Chimera Bubbles |
just life, or my version of it |
Akuhei Tenrai
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 @ 04:08pm
Almost A Year
It's been almost a year since I've post a blog. How very sad is that?
You're right...it's extremely sad. But what can I say, I've been out of touch lately, with the whole ending of a 2 1/2 year relationship and then starting a new one. I'm working full time and going to school. Really, a lot has happened since I last wrote something interesting.
Currently, I'm in turmoil over my boyfriend. He'd save a lot of hassle, if he just got another job. But he's afraid that us being apart will break us up. I already told him that I'm going to be at school if he got another job he'd just be working while I was in school so we'd be apart anyway. But no, he's so negative. But it's his descion and I can't make it for him.
On a lighter note, it's almost time for me to go back to school whee i can't wait to be back in classes. I really do like school, which is probably why I'm wanting to be a teacher. Teach the little kids, that way I can play with them and teach them until I have my own. heart But me having my own rascals is going to be a few years. At least until I get out of college and then there's that whole marriage thing. >.<
Currently, I'm at work, trying to passify my boredom. I only have a month and a half until my contracts up and I'm jobless again. but that's okay, I've got a good chunk saved up and I am going to find another job that way I can keep up with my savings *nod*
Ah, well, back to work with me I suppose.
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 @ 02:11am
Akuhei Tenrai
Community Member
Akuhei Tenrai
Community Member
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 @ 09:41pm
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 @ 09:58pm
Millions of Bubbles
::Sidles in through the wall, looking like a bum. Her hair braided to the side to cover up a mild hickey and her eyes looking worn out. She wears a pair of khakis and a Static-X shirt that belongs to her boyfriend. Yawning to herself, she walks over to a corner full of pillows and falls down into them getting very comfy. Reaching into random space, she pulls her laptop out and sets it up in front of her. With her other hand she reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a little headset with a microphone and a wire that plugs into her computer. This way she will be able to speak and leave the entry instead of typing out her thoughts. Setting it up, she rolls on her back and starts her entry::
Today has been good. Not much has happened since the last entry. Kenny has come home and Thanksgiving was good. Thursday morning we got up and left for arkansas. We got there in time to deep fry the turkey's. Dad and Grandpa did that, while mom and grandma fiddled in the kitchen with the other foods. I sat my little butt down in the living room and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. It was mildly entertaining. At least the last bit that I caught of it.
:: Thinks about the SpongeBob balloon::
Finally we ate, and I had to listen to the highly "intellectual" conversations between my uncle and grandfather. Had to put up with the "N" word, which I highly dislike. ****** ::gags:: who is confused about the "N" word. I don't like names like that for people that I consider my friends. I have black friends and going to my grandparents reminds me of their dissapproval. I want to roll my eyes at the ignorance. Afraid and threatened by people that are different, they don't know any other way to act. I'm thankful that my dad joined the Military and I wasn't raised in that kind of environment.
Well, other than that. Kenny got home Sunday night. ^^ and I was beat from putting up christmas lights outside and raking the yard. We dragged all of our christmas stuff out on friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Well by "we" I mean "me". ::giggles:: Me and my dad are the only ones who don't mind crawling up into the attack, and him and mom were both at work and my brother was being lazy. ::giggles:: But now the house is all decorated, and I am constantly listening to christmas music. I love christmas.
OH! and I got my top hat!! I finally saved up enough on Gaia to buy my top hat and i didn't even realize it. I had more than enough. Thank God for Gaia Fishing. I love it. ^^ It's a steady income, kind of like a job. ^^ But anyways. Now all I have to do is get my real top hat ::smiles::
Well, I guess I'm off for now. Want to try to get some homework done before Kenny comes over tonight.
::smiling and satisfied, she pulls the mic off of her head and saves her entry. Closing her lap top and placing the mic on top, she places it back in the void. Continuing to lay there, she slowly fades out, going home::
Akuhei Tenrai
Community Member
Akuhei Tenrai
Community Member
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 @ 09:02pm
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 @ 02:52am
First Post
::tip-toes in and looks around at the empty room that she will be talking to. She smiles at the possibilities and with a sweep of her hand, the room is littered with all kinds of pillows of different sizes and colors. An antique chandelier hangs from the ceiling giving the room a dim glow. Smiling to herself, she opens a pocket in space and pulls out her handy-dandy laptop. Laying down on the floor, she lets out a sigh and begins to type about her day::
Today was a normal day. Or as normal as it can get. It's the middle of November and yet the temperature is still staying at 75 degrees. It is nice, but I really like the winter and I think that it's about time for the winter weather to kick in. That way I will beable to wear my jacket and all of that fun stuff. My morning was definitely interesting. I was woken up by my mom coming into my room freaking out and asking me what had happened to my car. I of course had no idea. So I crawled out of bed and went to look. My car had miraculously been suran wrapped and toilet-papered. I mean the wrap went all the way around my car and even on my antenae. The toilet paper had been wrapped around my car from the bottom. It was definatly interesting.
::Giggles at the thought::
My dad was seriously pissed. I mean, he was screaming and cussing and was about to call the cops. I had never seen him more pissed. But it ended up just being a prank on me by some friends that I have. They even got my boyfriends car out at his house. I was just shocked. I couldn't believe it. But it was funny after I had woken up. After waking up, I went ahead and logged on to Tigerweb. Tigerweb is my school site where I am able to log on and register for classes and look at my schedule and everything. But logged on and registered for all of my classes, which I got. So go me! Not much else has really happened. I came home after school and went walking for a little while. After that I just chilled out.
:: Goes to the phone because it started ringing. Comes back with a weird look on her face.::
That was weird. I just got a prank call. ::giggles:: First time for everything. I do not know who it was and I really could not understand them. ::sigh:: oh well. I guess you really can not do anything about immature people. Well, I think I am going skat. I need to study for some of my classes and everything. Hopefully I will write some more later tonight after I finish my work. I have got a few more things to write about. Including Audrey's interesting little visit, Katie's new "BEAU", and an interesting thing dealing with my new schedule.
::Gives out a light sigh and closes the laptop after saving the results. She stands up and stretches. Giving a light yawn, she steps away from the pillows and the closed laptop and walks away and fades out in a mist::
Akuhei Tenrai
Community Member