)'= I called my friend chey today...turns out they'r chopping down part of the woods by her tree house.....The woods that we used to play in, and run through. The woods ware we pretended the elves and fairy's lived. The woods that we spent hours in, drawing up maps, and exploring the creek, and playing pretend.....all those memories...being cut down. For who knows what! Probably to build part of a new road, or a house, or just clearing it and then no one ever does ANYTHING with it. that's what usually happens. they chop it down, then sell it, andit's just an empty wasteland. They could have left it....it wasnt even ALL that huge.......Why can't people just for ONCE stop and consider the lives of the animals, the earth, memories, and eventually, humans. THEMSELVES! They are only making it worse for themselves and others...,.and not JUST there either...all over the globe....it's sickening. emo scream cry gonk scream gonk emo
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