Joy. I decided to go up to Vermont for the weekend,so i wouldn't bore mysrlf out of my mind. On the way up, i wanted to jump out of the freakin car. Micheal is so freaking ANOYING! He starts asking me all these questions about me and school, and how iv been. if i say i dont like school or something, he asks for specific reasoins why i dont!!!! What the hell????God, maks me cry pretty much with all this 'wares that sweet little girl i used to know?' then on the way down he gives me a hard time about wiccan .He talks about how theres two ways. With or without god. OMFG???!!!!! Um, maybe to him, in HIS religion! Says im 'going own the wrhong path' watever. he knows nothing. it wass no fun. it was like he's joan of arc or the pope or watever.....
But what really gets me, is if i do one little thing wtong he gets all mad, and asks if it's 'not punk to do this' or 'not goth' or not emo' and now 'not wiccan'; RAWR!!!!!Pisses me off!
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