Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- A Poem for Alanda by Nyappy Poppo
- hee hee, i think it's pretty funny, i wrote it for a semi-friend of mine named Alanda, and now i will dedicate it to all those Alanda's out there! ♥
- The Feeling of Space and Time by The Lonely Dream
- I wrote this because I feel that it does not matter what happens in life, because eventually you will be lost in time. Don't get me wrong though, I love my life, but I thought it would be cool to share.
- my pain by head captain artemis
- its about wuts goin on in my life
- Lament of Indian John by The Spice
- This poem is based firmly around a dream I had one night after placing a leaf of mugwort under my pillow. A witch I know believes if you place a leaf of mugwort under your pillow as you sleep, you will have vivid dreams. She w...
- Welcome to Defeat by Gothique Jedi
- Feedback?
- Then You Wont Like Me by x-lost_forever_found-x
- just a little song i wrote and its all true bout me hehe and its soppesd to be a country style song so yeah
- The Deepest Ocean, Bluest Sky by KierstenKeloid
- If you look past the seemingly dark wording, it's a happy poem.
- El Amor es..... (Spanish) by i-l3lue-
- Well rhis is a poem i wrote.... in spanish ofcourse xD hope you can understand it o.O" sorry didnt take time to translate cause it wouldnt make sence... Hope you like it anyways ;D (yes I am hispanic..)
- Perfect Doesn't exist by vampire_kitty_16
- About a girl who dreams of the perfect guy, who wont hurt her, will tell her shes beautiful, and will see through her fake smile when no one else does...only to realize this guy doesn't exist, but she's still wasting her time t...
- Lover's Quarrel by Kitana Coldfire
- This was all done for a guild Halloween contest, but I liked the concept so much I decided to enter them both the avatar and poem arenas, just for kicks. I linked the original avatar picture as a reference to put the poem in co...
- The Things I Hate About You by N3DY_303
- 15 things....
- I know He's there :) by azondra
- Poem. I wrote it because my friend makes fun of me, and calls me stupid about how much of a Jesus freak I am.
- For That Will Never Change by Quinavere
- I know the flow is awful please don’t hate this one. i wrote it to get all the bad feelings out. But tell me is it any good at all?
- judge by darklover43
- a guy was judgeing my sister so i wrote his and gave it to him and he left her alone
- Rave It Up by Monochrome Ookami
- Wrote this a while ago and put it on my DeviantArt, so I thought I'd enter it. xD Kinda simple, but if you're a raver, you kinda chuckle at the end~
- Dandelions by II Scorpions II
- I was watching a Discovery Channel thing in school about Dandelions. And then I was thinking, that people make wishes, and then blow on the Dandelions and the seeds fly away. For a lot of people, I think that a wish is a last ...
- Haiku of Courage by tai chi otaku
- This is a haiku that i think of whenever I'm upset or confused. I may be smart, but I came up with this haiku when I realized that smarts aren't everything and that not everything is rational.
- Unbreakable by Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX
- <3 guide to living
- The darkest of red nights by kahaku96795
- a morbid poem about a the murder of a whole town by unknown forces