Hey, today i know i can't write in my real journal. This is my way of makeing sure my parents do not read this one. I have to hide this for a few days, and i'm hoping in the next few day i will beable to delete this. I don't want my parents to find this one out. Today my mother has gone on another one of her yelling sprees. This means that when you try to talk to her, she sighs and then begins to yell at you. It worries me when she gets like this. it normaly means i'm going to do something that will piss her off and she will take it out on me. Well, never mind that she already attacked me today. I was in my room minding my own bussness when she busts threw my door yelling at me. This time it was about some feither i left on the floor a few days ago. i told her i would pick them up but she just flipped out telling me that i shouldn't have left them there in the first place, and that i'm just making her life harder because i never do what i'm suppose to. She makes its seem like i have to be a mind reader or something just to keep her happy, but even then i know it wouldn't help. *Come on mom, i left three feithers on the grown and you have to throw a tizzy fit.* Then my mother left but she came back holding a cord, telling me that i must have touched her phone charger, i don't need her charger when i have my own. Then she leave to go yell at everyone else in the house about her phone charger. Shortly after that she came back yelling at me again over a fan. A small black fan. telling me that no one else in the house touched it so i had to have taken it. and that i need to pay to replace it. I moned a little to complain, but she turned straight around and said that i need to be more respectful of her stuff. I just closed my door and started to ecnor her, but she just kept comeing back with something esle that was supposibly my falt. I told her taht i didn't touch anything for a long while. I've been bussy at work. Just resantly after that i was talking on my cell to a friend about my mom and that i needed to go over their house before i ended up loosing my own temper. But my mom was listening and started to yell at me some more. I of course losted my temper and told her to leave me alone, well, my exacted words were b***h i need some space so get out of mine. She gave me the dirtiest look and told me that i was nothing but a dirty bitchy whore, and she had the nerve to slap me after that. I was so pissed, i'm still pissed, but there's nothing i can do. its not like i can truely tell someone, and i don't want to be the one perosn in my family that split up my family. I'm worried that i won't beable to keep my temper anymore, there's not a lot that pisses me off, but today my mom pulled a few strings, and now i get to suffer for it.at least i had enough commen sence that when my mom hit me to not tell her what i was really feeling. otherwise i would be in the hospital for a broken face. *sighs* at least my family will never see this.Thanks for reading, see you later.