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My Creative Writing.
all my personal work, ranging from stories, poems, and lyrics.
Darkfire (Story)
[c] 2007, no stealing, editing, etc.
All requests or queries must be sent to me.

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Chapter 1


*Knock Knock*… Dontamiel heard the door knock and went to answer it…
*Creak* The door slowly slid open and Dontamiel poked his head out. “Hello?” He asked.
At the door were two men dressed in a military-like uniform. “Yes, we are looking for two men, one named Iian, and the other named Dontamiel.” They asked.
Dontamiel’s father stepped to the door, “Can I Help You?” He asked.
“Are you Iian?”
“Yes, what can I do for you?”
“You are to come with us! You too boy!” The soldiers tugged on Dontamiel’s shirt.
“Whoa!” Dontamiel tugged back.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Iian asked.
“A war is breaking out. You are not of noble blood; therefore any males above the age of 15 are to be conscripted into the war.” The soldiers spoke formally.
“But Donta Only just turned 15! You can’t conscript him!” Iian argued.
“I am sorry, but is he not legally the age of 15?” The soldier spoke back.
Iian Grunted at the soldiers. “Get Alex and your brothers and get out of here, tell your mother to meet me at the temple shrine with the” Iian shouted to Dontamiel.
The soldiers stared at Iian with an evil grin.
Iian kicked one of the soldiers and they broke out fighting.
“Donta rushed inside and grabbed his younger brothers, Davis and Leo, then called to Alex, his older sister. “Come on!”
Alex rushed down the stairs and picked up leo. “Mum! Hurry up! We’ve gotta get out of here!” Alex Shouted towards the kitchen.
Once they had all gathered together they rushed out the back door and up the hill. Davis turned back, shocked from all the rushing and not knowing what was happening. He saw his father at the front of the house. *Boom!* He heard a gun fire then saw his father collapse onto the ground. “FATHER!!” Davis shouted.
Alex tugged on his shoulder as a sign to hurry up.
15 minutes later they arrived at the temple where a group of monks awaited them.
The High Monk of the temple stepped forward and comforted their mother and asked another monk to take the children to a bedroom.
“Don’t worry Cassandra, it is going to be alright.” The High Monk said calmly to Her.
“They’re going to be looking for Dontamiel soon enough. We have to get him out of here!” Cassandra muttered in her cries.
“Don’t worry about that, we can arrange for him to go somewhere far from here where the soldiers will not find him.” The Monk reassured Cassandra.
“What about the others?” She asked.
“They may stay here at the temple, as may you.”
“Thank you…”

Chapter 2

“A New Beginning”

A monk dressed in fighting robes came into Alex’s room. “Are you at all interested in the art of combat?” The monk asked.
Alex just got up and smiled.
The monk knew that was an instant ‘Yes’.
She followed the monk to an outside fighting ring in the temple grounds, Leo followed to spectate his sister’s fight.

Meanwhile, in Davis’s room…

“Davis… Davis…” A strange voice spoke.
“Who’s there?!” Davis jolted up.
“Davis… Open up the closet…” The strange voice spoke again.
Davis walked towards the closet and slowly creaked it open to find a black gem in the shape of a flame.
“Do you miss your father?” The gem telepathically transmitted into Davis’s head.
“Who… What are you?” Davis asked with a confused and scared voice.
“Do you miss your father?” The gem repeated.
“Yes… Maybe a little…” Davis spoke back to it.
“I can help you get your father back…”
“I must be going mental… Why am I speaking to a gemstone?!” Davis turned around with a small laugh.
“Wait!” The gem shouted this time.
“What could a little shuck of rock do?”
“Quite a lot really… Would you like me to demonstrate?”
“OK then.” Davis agreed.

Alex came up the hallway with the monk then turned into Davis’s room.
“Hey Dave, up for a quick round?” Alex beckoned him to come.
“Alright!” Davis replied thinking that this could be the chance for the black stone to prove it’s worth.
“This match is between Alex and her little brother Davis!” The referee monk announced.
“We’ll see who’s little” Davis snickered.
“Ready, Fight!”
Alex lunged forward and swept her staff towards Davis’s feet.
The gem started glowing red and took control over his body.
Davis jumped over the staff and struck his sword at Alex’s weapon making her lose her grip and dropping it.
“Impressive!” Alex commented on Davis’s swordplay.
“So this is your power?” Davis whispered to the gem.
“There is plenty more where that came from.” The gem returned to it’s original black form.

