~Favorite Quote: If nobody spoke unless he had something to say, the human race would very soon lose the use of speech.
W. Somerset Maugham
~Race: Elemental Neko
~Age: 17
~Gender: Male
~Orientation: Bisexual
~Element: Wind and Shadows

~History: Born in an unwanted child he was raised till the age of 10 and then sold into slavery, he changed masters ever half year or so; so he was used to traveling and not staying put in one place for to long.
~Personality: He's very submissive and listens to his masters orders, but when his master isn't around he acts like a normal 17 year old person. He also has a split personality, but it only comes out durring times of extream pain or hatrid towards another person.
~Flaws: Some time's he acts out against his masters orders.
~Abilities: Santa Teresa is an upper level wind element spell which he learned durring his travels with one of his first masters. It's a two part spell, the first part summons up a tornado and the second part soldifies the wind into needles wich rain down from the sky piercing the enemies skin and then turning back into wind.
Fornicaras is his other ability which allows him to use the shadow's as extra eyes giving him unlimited vision for unlimited amounts of distance, the down side to this ability is that he goes temperarly blind for thirty minutes after each use no matter how long he uses the ability.
Futtobas Tachikaze is his third ability which allows him to summon up large amounts of wind to create a spinning sheild around him which nocks away most projectiles, the down side to this effect is he cannot attack while inside the shield.
~Weapons: None.
~Character Name: Innova Nakago
~Favorite Quote:A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~Leopold Stokowski
~Race: Demon
~Age:100 years
~Orientation: Strait
~Element: Shadow's and Light

~History: (I'll work on this later in the week)
~Personality:He's a very quiet person, he keeps to himself but gets annoied easily when some one gets on his temper.
~Flaws:He doesn't seem to care if he gets hurt.
~Abilities:Using his flute he can summon four demons to do his bidding.
~Weapons:His flute which is shown in the picture.
~Demons: Sai - The strongest of the four demons, he's immune to fire and control it.
Sakura - The third strongest, she only has one ability and it evens the playing feild for her. Her ability is to negate the abilites of others within 100 meters.
Uma - The second strongest, Uma has super speed which allows him to make around 5 after images of himself.
Lust - The weakest of the four, Lust's only ability is the ability to shoot spikes out of her wrists above her hands.
~Character Name:Ryuken Kaname
~Favorite Quote:“The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.” -Tom Bodett
~Age:Mid 20's
~Element:Earth and Wind

~History:He knows nothing of his past.
~Personality:He's not very strict but can be when he has to be.
Gaia Username: Nightmare in Hell
Rp Name: Shadow
Age: 16
Type of Fighter: Adept Rouge
Type: Human

Shadow is followed arround by a level 129 Macabre Dancer named Luna
User Name: Kumori Kontan
Name: Dementio
Race: Dimensional Guide
Age: Unknown
Appearance: True Form:

Orientation: Bi
Gender: Dementio's actual gender is unknown but depending on which human form he takes in the real world it varies
Weapons: Doesn't have one
Special Powers:Dementio can create a crystal above his head and throw it at his opponet, he can also clone himself, forcing you to find the real one, he will also draw dimentional squares on the field, if you get step on one or touch one they will explode.
History: Dementio was created in 2370. After his creation he helped the humans create more of his kind with his powers.
Personality: Dementio is a good person who likes to joke around and tell riddles, but if you piss him off watch out cause your in for an a** whoppin'
Likes/Dislikes: Dementio likes sake, reading manga, traveling through the dimensions, and rock n' roll music. Dementio dislikes foreign beer, american and european comics, rap and country music, and women who act like sluts so people will like them.
User Name: Kumori Kontan
Name: Gilbert Dren
Race: Human
Age: 17

Orientation: Gay
Gender: Male
Weapons: He carries his sword horizontally behind his shoulders. His sword is particularly broad and short.
History: Gilbert's father was a noble man who married a Gypsi. He was born in mid May and every year he gets a piece of emerald jewelry from his mother.
Personality: He'll try to sudice guys who catch his eye, he's verry polite
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Men, sake, romantic things. Dislikes:
>>Character :} Kumori Kontan
>>Favorite Quote :} A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
- Herm Albright
>>Race :} Angel of Death
>>Age :} 16
>>Orientation :} Strait
>>Appearance :}

