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My Typed Stories
Meier’s Story: Chapter 1
The Beginning

It all started when Michael met Susan about thirty years ago in a small town about ten miles off the Pacific coast. Susan was out for her nighttime walk, somewhere in the forest, about the same time Michael was out searching for a meal. Michael being a vampire needed blood to satisfy his hunger. Though he wasn’t the type of your average story time vampire who would go after an innocent human that would be out and about either coming home late or just out for a walk. He is more of a noble vampire that prefers animal blood to human blood. Which there aren’t many noble vampires out there these days, showing that a non-noble vampires would drink human blood, turning them monsters (also known as ghouls or zombies) using them to destroy houses, towns, cities or anything else that the vampire wants destroyed.

Now a ghoul is neither alive nor dead and it will only serve its master, the one who bit it. So showing that the non-noble vampires care less for humanity, they would rather have an army of ghouls that can help them by destroying anything their master wants than having to do it all the work (more likely called dirty work) themselves. Soon after this whole vampire thing was started with some “so-called” crazy men and women banded together and formed a group that went under one name, the Vampire Hunters. Which brings it back to the main part of the story, when Michael met Susan.

It was about eleven-thirty at night, making it very dark outside, about the same time Susan takes her nighttime walk after a busy day of working around the house, but for some reason today she was worked extra hard so she was very tired. She didn’t really know where she was going but she really didn’t care, all that she wanted to do was get away from the house for a little while to clear her head from all the tiring house work. It was a beautiful night tonight for there were many bright stars and the full moon was out up in the sky. All her not caring where she was going lead her right into the middle of the forest. For it was too dark for her to see, even with the full moon’s light, she tried going back the way she came. That only got her even more lost than before. Since this was her first time getting very lost it frightened her. Only a few minutes later there was rustling in the bushes.
Susan looked over that way, “Hello, is someone there?” she called out, but no answer came. The rustling in the bushes grew louder; Susan called out again, and still no answer when finally a man came out. He was wearing a long coat with dress clothing underneath it, and a cross-strung around his neck. Also having to what looked like a double-barreled 50cal. fully loaded, Shotgun, in his gloved hands. Susan gasped in shock for even though he didn’t look like it she knew that he was a vampire hunter. Besides that he seemed somewhat familiar to her like they’ve met somewhere before, though she couldn’t place her finger on it.

He smiled and his teeth shined brightly in the moonlight, “What is a pretty thing like you doin’ out here all alone in the middle of the night?” He asked with an Irish accent.
“I- I was out for a walk getting some fresh air after a long days work and I-I got lost because I didn’t know where I was going, so I ended up here.” Susan answered nervously not knowing what to expect from him.

“Well lass, I’d hate to say that I don’t believe your story because the only creatures who’d be out here this late at night are the creatures of the night, which in term pose a threat to humanity also in which I hunt, in other words I’m sorry lass but your time as a vampire is up.” He said while aiming his gun at her.

“But sir I’m not a vampire...I’m just a normal human.” Susan said while starting to back away from him in fear.

“I’d wish that something as pretty as you didn’t have to be wasted,” He said with some sadness in his voice and his finger on the trigger. Susan, now totally terrified started to beg for her life, which just made him smile. “Don’t waste your breath lass, all of you kind must be condemned ” He was about to pull the trigger when,

“Andrew, stop what she says is truthful!” A voice called out, which seemed to echo all around them.

Andrew lowered his gun slightly, he looked around to see where the voice came from, “Whom might you be, O’ defender of this lassie?” When no response came Anderson yelled, “Show yourself whom-ever you are!” There was a sudden laugh and a tall dark figure came out of the brush.

“ Oh come now Andrew, has it been that long?” the stranger said with another laugh. It only took Andrew a few seconds to figure out whom it was.
Andrew smirked, “It’s been along time indeed, Michael Helson,” he said sarcastically suddenly loosing his Irish accent, “and all this time I thought you were dead.”
“It’s going to take more than those bullets and cross of yours to take me down Andrew,” Michael said bluntly while walking towards Andrew, “Now you’d best be leaving her alone.” He added stopping only a few feet away from him.

Andrew chuckled, “Who’s going to make me ‘eh, not surely you, Michael.” He said tauntingly. Anderson turned his attention away from Susan and pointed his weapon at Michael. “Oh, come now surely ye wouldn’t be stupid enough to face a man of God, and with God’s power at my side I could kill you easily!”

