Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Into the night by Xx_Vor_xX
- A call for the loss of ignorance and the growing sense of reality
- The Beer Gut Saloon [lyrics] by DQtest_clone
- a song I thought of on the fly after visiting a local bar in Mexico
- Don't pay attention by muniarc
- One more song. Based off of something a girl named Cameron once said to me.
- When You Left Me by Kunoichi360
- This is a song I wrote about one of my original manga. It's a character called Saki singing about Hideki, a boy she's in love with, because he has to leave. It's a work in progress. Please don't be too critical.
- Torn together and coming apart by Disassembled Marionette
- This poem is about feeling useless and not understanding what went wrong, about someone who is forgotten like an old toy
- Day By Day by shinto archeron
- Day by Day is a poem i wrote about a year ago to this date. i felt like life itself had me in a strangle hold. life was repeating itself everyday, so i wrote this to help me break my routine.
- Tonight by music_kai227
- It's about the guy I used to like and how one day a guy can like you, and the next he thinks you don't exist.
- angel tears by Floating Stars
- tell me what you think? be honest but say it nicely please example: i'm sorry i don't get it instead of: what the . . . it makes no sense (yeah some of it doesn't make sense) ps. at the end it means rain and this is fictional
- Temptations by Scarlett_Vow13
- Giving up doesn't mean you're weak. It just means that you're strong enough to let go and admit your worst traits.
- Tortuous Soul by Akumu_Nakamura
- wrote this the other day.
- thy love for thee by sexy fox pae
- i just wrote this it is written in modern n old style lannguage but you can understand it tho
- so smile by Temper-Mental247
- umm well i'll add more i no it! but i got this and i had to write it down be4 i forgot it
- You Didn't Care by AwesomeAle1
- A song for girls who were left behind and found love in some one else.
- Into The Darkness by jacobyshaddix23
- this is a song i used to deal with from my father, and now my brother. this is about child abuse. if you have anything rude to say about it, dont. this subject and song are very dear to me.
- A quiet thought by U R E I -T S U R A I
- just something i feel is related to everyone. i know its short.
- Full Moon ( Rising ) by Ankha1
- Dark poetry