>>Personality :} Kumori is quiet, laid back, calm, he has never had his heart broken. He never new his parents, and doesn't have any siblings. It takes a while to get him mad but when you do run, he usual reads comedy or action related manga and listens to rock'n roll music. He's usualy friendly to most people he meets but he can tell right away if he'll like a person as a friend or if he'll hate them as an enemy.
>>Abilities :} Kumori can shift forms from human to a large black wolf with pearly wite eyes, claws, and teeth. He can also call upon the powers of darkness which grant him the ability to to form shadows into weapons or objects at his will. Also he can call upon an army of undead crows to kill his enemies in battle or pick the flesh off of dead creatures.
>>Weapons :} A blood covered scythe and senbon needles
>>Flaws :} He has what some people would call a drinking problem but some how nomatter how much he drinks he never seems to get drunk. Kumori gets bored realy easily and when he does, he becomes more like a kill now and ask questions later guy. He is a loudmouth when he is angry and doesn't respect people with a higher rank then him.
>>Image Song :} Love in Cold Blood by HIM
~User Name: Kumori Kontan
~Character Name: Dominic Kashmir
~Magic Activation Keyword: Veck Ru Rom
~Race: Western Wizard
~Gender: Male
~Orientation: Strait
~World: Magic World

~History: Dominic was trained at an early age by Evangeline A.K. McDowell the evil Vampire Mage, because of this training he's good with Ice and Darkness magic. Evangeline was like a mom to him because his real mom died when giving birth and his father ran away. He started comming to school after Evangeline forced him to, it wasn't all bad because he made a friend; Keris Kagurazaka was his name. They became the best of friends and Dominic soon became the Magister Magi for Keris. Dominic is also the Ministra Magi for his other friend Naomi.
~Personality: Dominic is a straitfoward person, though he's also kinda shy. Dominic is only shy towards cute girls, if he acts straitfoward towards you that means your not cute in his eyes.
~Flaws: Domonic is lazy, and he hardly ever usualy fights at full strength unless he's fighting for something/someone he loves.
~Focus:Dark Magic
~Pactio: Magister Magi. Ministra Magi.
Artifact: Amplitudo Veneficus Flatus
~Magic Elements Capable:Darkness, Wind(Lightning), Ice.
~Magician Class:Combat Mage
~Character Name: Syfor Xaindi
~Favorite Quote: Without music life would be a mistake.
~Race: Human
~Age: 33
~Gender: Male
~Orientation: Strait

~History: Born as a son of an exiled musician Syfor was taught music by his father. On their many trips on the road Syfor and his father would stop at towns and play music for food and a night at the local inn. One night when Syfor wast 19 he watched his father killed infront of his eyes, it seemed that Syfor's father had a 10,000,000,000 karat (10,000,000$) on his head and bounty hunters had been following them the entire time waiting for Syfor to leave his fathers side. After his father's death Syfor moved into an old shack in a town and opened up a musical store which sold instruments. While he sold instruments durring the day, at night he would modify the guitar he carried with him into a killing machine. The guitar he carried had a shotgun built in along with a flame thrower.
~Personality: Syfor is a trustworthy man who enjoys playing music and is against voilence but if he is forced to resort to violence he will attack merceslessy.
~Flaws: He seems to always be daydreaming and not paying attention to his surroundings.
~Abilities: He knows every song, and tune in the world.
~Weapons: A modified guitar that has a shot-gun and a flame thrower built into it.
~Image Song: Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi
~Character Name: Wysr Valkasaorm
~Favorite Quote: May the winds of Valhalla guide me to victory.
~Race: Valkyrie
~Age: 6000 in Valkyrie years, 19 in Human years
~Gender: Male
~Orientation: Bi

~History: Wysr was born as one of the few male Valkyrie's. The last male valkyrie was his father who died in battle. Wysr is now the sole male valkyrie to to him being so he is forced to mate with 3 of the most beautiful and deadly valkyrie in his tribe against his will. One night he snuck away leaving his tribe behind not wanting to be forced to mate with woment who only thought of him as a tool.
~Personality: Like all Valhallan warriors he loves to fight, even if some one does something small he'll start a fight about it.
~Flaws: He doesn't think things through.
~Abilities: He can fly with his Valkyrie wings which he can also make dissapear when he is in human form. He can also use an ancient magic tough only to the males of his tribe, with this magic he can summon monsters from Valhalla.
~Weapons: Valkyrie Sword & Valkyrie Sheild
~Image Song: Renagade by Stix
~Character Name: Wysr Valkasaorm
~Favorite Quote: May the winds of Valhalla guide me to victory.
~Race: Valkyrie
~Age: 6000 in Valkyrie years, 19 in Human years
~Gender: Male
~Orientation: Bi

