Total Value: 6,277,616 Gold
After Exclusions: 6,250,252 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Summoning Tome
Nitemare Scarf
Lunar Cowl
Morgana's Gloves heart
Romani Glasses heart
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Summoning Tome
The 4th Amigo Lucki Boots heart
#000000 Complex Pants heart
#0000FF Complex Shirt heart
Fox Ears heart
October Birthstone Crown heart
Hey all! New dream avi! X3 it's quite awesome if i do say so myself X3.
yep, unfortunatley I only have 700g left so its time to start saving...again sweatdrop oh well, at least i have half the stuff... Although i wonder if i'll ever finish this one let alone my first one... oh well, update soon! X3
PS shout out to Star Daze! whee U da best! ~ heart