I do not own the SPARTAN II program or the MJOLNIR project. They belong to their respected creators, Bungie, who made the amazing Halo game series. I created this character only to keep myself busy and to improve my writing abilities. I only own Kris; I do not take responsibility for the good majority of this profile. Before you flame me for copying the Master Chief, there is nothing to say for that; I took a few things from the back story becasue many of the Spartans went through the same things, therefore becoming a better team. I created Kris as an OC; not a part of Bungie.
Name: Kris (aka Spartan K215)
Age: 25
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140 lbs. w/out armor
Appearance: Click for bigger pic
Without armor
Kris tends to keep her hair longer than regular UNSC regulations. She refused to cut it when they drafter her and almost broke someone’s jaw when she was 15 because they tried to cut it. Her usual outfit is see above and consists of dark brown shorts, to gun holsters wrapped around her thighs that carry her duel M6D magnum pistols with armor piercing rounds and tank-top/crop-top. Her long brown hair is usually kept in a bun that let’s down ringlets into her face. She appears to have a rough demeanor, but on the inside, she has to love for her team and will do anything to stop casualties from happening. She also had the decision to get her armor done in another color, considering she is not often called to go on the same missions as the other Spartans. In fact, in many of her recent missions against the Covenant, green has not been the most camouflaged color.
With armor

Kris tends to keep her hair longer than regular UNSC regulations. She refused to cut it when they drafter her and almost broke someone’s jaw when she was 15 because they tried to cut it. Her usual outfit is see above and consists of dark brown shorts, to gun holsters wrapped around her thighs that carry her duel M6D magnum pistols with armor piercing rounds and tank-top/crop-top. Her long brown hair is usually kept in a bun that let’s down ringlets into her face. She appears to have a rough demeanor, but on the inside, she has to love for her team and will do anything to stop casualties from happening. She also had the decision to get her armor done in another color, considering she is not often called to go on the same missions as the other Spartans. In fact, in many of her recent missions against the Covenant, green has not been the most camouflaged color.
With armor

Personality: Kris likes to act like the tough girl; she can be rather butch at times and tends to pic on the buys. At a first glance, one would see a solitary person and she does do best to keep to herself, but if you get to know her well enough, she warms up and acts as though you were one of her teammates. She does have a small slip of anger now and again, but it’s controllable. Kris also has a good sense of humor and gets along really well with guys.
Race: Human (altered)
Weapons: Her weapons range from a variety of guns; MA5B assault rifle, S2 sniper rifle, duel M6D magnum pistols (which are not to be confused with the scope-less, lighter versions of these magnums know as the M6s), and a whole lot more. All of her guns have armor piercing rounds made especially for her squad. Her armor also hold a variety of tricks; the HUD of the helmet has an ammo counter, keeping track of how much ammunition she has left and a shield bar. The armor itself has a protective shield around it, that when hit with enough bullets, energy weapons, swords, etc. the shield drains. She has to find cover when this happens and wait for the shield to recharge. There is also a COM system linked with the armor’s network, letting her keep in touch with the AI or commanding officers.
Abilites: Kris has enhanced abilities; she has night vision, enhanced speed, strength and agility, and stronger muscle mass, bone structure and other genetic features. You name the genetic enhancement and she probably has it. This can be explained in her bio.
Interests: This girl likes being in the battle; she is an instrument of war and has been trained as such since the age of five. However, when she has orders for a little R&R, she likes to read and listen to music or sit on the beach if it is possible.
Dislikes: Kris is not fond of taking R&R but does it when ordered. She also keeps a strong dislike for her enemies and if you become one of hers, you’re pretty much screwed. Other than that, she is pretty much indifferent to everything.
