I am the kind of person that forgot where I hid my diary, and I was really good at hiding it from my brothers, so I never really got the experience of writing in it. If I forget to write, just nag me.
Community Member
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 @ 01:14pm
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 @ 12:31pm
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Community Member
Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 @ 11:52pm
14. may. 05
I am slightly upset.
The other day we got this assignment in social studies. It was made for us to start thinking for our selves, not just read the textbook and find answers. To make us consider the real life of our political situation, as we will be of age to vote this year.
Well, I`m not exactly fond of this teacher. So I took this assignment home and wrote three pages of groundbreaking cynicism and raw brutal irony. I made critical observations of the age old "Children of today are so spoil/ uncivilised/ respect less." I told of my political view, I even answered every question in the assignment to the best of my abilities!
When I handed the paper in I felt like I had done a good job. The paper was written with a catchy title, it had a gripping introduction; I made valid observations before a slap in the face conclusion of children should have more respect for their elders, and an even more brutal description of how this can be achieved.
I did all this work between midnight and one some nights before, I do my best work then,,, in fact, I do my only work then. (I`s now 00:36.)
The next week we got the papers back. In my case it was slapped on the desk before me, with an angry look from my teacher. I could deal with that, considering how I had moulded the whole paper to destroy that particular teachers perspective of the real world, I had expected it.
What I did not expect was the white cleanness of the paper sheets before me. They were untouched, unmarked, ungraded. Unvalued.
I asked why, and she said she would not grade my paper unless I deliver my answers clinically numbered. My whole assignment would not be accepted unless I cut it to pieces and butchered it to make it easier for her to read and grade with her numberings system.
Now, it should be no big feat of intelligence to understand, just from reading my assessment of the episode, that I kinda like writing.
You should know that I open my mind and pour out my every thought and feeling on the paper before me, and after you have done that and given it to a person you don`t actually feel to much warmth against,,, you feel even less warm fuzzyness after they throw your minds inner-workings back in your face.
I am slightly upset.
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 @ 11:45pm
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Community Member
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 @ 08:52pm
13 Dec. 2004
A waste of 15 perfectly good minuttes. Or: The God and Creation question. All energy is ether still or moving, and I believe it is an equal amount of energy in all objects, so the energy is just replaced with another type of energy when the object is affected by itself. At the least point of existence, lets say, the least point of moving energy, its because of the strain in space already, and the we have so much mass in one centre that this still energy takes the form of a black hole. This energy sucking hole is created by the lack of energy, and in its turn create energy, and maybe in more ways than the obvious ones.
Black holes travel the universe unaffected by gravity, and it may at any point following its own designated obit created by the flow in space it make by sucking in mass around itself, eat a star. Stars contain a lot of energy, and hold a lot of planets, when this field is broken a lot of new energy is let loos in the chaos.
Now to the fun part.
What if the hourglass theory is right? That a universe, that reached the end of its ability to expand, and began to implode. After reaching the ultimate ability of collected mass at one minimum centre of gravity the process was reversed, in the creating of a black hole. Black holes is as known also created in novas, and there is then the chance of different dimensions. In the hole the universe turns its mass inside out and as mass pass through it the expansion will continue from the energy created from the hole it was shot through.
Consider the possibility that the universe runs along like a string of pearls, creating and recreating from the energy of its on death.
So in conclusion, there is no need for God.
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 @ 11:57pm
Community Member