Well, it wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either.
First of all, it was WAY too friggen long. Pretty much twice as long as it needed to be, since everyone preformed twice. I could have been at home by 6 and still have had SOME friday left. But noooo.
And it sucked that they confined us to the auditorium until 3. I was bored out of my mind. I was debating 'looking for the bathroom' (aka wondering the school) but Yemensky looked like he was about to have an anurism just because we were talking. Pushing my luck probably wouldn't have been the best idea.
Still, ND is pretty different from our school. They seem like they're about 10 years behind (no offence to any ND-ers who might be reading this) I guess it was probably because they have grade 7 and 8, but it was weird to see people skipping and what looked like recess (*is jealous*) And of course there were some little kids out front trying to impress...someone. There was one wangster who was going on about something and kept saying 'Ya'll don't know me' for some reason. As far as first impressions go, the student's didn't really make a good one. Some I wanted to step on and the others I wanted to laugh at.
Not all of the people we met were like that though. We met some from ND that were nice enough (though I've forgotten their names sweatdrop ) and a couple of characters too. This one girl was acting like a cat and clawing at Sean's chest. A little much.
Then of course, there were the group of 12-year-olds that kept hitting on Sean and gave him their email adresses. That was disgusting.
We (being myself and mini) missed the flute workshops (aww... gee darn xp ) just because of the way that the scheduals worked out. We wandered a bit after that and stood at the railing thingie in the auditorium for a bit. I kept having this weird feeling that if I turned around, someone I knew would walk through the doors that were right behind me. It was a pretty creepy feeling, kinda like the one you get when you're being watched. But of course, when I did turn around, no one was there.
Adam and co. were skateboarding in the hall, and his wipe-out had to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
After supper we all hung around outside for 2 hours and discussed lotsa stuff and goofed around. We discussed every thing from a certain closet-straight (which lead to Sean's plan of asking duckie out just to rub it in his face and then dump her) to the NY trip in May. It then moved to the discussion of my sister, which I didn't appreciate (thanks for bringing it up Mini *glare*). While I don't like her as a person, I love her because she's my sister. If that creepy kid had answered the wrong way, I probably would have castrated him. Besides, that makes me feel very awkward because we apparently look a lot alike when my hair is straight. I get doubly offended.
So then there was the mass finale, which sucked. Some people should really learn how to count and watch the conductor. The song would be over and some people just kept going.
By the end of it, I wasn't feeling so wonderful and was in a bad mood. I got home, had a nice bath and went to bed. I had my radio on and last I remember, I was reatching to turn it off. Next I knew, it was 6am and I was wondering why my alarm was going off. I realized I'd fallen asleep with it still on, so I turned it off and went back to sleep for 4 hours. It was great.
So, that's the big story. Later ladies,
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The Lady Godiva
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![]() Tsarmina Community Member ![]() |
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It's to bad that you didn't feel so good at the end... but from the sounds of it, you had a good time (which I hope you did) so yeah. I'm terrible at comments... don't mind me. lol xp