pmylg cih, cemjan suuh,
yfygah vnus dra cmaabehk dusp,
ubah dra kydac uv tyng yht tuus,
pnehk mekrd du ajanmycdehk tynghacc,
yht cad dra cmispanehk cbened vnaa,
cemjan cih, pmylg suuh
yfygah vnus dra cmaabehk dusp,
ubah dra kydac uv tyng yht tuus,
pnehk mekrd du ajanmycdehk tynghacc,
yht cad dra cmispanehk cbened vnaa,
cemjan cih, pmylg suuh
Black Sun, Silver Moon,
Awaken from the sleeping tomb,
Open the gates of Dark and Doom,
Bring light to everlasting darkness,
and set the slumbering spirit free,
Silver Sun, Black Moon
Awaken from the sleeping tomb,
Open the gates of Dark and Doom,
Bring light to everlasting darkness,
and set the slumbering spirit free,
Silver Sun, Black Moon
Niger sol solis, Argentum luna,
Oriundus quibus quietus sepulchrum,
Effringo quas portas consisto Acerbus itaque Fatum,
Producto produxi productum erga acerbus aeternus eternus,
Quod expidio quietus phasma phasmatis,
Argentum sol solis, Niger luna
Oriundus quibus quietus sepulchrum,
Effringo quas portas consisto Acerbus itaque Fatum,
Producto produxi productum erga acerbus aeternus eternus,
Quod expidio quietus phasma phasmatis,
Argentum sol solis, Niger luna