Nothing bad happened today. NOthing good either. It was completly nuetral. So why am I writing? I don't write unless there's something truly ******** up...right? Wrong. I dunno. I just felt like writing, like expressing my thought on something I care about with little fear of getting flamed by idiot who know little to nothing. So... what to talk about first...
How about my views on gay marriage. I'm completly for. A little love never hurt nobody. It's like the quote I keep seeing on Gaia. "Love isn't based on race, religion, or sex. Love is love." The only argument people seem to have against it are religious ones. Which is all fine and dandy, I'm not against any religion, but we seperated religion and state for a reason, so i don't think their should be laws against it. Not to mention it's mean proven that homosexual couples take better care of children. The only complaint I have is that I dreamed of marrying a gay man (tax break + sexual freedom = good) but he's free to marry his lover, why would he want to marry me?
Another topic? Hrrrmm....
Sex. I'm not against pre-marital sex BUT (that's a HUGE but) there's a limit. Little twelve year olds should not be having sex. I think you should wait at least until you're out of highschool. Anything before that and you're just not ready, even if you think you are. I dunno. Maybe it's just me. I just feel like that would be something I would regret for the rest of my life. I already regret my very first kiss but there's nothing I can do about it now. I just don't want to become this cold unfeeling person. That would destroy me inside. Not to mention I don't want me life ruined by some accident.
Enough for today.
Vision_of_Twilight · Fri Oct 01, 2004 @ 01:16am · 0 Comments |