the day i ripped my earlobe in half.........
ok so i don't know when exactly, but i was just walking down the stairs to scavange for something to eat, with my dear ol friend miss franks following behind. as soon as i get to the kitchen counter, my earing fell out. so i figure, well it usually does that so i'l put it back in, and i did. only it fell out again. i'm like what the bleep! i then feel the bottom of my ear only to discover it tore.....IN HALF! blood was gushing out like a river of it (so i'm exagerating a little bit, but there was still a lot of blood). miss franks is really grossed out and then says to me "ooh ooh, let me see it" i'm confused because by the look on her face a moment ago made her seem entirely disgusted. i let her see, and she freaks out. then i run to go tell me mum about what had just occured and she was the opposite of me friend. me mum says to me at first, "let me see it" so i show her and she gasps and turns away in silent manner before yelling out "get it away from me, get it away!". next day my mom was having a heartattack claiming that if i weren't to see the doc. soon, they would have to amputate it. "all i have to do is put some rubbing alcohol and disinfectant on it, with the company of a small bandaid" i told her. she wouldn't have it, "to the docs!" she insisted, (and believe me, she can be very persistant, if not, then all hell would break loose). so off tothe docs i went. you know what they did after waiting in the lobby for 30 min.? they taped it together with medical tape, that's right they did. and they sent me on my way. i had to wait a half hour for this? my mom was going bezerk over this? wow talk about you disfunctions. eek