~History: Wysr was born as one of the few male Valkyrie's. The last male valkyrie was his father who died in battle. Wysr is now the sole male valkyrie to to him being so he is forced to mate with 3 of the most beautiful and deadly valkyrie in his tribe against his will. One night he snuck away leaving his tribe behind not wanting to be forced to mate with woment who only thought of him as a tool.
~Personality: Like all Valhallan warriors he loves to fight, even if some one does something small he'll start a fight about it.
~Flaws: He doesn't think things through.
~Abilities: He can fly with his Valkyrie wings which he can also make dissapear when he is in human form. He can also use an ancient magic tough only to the males of his tribe, with this magic he can summon monsters from Valhalla.
~Weapons: Valkyrie Sword & Valkyrie Sheild
~Image Song: Renagade by Stix
I make their Destiny= Wolf of Windstorm.
My Name is = Chronos Augheldiasamusk.
My racial Background is= Earth
I've lived for= 18.
My Grade level= Teacher (Earth Head).
My element is= Full elementalist
When I must fight, I use a= Short sword (pictured above) and the earth its self.
My Orientation is=
I look like this at the moment...=

I tend to act= Calm and laid back, not really wanting to do anything but lounge around and enjoy nature.
Before this I= From a long time Chronos was a mercanary for the military. He took out high profile targets like militay leaders, national leaders, and senators; many people assume that being a mercanary means your heartless and are hardened but that's not true. Chronos even when he was a merc he was laid back and relax. After a couple years of the merc business he up and quit pissing off a lot of high powered people, but no one dared come after him for fear Chronos would kill them. After a few years of wandering the world he came across the X Academy and decided to stay there as a teacher.
I live = Off Campus
I make their Destiny= Wolf of Windstorm
My Name is = Hibram Windstorm
Originally I was a= Half angel half demon.
I've lived for= 18
My Orientation is= Bi
I look like this at the moment...=

I tend to act= Friendly towards people who earn my trust and semi-distant to people I’ve just met.
My realm is= The Twilli
Before this I= I was born the son of an angel and a demon, unable to enter Heaven due to my half demon side I was also unable to enter hell due to my half angel side. I never see my parents unless they come to collect souls to take to heaven or hell. I long for a family to call my own but sadly I have no one to love… yet.
Character Name: Eigo Noguchi
Nicknames: Dark Illusion
Age: Unknown
Race Collector
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Soul Linker
Grouping: TeiKwanon
Abilities: Playing his violin he can suck out the souls of creatures and regenerate his wounds, increase his strength, or bring one of the dead back to life. He can also move through the different spirit realms.
Bio: Eigo was one of the first few collectors, but unlike most collectors he had no face only a mouth which he uses to suck in the souls of the dead. He wares a mask to cover his face. He walks through different spiritual realms to get to where he needs/wants to be.
User Name: Wolf of Windstorm
Nicknames: Dark Illusion
Age: Unknown
Race Collector
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Soul Linker
Grouping: TeiKwanon
Abilities: Playing his violin he can suck out the souls of creatures and regenerate his wounds, increase his strength, or bring one of the dead back to life. He can also move through the different spirit realms.
Bio: Eigo was one of the first few collectors, but unlike most collectors he had no face only a mouth which he uses to suck in the souls of the dead. He wares a mask to cover his face. He walks through different spiritual realms to get to where he needs/wants to be.

User Name: Wolf of Windstorm
I get my guidance from=Kumori Kontan
My Name is =Adrian Night
Originally I was a=Male
I've lived for= -Secret-
My Orientation is=Straight
I look like this at the moment...

My fighting experience is...= ...
I tend to act= I dont think thats important now.
I woke up as a=Girl
I dealt the card= Wolf of Windstorm
My Name is = Azelio Trevisan
My age is = 18
I am a = Boy
My racial Background is= Magic Demon
I am the Arcana named= The Magician
I am a= Card User
My Power is= Nightmare Magic
When I must fight, I use a= Magic Cards
My Orientation is= Bi
I look like this at the moment...=

I tend to act= Azelio is cool and relaxed, he doesn't take things to hard and he lets most things brush over him. All he wants to do is to do his magic to entertain people.
Before this I= Azelio's history is deeply rooted in Italy; he was born there the son of a Demon father and Human mother. His mother taught him magic when they were together which was often seeing as his father was only able to come back into reality every 5 years. When his father did return he learned how to use his demonic blood, his father would teach him how to manipulate nightmares using the magic his mom had taught him. After he turned 15 he left Italy and traveled to America; he lives in Las Vegas where he does magic for a living. When he turned 18 he found a card laying on the street, it was a tarrot card called "The Magician". It fit into his twisted sense of humor about him being a Magician and himself finding a card called 'The Magician'.
wahmbulance MASTER wahmbulance
My Name is....
Kyle Rose
I look...