Chapter 3

“Gone Missing”

The next morning Alex came into Davis’s room and asked him to help her shop for groceries “Donta is leaving tomorrow, so I need your help to shop for some food for him to take on his journey.”
Davis agreed, he put his shoes on and placed the gem carefully in his pocket.
They walked down the stairs passing a few monks on the way. Davis looked at them in despise.
When they got to the front gate, the guard opened up the doors and Pointed them to the path that led to the town markets.
“Thank you” Alex politely thanked the guard.
“anytime!” The guard replied to Alex. “You have a great sister, young man.” He then told Davis.
Davis sighed, “Don’t remind me”.

When they got to the market, Alex walked over to a fruit stand pulling on Davis’s sleeve.
“Excuse me, how much do you sell apples for?” Alex asked the merchant.
Davis completely ignored their conversation and turned his head around looking for something interesting. He spotted a weapons store and ran off towards it.
“Thank you” Alex thanked the merchant after purchasing the apples… “OK Davis, let’s go.” Alex turned around scouting for Davis. “Davis? Where are you? … Oh dear…”

When Alex returned to the temple, she told the High Monk about what had happened.
“Do not worry, I will send a search party to go and find him!” The High Monk promised.
“Thank you,” Alex replied.
Alex returned to her bedroom and sat by Donta. “Davis got lost in the market… Looks like he won’t be around to see you off.”
“That’s too bad, but it can’t be helped.” Donta looked out the window to see the sun shining behind the mountains. “I heard the monks wanted to send you off to Eastern Country to train there…”
“Oh really?!” Alex said in a shocked voice. “That’s so great!”
“Yeah, I hope you will be happy there, They were planning to send Davis and Leo with you, but now that Davis has gone missing, I guess it will just be you and Leo…”
“Yeah, I hope Davis will be alright. Anyway, where were they hoping to send you?” Alex asked.
“Not sure. I think somewhere around the northern area”
“Oh, well, good luck wherever you get sent.”
“Thanks.” Donta got up looked at the sky from the window.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Alex asked for no reason at all.
“Yeah…” Donta sighed then left the room with his stuff.

Chapter 5

“The North: A New Life”

After arriving in the port of the Northern Country, Donta set out to find somewhere to live.
Eventually, after having no luck in the main towns, traveled far north, and sooner or later reached the farthest Island in the northern country.
Donta posted up a flier hoping someone would take him in.
“I’ll die here if no one gives me somewhere to live.” Donta thought.

A fancy black cart pulled by two horses stopped in front of Dontamiel.
“Are you Dontamiel?” A butler stepped out of the cart.
“Yes.” Donta replied with a puzzled look.
“Milady wishes for you to come and stay at her house.” The butler opened the door wider beckoning Donta to enter the cart.

15 minutes later, the cart halts to a stop in front of a mansion.
“Ah, you must be Dontamiel. Pleased to meet you, my name is Damion.” A young man walked up the pathway to greet him.
“Uhh… Hi?” Donta looked puzzled how these people knew him.
An older lady walked up the pathway this time.
“Greetings, my name is Lady Daison. Me and your mother were very good friends in our younger ages.” The lady said.
Dontamiel shook her hand.
“I am so sorry to hear about your father.” She said with sympathy.
“It’s no big deal. But thank you for letting me stay here.”
“It’s the least I can do for a friend. If there is anything you need, just ask.”
Lady Daison walked back towards the house.
“So… how old are you?” Damion asked.
“I am now 16, turning 17.” Donta replied.
“Oh really? I just turned 18 earlier this year. Anyway, I’ll show you to your room.” He said as they slowly started to walk towards the house.
Donta entered the house and scouted his head around. He noticed a training room in the center of the house, there was a young girl inside training.
Donta walked towards the training room, Damion followed.
The young girl noticed Donta walk in and immediately stopped.
“This is my younger sister, Kerra.” Damion explained.
“Hi, pleased to meet you.” Kerra said.
“You like fighting?” Donta asked her.
“what else does she do?” Damion laughed.
“Buzz-off Dane!” Kerra laughed back at Damion with an annoyed voice.
“Want to practice on me?” Donta asked.
“Sure, grab a weapon.” Kerra pointed to a large wall full of weapons.
Dontamiel looked around, he picked up a large sword 6 feet long.
“Wow… You sure you can handle it?” Kerra said with some worry in her voice.
“Don’t worry.” Donta said.
“I’ll go easy on you!” Kerra said. She lunged forward with movements similar to Donta’s sister, Alex.
Donta quickly thrusted his sword down to block the attack, then with a powerful blow, struck the sword from Kerra’s hand.
She fell down to her knees, feeling that no longer was she the best in the household.
“Impressive, I didn’t know you were a fighter!” Damion said surprised.
“Please come and fight me tomorrow, I want to get better!” Kerra pleaded.
“Sure!” Donta promised, then followed Damion to the bedroom quarters.