That’s it! Susan thought, now I know where I remember him from. He’s that crazy minister at the church I quit going to a few months back because all he did was talk about how vampires are all bad and should be condemned, for that’s what he said was God’s wish. After that many people started to leave the church, but him being a vampire hunter, who would of guessed?

“You want to try and find out,” Michael growled then said. “Or are you just going to stand there and preach to me like some minister?”

“If that is what you wish.” Andrew smirked as he pulled the trigger on his shotgun firing a shot at Michael’s head. Michael just took a step to the side and it just barely whizzed past him.

“Andrew is that all you’ve got, I’d thought that a vampire hunter of your skills could do better.” Michael said.

“You think that’s all I’ve got, well you’re wrong my friend, entirely wrong!” Andrew fired another shot at him, skimming the outer edge of Michael’s arm just enough to tear a hole in his cape.

Michael growled again, “ I see your aim has gotten better since the last time we’ve met,” He still made no actual attempt to attack Andrew. “And I’ll ask you this, what proof do you have of this beautiful young lady here being a vampire hmm?” Michael looked over at Susan; he could sense that she was scared.

“ My reasons are none of your concern!” Andrew answered while re-loading his gun. His hands were shaking so he accidentally dropped one of the bullets onto the ground. He bent down and picked it up finally loading it into his gun. By the time he stood up he already had it once again pointing at Michael. “ Come now Michael Helsing, it’s time to die!”
Michael said while not looking at him, “ So, you’re saying that you have no actual proof or reason that she’s a vampire?” He let out a long sigh of disappointment. “Having nothing to back up what you say only leaves one option, you just like to kill anyone that you believe is a vampire.” He turned facing Andrew with a cold look in his eyes. “Anyone that works like that is a monster himself.”

Why is this vampire protecting me? Susan thought while not taking her eyes off of him. I’ve never done anything or seen him before in my life and he’s protecting me like he’s paying me back for I did for him a long time ago. It does make me wonder, have I actually met him before from a while back, that’s something I must find out, but right now is not the time for questions.

“I pity your words vampire, and that is not how I work, I kill only for it is God’s will!” Andrew spat defiantly at Michael.

“ Although I may not be a man of God but I can tell you this, what you are doing is not God’s will!” Michael said.

The way from what he said hit Andrew like a large cement brick. A slight breeze started to blow, as it seemed like they were all frozen in time waiting for someone to say something. But nothing came for what seemed like an hour of silence were only a mere few minutes when Andrew broke the silence.

“Alright that does it I’m going to kill you right here, right now Michael!” Andrew said angrily, he fired his gun at him, once again missing his head by inches.

“I can’t say that I want to fight you but you leave my no choice.” Michael said as he suddenly disappeared from sight.

Where did he go? Susan asked herself as she looked around for any clue or sign of Michael. Though she couldn’t seem him his footsteps could be heard somewhere around them. She held her breath, I can hear him but I can’t see him anywhere…

Andrew looked around impatiently for Michael, “Come out vampire, so I can end your life.” He paused, “Or would you like me to kill her instead?” When no answer came Andrew aimed his gun at Susan. “Well! What’s it going to be Michael, you or her?” He called out knowing full well that Michael would do anything to save her.

Michael sighed in defeat, reappearing right in front of Andrew. “Alright Andrew, you win.” He said while looking at Susan, having a glint of not giving up in his eyes. Michael then turned his attention towards Andrew, “Go ahead and shoot me!” He declared, holding his hands halfway up in the air.

“With pleasure, I’ll make sure to kill her after I’m done with you” Andrew said while smiling, also putting his fingers on the trigger once more.

He was about to pull the trigger when suddenly Michael grabbed the barrel of the gun with his hands, pulling it out of Andrew’s grip. Michael left one hand on the barrel of the gun moving his other hand to the stock of it. Squeezing it tightly he managed to bend the barrel downward, in a U shaped form, making it unusable. The whole time during which this happened Susan just stared in awe, she hadn’t moved a muscle ever since Andrew had aim his gun once again at her. Right now the way she felt was confused, relief, and exhaustion towards all of it. She couldn’t really make up her mind on what should she do. On one hand she wanted to run home, jump into bed and forget all about what was going on. But on the other hand she wanted to find out who this guy Michael was and why he was defending her. One thing she couldn’t stop thinking about was how and when did Andrew become a Vampire Hunter.

