There have always been things that cannot be explained. Many things that’ll never make sense to anybody, and if it does, they’ll never fully understand the meaning and take it the wrong way. Thus is life I suppose, nothing ever goes the way you’d hope it to but in the end there will always be some act of God to straighten things up. And you always wonder, “Why did those people have to loose their lives? What did they do wrong?” but it isn’t always what people do wrong that causes something to happen. It could be their energy, their simple energy and longing to make something happen, for something to happen, that’ll change the world. But then you always ask, “Why not here?” well if you take in account that most of the time those people in that place tend to die, would you really be willing to give your life up? More than likely you wouldn’t. But I would, I would gladly give my life up if it meant saving the life of my planet! Save the life that is on this planet! For the sun to shine brightly the next day and continue to give life that essential need for sunlight. If it means getting killed by meteor impact or some other event, fine, let that happen. Please, for the love of God, let that happen and let the change that comes out of it be for the greater, and for the better, of the rest of the world, and for the people who will come after. Let the heavens rain down.
Li_amant · Fri Aug 08, 2008 @ 04:25am · 0 Comments |