When they reached the bedrooms, Damion helped Donta unpack.
While he was taking out objects from the bags, he picked up a photo.
“Is this your family?” Damion asked.
“Yeah, the one on the far left is my sister, she’s aged 19 now.”
“Is that your brother who she’s holding on to?”
“yeah. The other one is my other brother, he got lost in the markets back at home. I’m not sure what has happened to him now.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, he’ll be able to take care of himself, besides, my mums living at the temple there now.”

Chapter 6

“Unlikely Encounters”

The next day, Kerra took Donta out shopping for some new clothes, she also dragged Damion along too.
“Hey, here’s a good shop, lets look in here!” Kerra shouted.
*Yawn* “What’s the point in this?” Damion asked sleepily.
“We need to pick out something for Donta to wear!”
“There is plenty of clothes at home for him to pick through.”
“No! He need something that he likes!” Kerra argued.
“No, It’s OK, I’ll just get something from your house.” Donta said to try and stop them from arguing.
“Aw.” Kerra said with a disappointed voice.
Damion nudged Donta, “Hey, look at that guy, he’s been lurking around town for a few days now.”
“Hmm?” Donta tried to take a look at the figure. “He looks slightly familiar, I’m going to go get a closer look.”
Damion followed.
Donta went up to the man and placed his hand in the man’s shoulder. He turned around.
Donta pulled back the man’s hood only to reveal that it was actually Davis in disguise.
“Hey! That looks like your brother!” Damion pointed out the obvious.
Kerra looked at him with a straight face inclining that he is very slow to figure things out.
“Davis, how did you get here?” Donta asked his brother.
Davis remained silent.
“Answer me!” Donta shouted. He looked into Davis’s eyes to see that they were a blood red colour. Donta stumbled back in shock.
“Kill…” Davis muttered. He pulled at a sword and lunged at Donta.
Donta quickly dodged the slash.
When he was trying to dodge the strike, Davis quickly came in and punched Donta’s stomach.
“Unh…” Donta fell to the ground.
Davis ran away with amazing speed that no one could tell where he went to.
“Hey, are you OK?” Damion asked.
“Quickly, lets get him back home!” Kerra instructed Damion.
When they got back to the house, a nurse came in and took Donta the rest of the way to the medical room.

The next morning Damion came into Donta’s room to see how he was going, he was followed by Kerra. They both had a sad face.
“What’s going on?” Donta asked.
They remained silent.
Donta jolted up, “What’s happened?!”
“It’s your mum. She was killed.” Kerra explained.
“By who?”
“It was your brother.” Damion added.
“That’s impossible; he was here the whole time! He couldn’t have gotten back that quickly!”
“The monks at the temple said that his eyes were red.” Kerra told him.
Donta started to look puzzled.
“The monks also said that he was holding a small black gem.”
“A small black gem?” Donta thought. “I’ve got to get back to my home.”
Lady Daison came into the room and acted like she heard the whole conversation. “You can’t go alone.” She told him.
“I’ll go with him!” Damion and Kerra spoke at the same time.
“Do not worry, my children. You may both accompany him back.” Lady Daison said. “In fact, Damion, Did you not buy a new boat for your birthday?”
“Yes, and a quick one at that!” Damion spoke back. “Quickly, we can take my boat and be back in no time at all!”
The three of them hurried back to Donta’s homeland.

When they got there, they saw Davis waiting for them.
“Greetings… Brother!” Davis said.

Chapter 7

“Back Home”

“Davis?” Donta looked surprised. “How did you get here? Is it true that you killed mum?”
Davis didn’t reply. Instead, he held up the black gem which he carried with him. The gem started to glow a reddish colour and blinded Donta.
The moment Donta could see again, he saw a sword come flying at him. Donta instantly blocked the attack and retaliated with a swift blow to Davis’s hip.
“Argh!” Davis screamed then fell to the ground unconscious.
“Quickly, tie him up and we’ll take him back to the temple.” Donta told Kerra.
“On it!” Kerra said back.