Bio: “My name is Spartan K215, aka Kris, as my fellow troops call me. I am a part of the MJOLNIR project, otherwise known as the SPARTAN-II project. I am an instrument of war for the government known as the UNSC and was brought here for one reason; to protect Earth and her people. But that’s a later story… The real story begins when I was only five. There was a day like any other; I was one of the top in my class and could’ve been in a higher grade, but I refused. That was the day she came to Eridan V, my colonization planet. I am a human, although I am from Eridan V; this is well after Earth had spread colonies to other planets. The woman had approached me after I had completed my work ahead of the other and was drawing pictures of a “special” watch on my test, designed for my own purposes. She came up to, kneeling by my desk. She spoke quietly as she said, “Would you mind coming over to the back of the class with me?” I was of course skeptical. “Please bring your paper with you.” The woman walked to the back of the classroom, not giving another word. “Yes, ma’am.” I responded, quietly. When I stood next to her, the woman asked to see my test; I figured that she was one of the school officials and wanted to do a random check of student intelligence. Instead she flipped the paper over and began looking at the design of the watch I have drawn. "You designed this?" She asked, seeming a little surprised. "Yes, ma'am." I said again. She looked at it intensely studying everything in the different drawings and I stood there confused. "And you've been working on this for a while?" She inquired again. "No, ma'am. I started that today." Again, she seemed surprised. The woman then looked at me. I just stood at attention, a little uneasy. "Why?" I thought for a moment. "I thought it would be useful to have." After another short silence she finally said, “Thank you. You may go back to your desk now.” I was really confused when she handed my paper back to me and just left the classroom, but puzzled, I went back to my desk and sat continuing to sketch out the watch. A few weeks later, I found myself in a large auditorium with many other kids my age and wondered what had happened—I had no recollection at the time. The same woman who had pulled me to the back of the classroom walked up to a pedestal. addressing us all and said, “My name is Dr. Halsey. This colony, Reach, will be your home. You 100 children have been chosen to embark on an intense mission; you will be a part of the SPARTAN II project. You will be able to help Earth's colonies and their people be becoming--” She spoke for some time and I understood—we were to become military. I began to think to myself, ’What about my parents!? My family!?’ I was terrified. The next day my training began. Chief Petty Officer Mendez worked us hard, forcing us to run harder than I ever thought I would be able to as a five year old child. I was so distressed, but then I met John, Linda, Kelly, Sam… Everyone who I would forever call my family. We were also educated about wars from the past and everything became so new and interesting. Eventually, I settled into the routine and was happy to learn everything I could. I soon realized that I wouldn’t need a life outside of this; I felt at home here and I never wanted to leave. CPO Mendez would send us on missions with many different twists to them which kept us all on our toes and made us into soldiers by adolescence—we never knew what to expect from him. Eventually, by the time many of us reached ages 14-16, we were given another mission and the only way to “win”—as Halsey put it—was to survive. We were injected with a syringe and for weeks, we were all stuck in hospital bed. Only a few of us survived or weren't horribly damaged by the injections… 36 of the 100 chosen to be exact… I was one of the few left alive, but even so, my mutations never took full effect so I was not considered a success. I’m not as strong as the others, nor are my reflexes quite as fast and there are a few other limitations, but my intelligence was heightened to an impressive level. I was able to enhance and perfect some of the weapons in progress, helping Dr. Halsey finish the designs for the Battle riffle and an improved homing device for the SPNKr. However, because my abilities as a Spartan were limited, I was transferred back to my home colony, Eridan V, to train three squads of Marines. I never complained about my transfer, I was never upset. The Marines were trained to have the will of the Spartans and thus, I considered them to be a part of my family. I was still able to go on missions with my brothers and sisters when they really needed me. With the leftover time I was allotted in my new mission, I eventually created something for myself; the watch I had drawn when I was five. By that time, I was 17. I constructed the holowatch; it allowed an AI’s system chip to be inserted into the mechanism and have their figure projected. It also contained a COM unit and a short range radar, which became very effective whenever I was without my armor. I also designed a smart AI; her name is Direct Recon Hasley, or Dr. Hasley for short, after the woman whom I consider a mother, Halsey.. She has been the key to how I have been able to survive many of my missions. Not long after that, I was able to create a neural system for a few specific AIs by adjusting the circuits and adding a few other enhancements to their chips, giving them the ability to touch and feel. Dr. Hasley was the first to have this ability. She is now someone who I consider very special and I would devastated if something were to happen to her. My name is Spartan K215, aka Kris, as my fellow troops called me. I am a part of the MJOLNIR project, otherwise known as the SPARTAN-II project. I am an instrument of war for the government known as the UNSC and was brought here for one reason; to protect Earth and her people.”