Breac's journal about life in and out of her coop. Starring Chickens, turkeys, and the occasional goose.
Cleaned out the front half of the coop today. Damn it smelled bad. I think Skunk is either an emasculate hen or a hermaphrodite like her father. This isn't good. The chickens all crrrreeee'd when they saw the litter bag getting open. Smart birds, smart birds. The back of Oreo's comb came off. His comb is really starting to bug him, because he keeps shaking his head. Gave Mr. Burby a thing of yogurt. He loved it. Maple and Stella are getting fat.
Lucy is back in the barn in her old nook. Not sure if she's going to lay eggs soon or is just getting away from it all. The tip of her bill is gone, and she has an underbite now. I hope it grows back. Mom and I took a hay bale down and spread it around in the nook. It should be warmer now, but I'm worried for her already injured feet. For a little while I thought about putting human socks on her feet and tethering them on her feet somehow, but then I realized that if she walked in ice or slush, the socks would freeze to her feet. If only we could keep her in one place, but she has to go out to eat and drink. Speaking of which, I put some corn and feed in a bowl for her. She wasn't really interested, and that worries me. I'm afraid for her life right now. If only mom would just let me bring her into the house and take her to the vet, I'm sure Lucy would get better. She's getting friendlier as well. I think she might have tried to preen me. Or maybe she was just lightly biting me, I don't know. But she did sit on my lap and shoved her head into the recesses of my jacket, so that's a good sign.
Jenny and Gilly are doing the same as always. Gilly sits on her nest in the corner, and Jenny longs to go outside. Oddly enough, she sat down in front of Tyler and let him pick her up.