Half an hour later, when they had gotten back to the temple, he handed over Davis to a group of monks to look after him.
The High Monk walked over to Donta. “You’re back.”
“But unfortunately I was too late.” He replied.
“Come, I will show you to your mothers grave.” The High Monk made a hand gesture.
They started to walk out towards the temple gardens.
“When I was fighting Davis…” Donta started to speak.
“Yes?” The High Monk said hoping he would continue speaking.
“He was holding a black gem…” Donta continued.
The High Monk stopped walking. “What did it look like?”
“Like a flame” Donta tried to explain.
“Oh dear. Hurry, we must get back to Davis immediately!”

They all followed the monk and rushed back to Davis.
As soon as they got to the chambers where Davis was resting, the High Monk searched around him for the gem.
After a minute of searching, he found the gem. “Oh… Oh my… This is NOT good!” The monk spoke with fear in his voice.
“What is it?” Damion asked.
“This, this is ‘Darkfire’. A cursed stone witch sealed away a magic power so great that it almost destroyed the entire world!”
“And you can’t just destroy it?” Kerra inclined.
“It had been lost for centuries…” The monk continued. “But only now we find it, and it’s too late.”
“What do you mean, too late?” Donta asked.
“The evil has already left the stone.”
“Then what is the big deal?”
“It has been transferred into your brother, And if we do not perform a ritual in time to save him, then we are all doomed.”
“Well then, can you just perform the ritual now?” Kerra asked.
“Yes.” The monk turned around to one of the maids. “Get me the sacred staff please.”
The maid left the room.
When they turned back around, they found that Davis was not on the bed anymore.
“How could the boy be missing? He was here just one second ago.” The monk worried.
“Eeiyaa!” A young girls voice had screamed down the hall.
The monk quickly ran out into the hallway to see the maid which he had just sent murdered.
“Oh dear, this is not good.” The monk said. “Donta, can you and your friends go and chase after him? Try and take him down then bring him back.”
“Sure thing!” Damion and Kerra accepted.
“Let’s go!” Donta told them. They rushed off after Davis.

Chapter 8


Once they all got outside, they looked up at the sky, and to their surprise it had turned red.
“Oh my gosh!” Damion slowly said.
“That can’t be good…” Kerra stated the obvious.
“Come on! Davis can’t be too far away!” Donta told them to follow.
After 5 minutes of wandering round, they finally came across Davis.
“Davis! What’s gotten into you?” Donta tried to make contact with Davis.
“Davis is gone! I rule now, I shall destroy EVERYTHING!!” He spoke back.
Davis ran at Donta with his sword by his shoulder.
“You will die!” Davis shouted ready to slash at Donta.
Donta jumped backwards, avoiding the blow. Davis was aware of that technique so he quickly came in with a punch to Donta’s face.
*Bam* Donta fell back.
“Donta!!” Damion shouted. “That does it! C’mon sis, we can take this guy!” The two of them both ran at Davis.
They all battled for about 2 minutes.
*Sling* Davis slit Kerra’s arm. “Ack!” She shouted in pain, and then started to cough up blood.
“Sis!” Damion shouted again with anger in his voice. “You’ve really done it now, Davis!!”
Damion chucked his sword towards Davis, who was concentrating on finishing off his brother.
*Sheek* The sword cut Davis’s head, making him turn around. When Damion saw Davis’s face, he showed no sign of pain or fear, which got Damion worried.
“It’s all over.” Damion thought.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a fireball came down and shot at Davis.
“What the…?” Davis started to speak not knowing who had fired at him.
Donta’s sister, Alex, and her two friends came running towards the battle.
Serenity, who used a halberd, swung her weapon like a boomerang towards Davis.
Davis could not move in time to block it and his cheek was cut. “Arg!” Davis held his hand over his cut.
“You’ll pay for that!” Davis got back up on his feet and started running towards the two girls.
“Ready, Cassandra?” Serenity asked.
“Ready!” She replied.
The two of them clapped hands together and faced Davis. A blue circle appeared beneath Davis’s feet.
Davis was stopped in his tracks and lifted off his feet, immobilizing him.
Alex ran towards her brother. “Give me your hand.” She cupped her hands around his.
A yellow sphere of light started to glow around them, and from that sphere a thin pillar of light shot from it and pierced Davis’s chest.
“Unh!” Davis muttered then fell on his back.
A red stream of dark energy started to emit into the air.
“You did it…” Donta muttered to Alex.
“No… WE did it, we all did it…”
Cassandra picked up the unconscious body of Davis while Serenity helped Kerra up.
Alex picked up Donta’s arm and helped him to walk.
“So you’re Donta’s sister?” Damion asked Alex.
“Unfortunately, yes.” She laughed.
“You’re a good fighter,” he complimented.
“Thanks!” she said, them told them all to follow her back to the temple.

