask why).My mom told my gramdmother about that.She's mad at me and wants me to eat.She said if I don't like the stuff they have at school,I can just take my own lunch.Everytime I see my granmother now,she sees that I've gotten a bit skinnier(sp?).One day my grandmother even brought me mini muffins and said I could take them to school for lunch.It's very annoying that they're telling me to eat.It seems like not too long ago they wanted me to eat less,now they want me to eat more?Make up your mind people!I'm not even skinny!Er.If I am getting skiny,it's not intensionally.My bff jokingly called me "anerestic".If my grandmother ever dose call me anerestic,it won't be as bad when my bff's grandmother called her a slut,lol lol