I'm going to put up my review of the books I read. The list will probably get big pretty quick, since I read about a book a day. I'll give it a number from one to five and a short review on the books good and bad points.
Todays Read:
Gils all Fright Diner - A. Lee Martinez
I picked this up mostly because the back description reminded me of Christopher Moore's writing (One of my favorites). It's greatly amusing to say the least. I enjoyed the slightly perverted humor mixed in with a good plot line. There's a few twist and turns but nothing to far out. It didn't matter, though because even though I could tell what was going to happen Martinez's writing kept me entertained and laughing to myself the whole time. His writing is extremely clever, using many metaphores and ancedotes, that even though they don't have anything going on in the books present time, they're amusing to read none the less.
Haruka_Black Community Member |