Chapter 9

“Moonlight Purity”

When they got back to the temple, the monks took the injured to the medical room.
“You’re back!” The High Monk said in a happy voice.
“Yeah, It was lucky I came actually!”
“Donta and his friends were getting beaten!”
“Yes, you were always the hero of the family.” The monk told her.
“The skies are still red though…” Damion butted in.
“Yes, that is the only thing that concerns me.”
“Is there anything we can do?”
“Actually, there is!” The High Monk called the over monks over to the ritual area.
A maid came along with a tray of ingredients needed for the ritual.
The High Monk grabbed various ingredients from the tray and placed them in the center of the room.
“Now, the ritual shall begin!” The monk said.
All the other monks gathered in a circle around the center of the room and held up a short pole with a golden circle on the end.
The High Monk stepped back and held up a larger version of the poles.
A gust of wind came rushing around the circle of monks, blowing Davis and Alex back a few steps.
The wind blew around for a moment then stopped.
“It’s no use. We are not strong enough.” The High Monk said with disappointment.
*Creak* The floorboards creaked. The High Monk turned around to see who it was.
“I see you could use a hand?” The voice spoke. It crept out of the shadows and into the light and revealed to be Zac.
“ZAC!” Alex shouted and rushed over to hug him.
“Who?!” Damion asked.
“This is the Grand Master of the temple in Eastern Country.” Alex told them.
“Well then, would it be too much to ask you for help?” The High Monk said urgently.
“Sure.” Zac replied. He pulled out a similar staff, but this one had a golden crescent on the end of the staff. He walked to the middle, opposite the High Monk, and held his staff up in a similar way.
*Crackle* “Good, it finally begins.” Zac muttered.
*Crackle* the thunder struck again.
Serenity looked through the skylight. “I can see a very small light!” She told Zac.
“Good, that’s a sign.”
*CRACKLE* one last thunder strike came roaring down in chaos.
“That should be enough.” Zac said to the High Monk then put his staff down.
Serenity looked back up through the skylight. “The red clouds are separating!” She said.
The moonlight shone through the skylight and made a pillar of light around the center of the room.
“It’s beautiful!” Alex said.
“It sure is…” Zac said.

Zac started walking away, “C’mon girls, we have training to do.”
“Coming!” The three girls shouted back to him then ran off to follow him.
Alex stopped running at about half way. She turned around. “We’ll catch up again, OK bro?”
“Yeah!” He replied, he then let Alex walk off.

“I presume you will now go back home?” The High Monk asked.
“Most likely.” Damion said.
Damion and Kerra of them started walking off back towards the harbor.
“I have learnt valuable skills over this time, and have become a lot stronger. I might just roam the lands as a free-lancer now.” He turned away and his scarf blew in the wind.
The High Monk did some slow hand movements. “I wish you all a safe journey.”
He turned around to go to his sleeping quarters. When he got there, he saw a note on his table. He picked it up and read it.
“To the High Monk, if you are reading this letter, then all the fuss will be over. My children would have all moved away to a better life, and the evil will have been drained from this land. All I ask of you is that you take this amulet for your troubles.”
The High Monk looked at the bottom of the scroll. He saw a string at the bottom, he lifted the string and held up the end. The symbol on the end was that of a crescent moon, it was shaped from silver.
“I now know where Alex gets it from.” The High Monk slowly whispered a laugh to himself.
When everyone was traveling out in the open, a comet came flying past, it re-shaped the clouds to look like Donta’s mother.
Donta looked up, “It’s not over… we’ll all be together again… Someday…”

spheal 000
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  • User Comments: [1]
    I Be That Nerd
    Community Member

    Mon Jul 14, 2008 @ 02:15am

    Awesome story Spheal!!!!
    Keep it up, dont forget to read mine!

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