S a m u r a i F a l l e n's Text avie art information Price: 3000 gold (can negotiate)
Rules: 1. Follow Gaia's Rules 2. Nothing prophane, racist, sexist, e.t.c.
How to Order: You can request your current avie or a different of your choosing. You can even get one for your friend if you want.
Avie Text: Text inside the avie. You can choose your username or any other sayings/lyrics/poems e.t.c.
Username: The username next to the avie, you can choose it to be horizontal or vertical.
Avatar: Your current avie or a different of your choosing.
Extras: Choose a different font type for the username and e.t.c. If there is anything else extra you want, feel free to ask me.
Order Form:[b]Avie Text:[/b] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Avatar:[/b] [b]Extra:[/b]
PM your order form to me. Make sure the subject is "Avie Text Art Order".
Payment: Will send final image with watermark or when payment is received via trade. I will send final image then I will accept the trade. smile
Samples: http://wimg.co.uk/G9cHgs.png http://wimg.co.uk/aId7SW.png
Wait List: Currently Empty
S a m u r a i F a l l e n · Thu Apr 09, 2009 @ 03:06pm · 0 Comments |