OMG! I had a really weird dream last night! (I play Halo way too much BTW) So I was at School, it was cloudy outside and I was in Japanese, accept I was in the K building. All of a sudden I see this golden lab/white shepherd running around outside, so I go out to make sure that the security guards didn't shoot him with the tranquilizer guns they had. The security people never actually came, but the dog started talking to me! Like in English! It started telling me something along the lines of Covenant about to attack Earth. I asked why he didn't just go talk to someone more capable and he said that Carol wouldn't have the attention span to do anything about it and the UNSC wouldn't be able to understand anything he was saying. o_O He also said something about you being something, but I can't remember. SO! Sensei opened the door to tell me to go back in but I said that there was going to be an alien invasion. She asked how I knew and I said that the dog told me and everyone in the class started to laugh. Well! For the rest of the day, the dog was the only one that actually was decent to me. So he said something else about the Covenant. I don't remember what it was. The bell rang and it was time to go to lunch, so Carol went to go hang out with Kellen while the dog and I went to eat in Mrs. K's room. While I was in there Mrs. K started to tell the class about a project that we had to do that entailed the students to come up with something that they think that would be useful to have in the world. Then suddenly I wasn't in the classroom anymore and I was at my mom's in the living room. Carol and I started to Spar or something and then after I lost for the third time, and was laughed at a lot, we were back at the classroom. I was moping on my desk while Carol gloated. After a while she told me to not be so emo about it and then I said that I was emo becasue I didn't have a topic for the project. Then the classroom was extended by a lot and the map from Halo3 called Ghost Town appeared as half of the class. Carol tried to make me feel better by telling me to choose something I really liked, but I didn't necessarily care atm. SO! I went to go play Halo (live!) with the rest of the class. Recently I had been owning on Halo 2 and sticking a lot of people, so I started to pick up as many stickies as I could, and with so many people dying and spawning left and right, there was a lot. I didn't die once! Most of my kills were sticky kill, too! After that, I had a revelation! I was all, "Oh my god! I could to my project on why we should develop sticky nades!" So after Ashley got freaked out by a black widow on her desk, I did my presentation, using the Ghost Town map as my example. People were still playing Halo Live so I just picked up a bunch of nades and started showing off my skills and how useful the grenades would be in battle. THEN! After that, I got an A. ^^ Someone asked me the probability of something like Halo actually happening and I said that I don't know. After that, Everyone was playing Halo Live. Then we were in some strange Mario world, like his castle or something. So I went up to Mario's throne room where he was asleep and stuck a fragment of the sticky nade to his face, jumped from the tower and landed just fine. Mario died and then I woke up. o_O 