Margem's Random Thoughts/Notes |
I like jotting stuff down. It's not much, but it's something. :) |
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Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 @ 05:53pm
Replacement for zOMG
Hello dear friends! zOMG has been taken down here on Gaia and they haven't said anything about reviving it or doing a 'mach 2' version. So I went and found a different site to play on. It isn't the same as zOMG (what could ever match zOMG perfectly aside zOMG?), but it is alright. The game is called Crystal Saga. It is a browser game for free. It is located at http://crystalsaga.aeriagames.com/ . You may need to go to aeriagames.com first to get into the site, but go to their browser games and find Crystal Saga. You can chose from PVP or PVE. I chose PVE. Your type can be Priest, Mage, Ranger, Rogue, or Knight. My main account is a Ranger. Each type has their own skills that you can learn, which are your attacks, and their own items to boost the stats (like defense, attack, dodge, etc.). Summons? In zOMG they are Pets, and they fight by your side. So far, I have a Bear Cub pet and a Baby Vulture pet. biggrin Game appearance? Well, I'll just let you see in this video. biggrin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbcyKDMMJEQAnyways, feel free to message me on Gaiaonline to figure out when I'm online, if you want a friend. Otherwise, I'm there (Usually on S4 as the Ranger named Margem). If you want to add me on Crystal Saga, go to friends and type in (S4)Margem . biggrin
Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 @ 04:56pm
zOMG - clarifications about the game leaving
Fri. Nov. 7, 2014 4:57 pm NPC Gaian Staff Hey Gaians, We want to take a moment to address the issue of zOMG! being shut down, and to give more details about why we are unable to bring zOMG! back. We understand that people have been upset by this news, particularly those Gaians who have been loyal zOMG! players. We'd to take a moment to address several of the major concerns and comments about zOMG! closing that we've seen expressed in the forums: a) With regards to our previous announcements, in which we said "don't worry: zOMG! will be up and running as soon as it's patched up!", we want you to know that when we made these statements, we did honestly believe we would be able to bring the game back after fixes were made. It was never our intent to NOT bring the game back. The decision to leave zOMG! down was only made after learning about serious problems with the game's code. We do want to apologize to you, however, for the way we worded our messages. We should not have said the game was definitely coming back even if this is what we believed when we made those statements. It was never our intent to be misleading about the state of zOMG!, and we understand why this is upsetting for you. We are sorry, truly, for any frustration this has caused. B) Regarding the reason zOMG! cannot be brought back, there has been a lot of speculation on the reason for our decision. Frankly, the truth of the matter is that during an investigation into issues with zOMG!, it was discovered that zOMG! had a serious flaw in the code. Basically, there was a security exploit in the game that, had it been abused (and thankfully it wasn't!), would have allowed people not only access to zOMG!, but to our site's servers and ultimately, to all your accounts. Knowing this was the case, we couldn't, in good faith, continue to allow zOMG! to remain up and running. We even had one of the fabulous former zOMG! devs look into the issue to see how long it might take to fix this exploit, but a concrete estimate was impossible to make given the sheer volume of code. Ultimately, we decided to leave zOMG! shut down because the security of your accounts and our servers is priority. C) Finally, we would like to say that closing zOMG! had nothing to do with money, or whether or not zOMG! was making a profit. Frankly, zOMG! hasn't made an overall profit for a while now. We've left zOMG! up and running because we love zOMG!, and more importantly, because we know that YOU love zOMG!. Closing zOMG! was actually a very difficult and sad decision for us, especially for those staff members who saw the game from its inception, to launch, and beyond. At the end of the day, however, the safety concerns over the exploit had to prevail. We hope this provides you with more details on why the decision to shut down zOMG! was made. Again, thank you to all the players who have supported zOMG! over the years - we hope that you'll carry forward fond memories of the friendships you made with other players in game.