My Age is....
I am a...
My breed is...
What Collars I'm looking for...
What Charms I'm looking for...
The Gem I want is...
The Anklet I want is...
What I'm like...
I'm very bold and cunning. I'm observent and caculating.
My Song is...
Master of the Puppets by Metallica
Oh, I Like...
These I could live without...
Foreign Beer
Excess Violence
I forgot to mention...
I was once a slave.
I have three powers:
Santa Teresa is an upper level wind element spell which he learned durring his travels with one of his first masters. It's a two part spell, the first part summons up a tornado and the second part soldifies the wind into needles wich rain down from the sky piercing the enemies skin and then turning back into wind.
Fornicaras is his other ability which allows him to use the shadow's as extra eyes giving him unlimited vision for unlimited amounts of distance, the down side to this ability is that he goes temperarly blind for thirty minutes after each use no matter how long he uses the ability.
Futtobas Tachikaze is his third ability which allows him to summon up large amounts of wind to create a spinning sheild around him which nocks away most projectiles, the down side to this effect is he cannot attack while inside the shield.
My Puppeteer is...
Wolf of Windstorm
Kyle Rose
I look...

My Age is....
I am a...
My breed is...
What Collars I'm looking for...
What Charms I'm looking for...
The Gem I want is...
The Anklet I want is...
What I'm like...
I'm very bold and cunning. I'm observent and caculating.
My Song is...
Master of the Puppets by Metallica
Oh, I Like...
These I could live without...
Foreign Beer
Excess Violence
I forgot to mention...
I was once a slave.
I have three powers:
Santa Teresa is an upper level wind element spell which he learned durring his travels with one of his first masters. It's a two part spell, the first part summons up a tornado and the second part soldifies the wind into needles wich rain down from the sky piercing the enemies skin and then turning back into wind.
Fornicaras is his other ability which allows him to use the shadow's as extra eyes giving him unlimited vision for unlimited amounts of distance, the down side to this ability is that he goes temperarly blind for thirty minutes after each use no matter how long he uses the ability.
Futtobas Tachikaze is his third ability which allows him to summon up large amounts of wind to create a spinning sheild around him which nocks away most projectiles, the down side to this effect is he cannot attack while inside the shield.
My Puppeteer is...
Wolf of Windstorm
My thoughts, their body= Wolf of Windstorm
My Name is =Shadow Song
Look, Im a= Warped
I've lived for= 18
lm also known as= The Mad Hatter
I use this to kill those monsters= Combat Knives, and Cane Sword
My Orientation is= Bi
They say a Picture is worth a thousand words....=

I tend to act= Insane.
Before this I= I was just the Denizen who broke, when I broke I went crazy, when I went crazy I came up to the surface and into the light. People arround me thought I was crazy and thought I was the Mad Hatter so I decided to become who everyone thought I was. I walk the streets with my crazy mind looking for the March Hair that people kept asking why it wasn't with him.
Other=(Extra Data on your character)
Name: Kienari Lunari
Age: 16
Rank: Genin
Village: Moon Village
Clan: Lunari

Username: Wolf of Windstorm
Gaia Avatar:
Username: Wolf of Windstorm
Gaia Avatar:

Name: Shane Wolfwing
Age: 25

Sex: Male
Personality: He's a very laid back person who enjoys working on cars.
Bio: Shane was born in North America in a small country town where he grew up helping his dad in his repair shop. When he was in school he slacked off alot but managed to gradguate while working at his dad's shop, a year after working with his dad he went to a special collage for auto repair which he passed with flying colors. After he had passed and gradguated he traveled to japan on a plain where he met the headmaster of the Academy. The two hit it off marvelously and the headmaster offered him a job which he accepted whole heartedly.
Job: Automotive I & Automotive II Teacher.
Likes/dislikes: Likes: Cars, Women, Teaching kids.
Dislikes: Slackers.
Love: None yet but still looking.