Like he’s going to tell me that. Susan thought sarcastically to herself, knowing only that Andrew wasn’t going to tell her anything about it because of Michael and what he’s done for her. He’s probably going to be after me for the rest of my life, oh what am I going to do! I’m defenseless against him and my only protection is Michael over there, but I don’t thing that he’s going to stay around after teaching Andrew a lesson. She sat down still watching their fight. Not having a slightest clue to what was going on now, but she didn’t really mind not knowing. All she was happy to know was that somebody was looking out for her for once in her life. Not like that selfish she had back home who made her do all the work around the house; it was nonstop work too with only the night to give her a break from all the tiring work.
She really wanted to run, get away from all the hard work and live with a man who understood, and would be with her when she would have a son (or daughter) of their own to take care of. Living in a big house in the peaceful countryside in a quiet town, not like the little noisy town she lived in. Having no worries at all, living there till her child would get married and move away from her only to send pictures of where her child’s family has been, though she knew it would probably never happen, if her life were to be that way. But what did she know; she couldn’t tell what was going to happen in the future.


Michael threw the unusable gun at Andrew’s feet, “Andrew, your business is done here, now leave and I never want to see you in my sight again!” he said while pointing behind Andrew in a way telling him to go.

Andrew bent down and picked up his unusable gun. Turning to leave he looked over his shoulder at Susan then to Michael, grinning he said, “This isn’t over vampire, not by a long shot!” He couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Your day will come, mark my words, your day with come when you both will die at the hands of God.” After that he walked off disappearing seconds later into the dense forest.

Michael sighed and walked over to Susan without a word said. The way Susan looked at him, she seemed very confused about him. Still Michael didn’t say anything; he just stared at her for sometime when… “Why did you help me?” She asked him questionably.

He answered back not directly answering her question, “ I see how a long time can make one forget another’s face” Brushing off some dirt from his cape he also said, “Sometimes I wonder why I wanted to become human again.”

“Human…again, what do you mean by that?” What he said really had her puzzled. Deep down inside her mind she knew that somehow, somewhere before she actually knew this- vampire very well but from where exactly? That’s what she was really wondering right now.

He shook his head with a sort of disappointed look across his face, “I was really hoping you would remember me Susan, after all we did play a lot together when we were kids.”

Susan’s eyes lit up with happiness, “Stephen? Stephen Helsing, is it truly you?” She asked. She now didn’t know what to think about him. All of this was almost too much for her to take in, she felt like she could barely breath.

He nodded then smiled, “Yes, it’s me!” He put his arms around her body gently pulling her close to him.

“I-I thought I would never have seen you again!” She said as she buried her face into his chest. “What happened to you?”

“I can’t really say, but-,” He said with sadness in his voice. “The day I disappeared, the day after my 13th birthday, was the day I became…a monster.” He looked away and said. “I didn’t wish to become what I am, but once I couldn’t change, I thought you wouldn’t want to see me again. So, I disappeared, off the face of the earth, took my dead fathers first name in hope that you wouldn’t somehow bump into me somewhere like here.” Sighing he said nothing else.

Susan looked at up him and shook her head in disagreement, “No Stephen, you’re wrong.” A smile crept across her face as she turned his head and looked into his eyes, which were filled with sadness. “No matter who you are, or what you are I’ll still always love you for who you are in the inside, not on the outside.”

“Oh Susan, you really care for me too much.” He said as he kissed her.

Susan’s eyes widened in surprise and shock, but they quickly closed as she kissed him back. Her heart seemed to beat out of her chest, as the moment seemed to drag on, seemingly to never end. Finally Stephen gently pulled away, his eyes glowed with happiness. It felt like nothing had moved during the moment, not a leaf or branch moved.

“Come on, let us leave this place and start somewhere else where we can be together, without any worries.”

“But Stephen, I couldn’t just leave my family so suddenly like this, especially leaving with you, though I would love to go-”

“We will go then, why tell and worry your family so much, they only really wanted you to do all the tiring work.”

Sighing Susan nodded faintly, and they both left the small town with nothing but themselves. During that time Susan’s family never bothered looking for her, which proves what Stephen said to be true about them. What seemed like months was actually only a few days later when they found a more suitable place, called Tiberson. They knew that they could live there in peace. Eventually they moved into an average sized home in the town. With many months of living in Tiberson: Susan became pregnant with a baby boy. When he was born she and Stephen decided to name him Meier. To their surprise he was entirely human having no trace of Stephen’s vampire DNA in him. Over the years Meier grew up normally like any other human, going to school and getting great grades, eventually graduating with the highest in the district. Now Meier is 17 and getting ready for his first year of college.

Blade Hatake
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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 06:21pm

    it was awesome!! I loved it

    Blade Hatake
    Community Member

    Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 06:27pm


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