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Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 @ 03:17am
zOMG no more
It is official - zOMG is no more. Here is the admin announcement that zOMG will not return and Nicolae's thread asking for responses. Following that, my comment and one comment that I like (and want to keep). Thursday Nov. 06, 2014 1:28 pm admin As many of you know we shut down zOMG! to perform critical repairs to the game servers. Particularly we were addressing some critical vulnerabilities in the server infrastructure. We could not give a specific repair completion date because the extent of what systems the repairs would make to the game were unknown. Sadly, the changes needed were extensive and due to both hardware and Engineering limitations we had to make the tough call not to proceed. This means our beloved zOMG! MMO will not be making a triumphant return. We will have an update for you next Wednesday regarding recipes, your existing rings, and other zOMG exclusive elements. To all of our loyal zOMG'ers, we wish to thank you for years of loyal support. Over the next couple weeks we will be holding various contests to help commemorate and celebrate your favorite moments in the game. In fact, we have our first one starting, just check it out below! zOMG! was an exciting journey into a whole new world of fun and excitement. [NPC] Nicolae Hey, psst, hey, Want in on a secret? I'm hosting a contest in memory of zOMG. I want everyone to share their fondest memory of zOMG. Tell me what your best moment in zOMG was, something that you loved, a boss you beat, anything. Here's another secret, I'm going to make it really easy for you to enter. Just post with the following: Quote: *Username *Your best memory of zOMG I'll be taking your submissions up until Sunday, November 16, 2014 11:59pm PST. I managed to procure a prize pack for the winners consisting of: Parcel Post zOMSoundtrack Earphones Kamila's Blood Scarf Kamila's Blood Sword Kamila's Vamp Top Kamila's Vamp Belt Kamila's Vamp Jacket Kamila's Blood Magic Kamila Essence Other winners will receive: zOMSoundtrack Earphones Kamila's Vamp Top Kamila's Vamp Belt Kamila's Vamp Jacket Kamila's Blood Magic Kamila Essence So get to sharing your memories! Margem *Username: Margem *Your best memory of zOMG:I started playing zOMG back in the beginning of the zOMG era. However, I only got up to Bass'ken Lake before I had to step up to real-life responsibilities. This past summer, I decided to come back to Gaia and jumped back into zOMG. I had to start from scratch - different account on Gaia and the accounts could not exchange the bound rings (or orbs). As I re-learned how to play zOMG, I met some amazing people on the server. Typically I like to keep to myself to play games but zOMG had people that I was excited to connect with - Scobre, car12aniime, and a few others. This summer, I had anger issues at work (road rage) which I could not take out at work without losing my job. I drove home after work and played zOMG to relieve the tension. Batting around wolves (outlaw pups) and gnomes and anchorbugs and predator prairies dogs - a GREAT way to get rid of anger issues. Even if I was taken down by the Animated, I smiled, went to the Null, and exclaimed that I would not be put down permanently! I would rise up and take them on again. I am sad to see zOMG go. I understand that the creation and maintenance of such a "free" multi-media game is difficult but I will miss taking out frustration on the Animated and teaming up with my friends. shade904 So let me get this straight. Due to the fact that you no longer have anyone left who knows how to fix zOMG! and the people who did got moved you have come to the conclusion that it would be in the best interests of Gaia Online to shut down zOMG! entirely? On face value zOMG! does not generate enough income to pay for proper maintenance as you have stated. However zOMG! also generates a Ghost Income. Yes, a Ghost Income. A large portion of Galians not only like to by the power-ups for zOMG! but like to look cool when they play it. So what do they do? They go and spend more money to look cool on zOMG! because everywhere else, in the loner's option, is irrelevant. Since they only buy the cool items to look cool on zOMG! and not elsewhere this creates an Income that is unable to be monitored. A Ghost Income if you will. Since the removal of zOMG! includes the removal of said Ghost Income, Gaia Online losses profits all around. Gaia Online is already dyeing slowly. The death of zOMG! will cause countless Galians to leave and never come back causing profits to plummet. I am speaking in terms of money as it is a required factor in keeping Gaia Online on the internet and enjoyable to the public as the profits are used for such things. Get the guys back from Gaia Social and give us something we can REALLY enjoy.
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 @ 06:15am
The Screaming Pen - The Written Word RP subforum
The Screaming Pen Margem's Profile .: Behind The Screen :.Username: Margem Nickname: Marge; R Occupation: IRL: Sales woman; online: wanderer Country: IRL: USA; online: wanderer Gender: Female .: Pixels :.Games: Fishing, Slots, Cards Forum: Aquarium or in Guilds Personality: quiet, cranky with people who use solely chatspeak and who don't know the difference in grammar/spelling, cool once ya get to know me whee Fave Item: wigs and skin! There's just something about changing your hair and skin without paying extra every time that is awesome. Least Fave Item: ...the price of all of the items... aside that.. I'd have to say... hats that mess up my hair and make the strands fly out without connections to the head. .: Quirks :.Minor Pet Peeves: myself forgetting that people on the Internet (no matter the age) can be sassy and downright rude; people using "too" when they mean "to" or "two" >.> Major Pet Peeves: friends not contacting me for months on end (when I expect them to call back after a week) and then not having an excuse for why they were seemingly ignoring me; myself cutting my self down emotionally when I don't hear from a friend; cutting my self down for anything; my sibling holding back her opinion because she says that I'm angry when I'm not angry at the moment (though I'll get angry if she keeps holding it back) Fave Colours: Blues - sky blue, baby blue, midnight blue; Teal Fave Animal: I like the armadillo because it's just so adorable, though armored. I like other animals too, though. xp I say "Random", you say: thought / idea Hobbies: Photography; story writing; role playing; reading books; drawing/coloring; sleeping; sitting in the dark; watching animes .: The Screaming Pen :.Usual Drink (Alcoholic): Fuzzy Naval; Junebug (from TGIF's) Usual Drink (Non-alcoholic): Sparkling Peach Juice; Green Tea with Citrus; Water; Milk Favorite Seat: I don't have a favorite seat yet but the couches look nice. smile
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Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 @ 05:14am
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 @ 06:06am
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Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 @ 07:37pm
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 @ 10:06pm
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Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 @ 03:07am